Last Updated: 17 Nov 2014 07:15 by ADMIN
When you set, for example, DisplayDateStart to 1/1/2011, DisplayDateEnd to 1/1/2012 and DateSelectionMode to Year, the RadDateTimePicker displays 2010 too. You can interact with the years within the range but not with the additional one. The way to avoid this activity is to set DisplayDateStart to 2/1/2011 (according to the given example) but the day corresponding to the 1/1/2011 will not be included.
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2016 13:14 by ADMIN
This is an issue with both a binding and a hard-set value
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
RadDateTimePicker ControlTemplate: PopupPlacementTarget in RadDropDownButton is not respected when FlowDirection of RadDateTimePicker is RTL. PopupWrapper issue.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
RadDateTimePicker cannot parse datetime string when Windows date format is set to "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)".
Last Updated: 14 Jul 2015 06:12 by ADMIN
If the InputMode of the DateTimePicker is set to TimePicker the DateTimeWatermarkContent states €œEnter Date€ and it should state €œEnter Time€.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
For example if you have 12:00 selected and input 15:03 in the WatermarkTextbox- 12:00 item of the Clock is still selected
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 10:10 by Petar
Associated AutomationProperties.Name is read twice by JAWS.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 21:06 by ADMIN
When StartTime = EndTime all hours are visable (12 am - 11pm)
Select EndTime in one hour interval from StartTime (10:00 - >10:01). In this situation only 10:00 will be visible
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:48 by ADMIN
When FlowDirection is RTL, navigating in Calendar and Clock is inverted- pressing left arrow moves the selection to the right and vice versa.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 07:21 by Benny
When set DateSelectionMode="Month" and SelectionMode="CenturyView", the calendar in the dropdown starts from YearView instead of CenturyView
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2016 12:02 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 25 May 2018 15:09 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2019 08:19 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019 SP1
As suggested in the orginal support ticket 1430154 I'm opening a separate bug reprot for the RadDateTimePicker.

Visual Studio 2019 solution to reproduce the problem is attached to the bug report.
Last Updated: 15 Dec 2019 11:48 by ADMIN

When the control is declared in XAML, and we place the caret somewhere on the control the VS designer is open, and the dropdown is open.

Last Updated: 02 Feb 2022 12:25 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.207 (7 Feb 2022)
A silent error is printed in the Output pane of Visual Studio at application startup. The error doesn't cause any issues with the control. The application starts normally and the RadDateTimePicker control works as expected.

The error message is the following:
System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'ElementName=TodayButtonBorder'. BindingExpression:Path=CornerRadius; DataItem=null; target element is 'RadButton' (Name='TodayButton'); target property is 'CornerRadius' (type 'CornerRadius')

Last Updated: 14 Apr 2015 15:12 by ADMIN
This is the error: This feature requires service 'Microsoft.Windows.Design.Services.ValueTranslationService' to be present, but it could not be located.

Last Updated: 27 Oct 2015 07:10 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2015.3.1026, it will be also available in the 2015 Q3 SP.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2016 15:05 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2016.3.1017, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 SP1 release. 
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