RadPageView does not show the individual tabs close buttons when they are enabled in the form constructor.
Currently it is not possible to scroll to the active page when expanding or selecting it in explorer view.
To reproduce: Add a page to RadPageView with ViewMode set to ExplorerBar. Add controls so that the scrollbar appears.Set AutoScroll to true. Now if you tab through the controls you will see visual glitches and incorrect behavior.
Additionally, using the EnsureItemVisible of the ViewElement in Form.Load or Form.Shown does not bring the item into view also. To reproduce: 1. Create a form with page view (size 250,250). 2. Add 10 pages and keep the last one selected 3. On Form.Load or Form.Shown set the selected page to the first page => the page is selected but the last tab is visible instead of the first one.
1. Add RadPageView to a form 2. In the code behind, after InitializeComponent set the ViewMode to ExplorerBar 3. Subscribe to the ItemCreating event of the control 4. Create three RadPageViewPages and add them to the control 5. Run the application
1. Create a new project with RadPageView. 2. Add two buttons. 3. On first button click add 100 pages. 4. On second button click remove these pages by calling the Clear method of the Pages collection. 5. Run the project and press these buttons several times.
If you have a RadPageView in Strip mode with the DropDown button for the overflow menu and you double-click that button, you get a menu which lists the PageView items twice.
One can't set the image scaling of the pages' tabs. For example if you have a big image and you want to scale it down to a size of 10x10, you will not be able to do so.
One is not able to change the size of the buttons in the buttons panel of RadPageViewPage item. As a result you can get only square buttons.
When you try to programmatically select a page in the Form_Load of the Form that holds RadPageView, the page becomes selected, but the content that is shown for the page is not correct.