With the RadMaskedEditBox and MaskType set to Numeric and using simple data binding the mask is not being displayed properly As a workaround handle ValueChanged event and apply the formatting in this event: dim alreadyExecuted as Boolean Sub ValueChange(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EditBoxWithBinding.ValueChanged If Not alreadyExecuted Then alreadyExecuted = True EditBoxWithBinding.MaskedEditBoxElement.Provider.Validate(EditBoxWithBinding.Value.ToString()) alreadyExecuted = False End If End Sub
If I set a RadSpinEditor.Hexadecimal to true, then false without reading the value, the value will steadily increase. Workaround: public class MySpinEditor : RadSpinEditor { public new bool Hexadecimal { get
For example: name.o'name@mail.com is not valid. Workaround: Use a Regex MaskType with following mask: ^['_a-z0-9-]+(.['a-z0-9-]+)@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$
Steps to reproduce: 1. Set a Standard Mask on the RadMaskedEditBox and a space a PromptChar. 2. Type some text in the RadMaskedEditBox. 3. Press the "Home" key to move the cursor at the beginning of the RadMaskedEditBox. 4. Then press the spacebar. 5. You should see the first character gets deleted but instead of leaving a space in the first position in the RadMaskedEditBox, the second character is moved in the first position and the cursor is on the second position. If you press the spacebar again the space is entered in the RadMaskedEditBox and the cursor potition is ok.
The RadMaskedEditBox wil throw an exception if set the custom culture with empty CurrencySymbol and MaskType is set to Numeric. Workaround: Set the CurrencySimbol to space char: cultureInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = " " this.radMaskedEditBox1.Culture = cultureInfo
Use the TextChanged event instead
If assign a value using a percent mask the value isn't displayed as it should - assign a value of 0.08 I expect the control to display "8.00 %", instead it displays "0.08 %"
RadMaskedEditBox - At design time the NullText is not synchronized with the NullDate property. I was able to Set NullText to "aaa", set the NullDate to 24/02/2012 and set the Value and 24/02/2012 and see after that the NullText
if user sets the RadDateTimePicker.Checked property to False in the Form load, the editor appears as enabled and user is allowed to make changes.
Steps to reproduce: radDateTimePicker1.Value = DateTime.Today; radDateTimePicker1.SetToNullValue(); radDateTimePicker1.Value = DateTime.Today;
Visual Style Builder is unable to start on computer with Italian regional settings.
RadTimePicker - unable to localize Close button Text using Localization Provider
RadDateTimePicker ValueChanging event cannot be canceled with e.Cancel = true;
To reproduce: - Add RadDateTimePicker to a form and set its ReadOnly property to true. - Paste a valid value using the Ctrl+V key combination. Workaround: - Disable the corresponding key combination in the KeyDown event: void radDateTimePicker1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V) { e.SuppressKeyPress = true; } }
To reproduce: -add RadDateTimePicker and apply Windows7 theme -enable calendar footer -when opening the drop down calendar, the date part in the footer is not displayed correctly Workaround: RadDateTimePickerCalendar calendarBehavior = this.radDateTimePicker1.DateTimePickerElement.GetCurrentBehavior() as RadDateTimePickerCalendar; RadCalendar calendar = calendarBehavior.Calendar as RadCalendar; calendar.ShowFooter = true; calendarBehavior.PopupControl.PopupOpening += PopupControl_PopupOpening; private void PopupControl_PopupOpening(object sender, CancelEventArgs args) { RadDateTimePickerDropDown popup = sender as RadDateTimePickerDropDown; if (popup != null) { popup.Height = 250; popup.Width = 280; } }
Add functionality to be able to pick up the time together with the date and to pick the time only.
One should be able to show a desired time range i.e. from 8 am to 6 pm
To reproduce: Add a RadTextBoxControl to a form, insert a text using the following line: this.radTextBoxControl1.AppendText(string.Format("{0} Foo {0} bar {0}", Environment.NewLine)); You will notice that the newlines are not taken into consideration Workaround: Use the following classes - public class MyTextBoxControl : RadTextBoxControl { protected override RadTextBoxControlElement CreateTextBoxElement() { return new MyTextBoxControlElement(); } } public class MyTextBoxControlElement : RadTextBoxControlElement { protected override TextBoxViewElement CreateViewElement() { return new MyTextBoxViewElement(); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(RadTextBoxControlElement); } } } public class MyTextBoxViewElement : TextBoxViewElement { protected override void ReplaceTextBlock(ITextBlock targetBlock, int startCharPosition, int endCharPosition, string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && startCharPosition == 0 && endCharPosition == targetBlock.Length) { this.Children.Remove(targetBlock as RadElement); return; } string headText = targetBlock.Text.Substring(0, startCharPosition); string tailText = targetBlock.Text.Substring(endCharPosition); targetBlock.Text = headText; if (TextBoxViewElement.IsSpecialText(text) || this.ContainsNewLine(text)) { int index = string.IsNullOrEmpty(headText) ? targetBlock.Index : targetBlock.Index + 1; index = this.InsertTextBlocks(index, text, TextBlockElementType); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headText)) { targetBlock.Index = index + 1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tailText)) { index = this.InsertTextBlocks(index + 1, tailText, TextBlockElementType); return; } } else { targetBlock.Text += text; } targetBlock.Text += tailText; } public bool ContainsNewLine(string text) { string[] words = text.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', '.', '!', '?' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { string word = words[i]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(word) && word == Environment.NewLine) { return true; } } return false; } }
To reproduce: Create a Form, add a RadDateTimePicker and set the ShowUpDown property to true. Create another Form with one button. One click of the button create a new instance of the first form, show it and close it. You will notice that the memory usage will increase as you click more and more.