There is no style applied to the RadTreeView drag&drop indicator.
1. Create a new project and add RadDropDownList. 2. Change the application theme to be Windows 8. 3. Dock the drop down list to bottom of your form. 4. Run the project and maximize the form.
1. Create a new project with RadChartView. 2. Add a Cartesian chart with a large number of points (10000 for example). 3. Set animations for every point. 4. Run the project - it will crash.
When maximizing child form in MDI container form with Windows8theme applied, the theming of the MDI buttons would be missing.
This way the users will be able to use the customization abilities of RadTextBoxControl in all the editors
Presently we only have the white TelerikMetroTouch theme.
would make much more sense natively within the Telerik control(s) that support html-like formatting / framework in a future version (e.g. a .PlainText property or .GetPlainText() property next to the .Text property).
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it. 2. Set the DisableHtmlFormatting property for a column to false. 3. Handle the CellFormatting event and use the Text property to change the cell font. For example: e.CellElement.Text = "<html><b>AASA:</b><size=15><font='Comic Sans MS'><color=green>qwert qwertwe"; 4. Run the project and check the cell font.
When user enter into a child record in a heiarchy RadGridView Jaws reads DBNull. When user go back, the proper field is read.
There is no style applied to the property grid item when one sets the error message.
The help button of RadRibonBar has incorrect back color and border color. The expand/collapse ribbon bar button has its images reversed. When the ribbon is expanded the arrow points down and when it is collapsed it points up which is the opposite to what it should be.
The restore button of RadForm has the following inconsistent styles: Office2010Silver - The image is identical for the maximize and restore states Office2010Black - The back color of the button is wrong when the form is started maximized.
The RadSplitButtonElements are rendered with the default color from the theme not with the ribbon color (like the RadDropDownButton)
Add a control that appears from the form edge with animation and covers other controls.
RadPrintSettingsDialog should supports metrics in cm, not only in inches
Steps to reproduce: 1) Add RadDropDownButton control 2) Load Office2010Black theme 3) Define specific System.Drawing.Font: Font font = new Font("Arial", 12.00f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic); 4) Create RadMenuItem: RadMenuItem myRadMenuItem = new RadMenuItem(); myRadMenuItem.Text = "My New Item"; myRadMenuItem.Font = font; radDropDownButton1.Items.Add(myRadMenuItem); Expected result: change the font of the RadMenuItem Actual result: nothing happens WORKAROUND: 1) Open Visual Style Builder and load the Office2010Black theme 2) In the Controls Structure pane navigate to RadMenu - DropDown>> RadMenuItem and select the RadMenuItemTextPrimitive item from the Elements Pane. 3) Remove FontSegoeUI8pt and ForeColorBlack repository items 4) Select the RadMenuItem item from the Elements Pane and add FontSegoeUI8pt and ForeColorBlack repository items 5) Save the theme and load it in your application
The InitialDelay property of ToolTips does not work Work Around: ToolTip tooltip = new ToolTip(); tooltip.InitialDelay = 1000; tooltip.Hide(this.radListView1); this.tooltip.Show(DateTime.Now.ToString(), this.radListView1);
An image representing row error should be added to the theme
You cannot apply font changes into the Header of the RadGroupBox at design time. At design time you can apply changes to font of RadGroupBox, but the themes are applying their font changes to RadGroupBoxElement and override the font changes of RadGroupBox. Workaround: this.radGroupBox1.GroupBoxElement.Header.TextPrimitive.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
Setting the ForeColor of root menu item is not taken into consideration. WORKAROUND: ((TextPrimitive)radMenuItem1.Layout.TextPanel.Children[0]).ForeColor = Color.Red;