Last Updated: 19 Apr 2024 07:14 by ADMIN
RadMap control has an interesting feature in which, while zooming in, if no data is available for a zoom level, the last available image of a lower zoom level is used (scaled up to match the geographical bounds of the image). It would be really useful if the feature was available also while zooming out, allowing users to not have to have data for all zoom levels when using a custom offline provider.
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024 08:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Richard
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

It is possible for a user to type a value into a RadNumericUpDown control that is greater than the maximum (or smaller than the minimum).

If the control loses focus the value reverts to the maximum value, but in my use case the user will be clicking the OK button on a Window, and this happens while the NumericUpDown still displays the out of range value that was typed. In other words the user doesn't realise that their value was silently rejected behind the scenes.

To solve this I had to raise a support request with you guys, which meant waiting until the next day for a resolution. This cost me time and it also added to your workload.

Whereas if the control had the option to limit the user input to the bounds of minimum and maximum it would have saved me about half a days work to raise a support request and write my own solution to the problem.

I see this has been raised a couple of times in the forums:




And the consensus seems to be that it is "By Design".

Please can you re-consider changing this as it is these small niggles that often cost us the most time when developing with 3rd party controls.


Last Updated: 10 Jan 2024 09:13 by Stenly
Created by: Stenly
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Bug Report
Currently, the German language is missing correct translations for some of the resource keys.
Last Updated: 09 Jan 2024 10:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Tobias
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

Use Case

our users have the possibility to save and load their own RadGridView filter settings.

One user want to get all entries where the value of the property \ column "CreateionDateUtc" is older than 90 days.



Currently you can only configure Is Less Than "Fixed Date". That means you have to change the "Fixed Date" every day to get the required result.

Is there a possibility to add a filter to the DateTime Column for example Less than 90 Days?


Possible Solution

Possibility to add a Time Difference Filter

- Base (Datetime.Now, Datetime.UtcNow,.....)

- Unit (second, minutes, day, month, years,....)

- Count

Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 11:54 by Stenly

We can add a new control similar to the ToolbarForm control from the Telerik UI for WinForms:

Overview - RadToolbarForm - Telerik UI for WinForms

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2023 12:52 by Martin Ivanov
Add the full .NET Framework packages (like Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.45.Xaml) in the Telerik online feed (https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json).
Last Updated: 15 May 2024 13:18 by ADMIN


I would like to report that Z-index have unexpected values when RadDiagramContainerShape are used.

Please watch video first, my remarks points to the video attached to the ticket.

1. Currently there is a possibility that Container A can be hidden by Container B and this is fine.(~11sec of movie)

2. However then i will add Container C to Container A and then drag Container B to overlaps Container A it overlaps only Container A and does not overlaps Container C which for end-user could be very confusing, why Container C is visible at that time.(~20-30 sec of movie)

The problem gets more complicated when i drop Container B to overlaps Container A but without adding Container B as a child of Container A.

In that way it looks that children of Container A are children of Container B

3. When i will add new container "Header" to Container B and then overlaps Container A and Container C then its even more mixed up(~ 30-50 sec of movie)

4. When i will add new container "Header" to Container A and Z-index are somehow refreshed and then in magic way Container_C now overlaps "Header" container from Container B(~58sec of movie)

I would expect:

Fix calculation of Z-index in that way if Container B overlaps Container A it means it overlaps as well it's children. Currently you have flat hierarchy of VMI containers which leads to such Z-index issues. 


Expose possibility to override your internal methods which calculates the Z-index.

Last Updated: 15 May 2024 13:14 by ADMIN


I would like to report that automatic generate of connection point for Bezier connection is wrongly generated when link is attached to Gliding Connector.

Connection point is generated at the position where link is attached to shape. I think for such use-case you should generate connection point taking into account angle of link in relate to shape and generate connection point a bit moved. When connection point is generated at attach position it makes that the "arrow" of link have wrong angle.

I'm attaching video and your sample solution with my modifications to easier reproduction.

Best regards,


Last Updated: 26 Sep 2023 12:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Bill
Comments: 3
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

I just completed an evaluation of the RadPdfProcessing library for our medical practices. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to use this library for our application. We need to be able to annotate patient visit reports when visit notes require amendments or when we appeal billing decisions. We do this frequently and we need a way to automate this tedious and time consuming process. While the vision for the RadPdfViewer (ref. Unifying the Power of PdfViewer & PdfProcessing: Edit a PDF with our Newest Secret (6/12/2020)) was promising, there are still some issues for us. Following is a list of areas where we would like to see improvements:

1. We need the ability to add notes (like when editing is enabled in the AddDocumentContent_WPF sample application). But also be able to control font, font size, bolding, underlining, and highlighting and text color. Also we need to be able to go back and edit text and text formatting after new text is added and the text editing window closes. This is not yet possible. Ideally, this text also needs to allow multiple text fragments (Run's) where each text fragment can have its own formatting (bolding, color, etc.).


2. Each note needs to be in an optional bubble or box with an optional line or arrow to the highlighted (or strike-through) text in the original document. It would also be helpful if the bubble could be reshaped and moved to a more optimum location while maintaining the connecting line to the associated highlighted text. Automatically positioning the bubble when it is first created in adjacent white space is also desired.


3. We need the ability to highlight, do strike-through and/or enclose text in a colored oval or rectangle in the original pdf without impacting pagination of the original document. 

4. We would like the above functionality to be implemented via a right click context menu for selected text in the original document. A command like "strike-through text and open note would be ideal". 


5. If possible we also would like to pre-edit a pdf file as a RadFixedDocument and perform some or all of the above operations before the document is displayed in the RadPdfViewer. To do this we will need to be able to search for text in a given location in the pdf, select that text and then perform the desired operations (described above in 3. and 4.). This is needed for a majority of the changes that we need to make, that is, in sections of the document that we know from experience always require the same annotations. We see this functionality being integrated with AI enabled processes that are able to find and prepare billing appeals and assist with patient record amendments.

Respectfully, Bill Goforth, Professional Imaging LLC, Medical Systems Development, 360-528-1844

Last Updated: 05 Sep 2023 12:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Bug Report
 CircularArrowShape has wrong geometry
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 11:11 by Richard
Created by: Martin Ivanov
Comments: 3
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

Telerik assemblies needs to be rebuild with a specific key in some redistribution scenarios, so that the assemblies can be bound only to a single WPF application. This is described in the following article: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/licensing/protecting-telerik-assembly

Currently, to protect the dlls you need to rebuild the entire source code of Telerik UI for WPF. Sometimes this is not very convenient and it is prompt to errors because several steps should be followed and also few prerequisites should be met.

Consider providing a new mechanism to protect the Telerik assemblies, which is more convenient and gives better protection. 

Last Updated: 09 Jun 2023 13:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Dennis
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

We are looking for a feature to group Tabs in the TabbedWindow similar to the way modern browser handle this.

Hold down the Ctrl key and click each tab to select multiple tabs

Select multiple tabs.

Trigger method "AddTabsToGroup"

Have different Styling (colors) for each Group. be able to name groups in code and display group name

Give the group a name and color.

Remove Groups in Code



Last Updated: 30 May 2023 08:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Dennis
Comments: 3
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

Since we are working with large TreeViews users some times get confused about the current parent of an Element.

It would be useful if the parents of on element would sticky to the top of the control. 

Similar to functionatlity of the Sticky Group Headers for the RadGridView or the newly introduced Sticky scroll in Visual Studio



Last Updated: 18 May 2023 12:43 by Matej Stare

If a formula contains a named range as an argument, its value may not get updated properly in the following scenario:

In the formula: =SUMIF(A1:A4, 3, ColumnC), ColumnC is a named range refering to C1:C4. Range A1:A4 contains the values 3, 2, 2, 3, which will avoid a circular reference. The formula is entered twice, in C2 and C3. Note that these cells are part of the range ColumnC refers to. When you refresh the formula in C3 (enter edit mode, then press enter), it will calculate correctly, but the formula in C2 will be recalculated to an error. If you refresh the formula in C2, the formula in C3 will be evaluated to an error.

Last Updated: 18 May 2023 12:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Yoan
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 10 May 2023 11:36 by ADMIN

I use RadWindow as the main window for my application (primarily because I want to embed a menu in the title bar).  This works well except our users have reported a bug where they are unable to use hotkeys following activating the application from the TaskBar.

A typical scenario:

* minimise the application using the minimise button

* some time later, activate the app by clicking on the TaskBar icon

* Press CTRL+N hotkey combination which should execute a command

I have created a sample application that shows two windows: a regular Window and a RadWindow.  They both contain input bindings for the Ctrl+N combination.  When the regular window is activated from the taskbar, the input bindings work, but when the same sequence of events is performed on the RadWindow the input bindings do not work.  Clicking between the windows does work - it seems the problem is only related to application activation.

On a related note, both windows contain a TextBox control.  If text is highlighted in the regular window, the highlighted text is maintained and redisplayed when the window is activated.  This does not work for the RadWindow.  As it relates to keyboard focus, I wonder if the problem is related.

Last Updated: 14 Apr 2023 13:09 by Stenly
Created by: Stenly
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Add Sankey Diagram Control component.
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2023 12:45 by ADMIN

Hi there,

If you want to change the hover colour of the RadHyperlinkButton font, you currently need to create a copy of the control template and override the styles that you want to change.

It would be much easier for developers if the hover font properties could be surfaced into the VS property editor so we can simply select a colour, font weight etc...

Last Updated: 10 Mar 2023 15:53 by ADMIN

I have created this timeline control out of a combination of different controls.  But I get asked for this same kind of setup from different companies for different reason. I have created this control using your TreeListView to show the headers in the hierarcy while for Layer Num items, there is a list to the right which holds a list of MediaItem objects.  It works but not very efficient and is missing much key functionality. And I thought because you already have controls that are similar, it wouldn't be a huge reach for you to make on like this.

So there could be two modes for this.  The editing mode where the user is dragging/dropping media items on each layer item, rearranging, setting the length of media, etc.  They could then hit PLAY like a Movie Maker and see a preview on a different control of what is being played.  Once this is saved, it could be used in another way.

So in the readonly mode, all the items would be feed in as a hierarchtial collection.  It would decribe how many levels there are and the names and order of the items.  And then it would also have all the MediaItems related to each Layer Num.  And then it would constantly be fed what the current time is related to this batch of items playing.  The user doesn't hit PLAY in this mode but rather just sees a read only version of what is being played and watch the line goes across.

I think this would be a very welcomed control to your lineup.   Because anyone who wants to make a media editing program, audio editing program, and even showing a schedule for items that happens every 30 seconds in different locations while getting a constant status of the current time would find this  invaluable.


Last Updated: 13 Mar 2023 14:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Please can we have a TaskBarButton for WPF (currently only on WinForms)
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