Load-On-Demand self-reference hierarchy provider
Enable the ability to MERGE seperate rows (different records), like found in ITunes "Songs" mode where is shows the artwork (then artist,release undernearth) in a custom class, then the related song rows to the right. Your competitor Dev Express has it already in place. See youtube video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfPXwE7GcXs Cheers
There is a small grey row around the titlebar, above the text. Also, two gray pixels above the title bar. See picture:
I have implemented the ListDataValidationRule code to add a dropdownlist to the spreadsheet. Based on the code I can find and the searching I have conducted, it seems to be correct, however the dropdown does not appear in the control.
The dropdown list does appear in Excel when I export the file.
Dim Context As ListDataValidationRuleContext = New ListDataValidationRuleContext(CurrentWorksheet, CurrentCellIndex)
Currently, VisualStudio2012DarkTheme has a white background in order to be able to read the labels. This change was done when addressing this item:
However, it is inconsistent a dark theme to have a white background color. The design should be improved to achieve consistent look and feel.
When Excel-like filtering is enabled and the user selects an item from the "Available Filters" drop down menu, a CompositeFilterForm is shown.
RadVirtualGrid is created to support a million records or more. Still it contains some "heavy" operations like CopySelection/CutSelection/Paste which can take a long time.
I would like to intercept these methods so I can show a "Please wait"-window during the operation. Furthermore I have the need to set a flag to true when such a operation is executing.
Currently, after installing Visual Studio 2022 and Telerik UI for WinForms suite on a Windows 11 Arm I cannot see any extension installed on Extension menu:
Implement support for content controls (a.k.a. Structured document tags), which will allow inserting editing controls in the document: - Rich Text - Plain Text - Check Box - Combo Box - Drop-down list - Date picker
What I would like is to be able to export to a named sheet and keep the other sheets in file. For example:
"Sheet 1" (with new values), "Sheet2" (with old values)
Using your current naming convention, the Option might be named FileExportMode.CreateOrOverrideSheet
This functionality will decrease the size of the exported document.
When the columns are auto-generated, the way to modify the columns is to use the Columns collection. We could expose an event that will be called when the columns are auto-generating. From the event arguments, we could get the newly created column and replace with if needed or modify it. Similar to the CreateRow event of the control.
We work with a RadGridView with 145000 rows and 4 columns. We use copy-paste to move data around from other apps and the application with build with Telerik.
When we copy a flat file (with tabs delimited fields) and we paste it to the RadGridView, the whole process is painfully slow. The function to retrieve the data from the clipboard takes minutes (maybe hours, I cancelled it). It tracked the cause down to the StringTokenizer class. The tokenizer splits the string up into separate fields. But after extracting a field it creates a new copy of that string (containing about 10MB of data) minus the field. I patched it (with HarmonyX) and now it takes only one second:
static class StringTokenizerPerformancePatch
static private readonly InstanceFieldAccessor<StringTokenizer, LinkedList<string>> _tokens = new InstanceFieldAccessor< StringTokenizer, LinkedList<string>>("tokens");
static private readonly InstanceFieldAccessor<StringTokenizer, string> _sourceString = new InstanceFieldAccessor<StringTokenizer, string>("sourceString");
static private readonly InstanceFieldAccessor< StringTokenizer, string> _delimiter = new InstanceFieldAccessor<StringTokenizer, string>("delimiter");
static private readonly InstanceFieldAccessor< StringTokenizer, IEnumerator<string>> _enumerator = new InstanceFieldAccessor<StringTokenizer, IEnumerator<string>>("enumerator");
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StringTokenizer), "Tokenize")]
static bool Prefix(StringTokenizer __instance)
var tokens = _tokens.GetValue(__instance);
var sourceString = _sourceString.GetValue(__instance);
var delimiter = _delimiter.GetValue(__instance);
Tokenize(tokens, sourceString, delimiter);
_enumerator.SetValue(__instance, tokens.GetEnumerator());
static private void Tokenize(LinkedList<string> tokens, string text, string delimiter)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
int index = 0;
var index2 = text.IndexOf(delimiter, index, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (index2 < 0)
string token = text.Substring(index, index2 - index);
index = index2 + delimiter.Length;
Please update your tokanizer to increase performance. While you are at it: