Allow customizations of the height of RadSchedulers header in timeline view.
Add functionality to customize timeline view header height
Settings properties in Appointments/Resource Mapping dialogs to None, does not affect design time
Add scroll bar to the all day area in the Day/Week/WorkWeek views
Wrong calculated scroll bar in the timeline view.
Implement a Gantt view in Scheduler We choose another approach for this and we implemented a whole new RadGanttView control instead. Of course it can be paired up with RadScheduler. Here is the product page:
Add vertical scroll bar to the month cell
AppointmentMouseDown is not raised in Timeline view
Wrong layout behavior when the datasource is changed
BindingSource does not set the correct possition in the binding list and always fires the ListChanged event with an index of 0. CLOSED: RadScheduler is not a list-editing control and does not support currency management.
Functionality to add an exception to the first date of an appointment
Add functionality for localization of the error provider in EditAppointmentDialog
Wrong layout behavior when you create neighborhood appointments.
Add functionality to customize statuses and backgrounds.
AppointmentFormatting event is not fired when RadScheduler is in TimelineView.
Add StatusId property to AppointmentElement class for formatting purposes.
Html rendered text is not clipped correctly in the visual appointment's bounds.
Possibility to group all appointments by their assigned resources in TimelineView
TimelineView appointments representation