When value the mask is Numeric and a null value object is set as a value for the RadMaskEditBox, "0" is displayed instead of "" (nothing).
The CustomFilterForm should be available for customization.
Scrolling with the mouse wheel and the keyboard could be improved in some scenarios.
Selecting multiple rows with the keyboard could be improved in some scenarios.
The property will have higher priority than the theme and will be more convenient for using than the ViewCellFormatting event.
The GroupSummaryEvaluate event is used to format the HeaderText and accessing this property in the event leads to application hanging.
Provide options for customization of the columns RadComboBox items. Added new event in the RadGridView control ConditionalFormattingFormShown fired when the conditionalformattingform is shown. Added new customization options to ConditionalFormattingForm dialog: property: SelectFromVisibleColumnsOnly - filter the column selector to display only visible columns in RadGridView property: ColumnDisplayStyle - display Name or HeaderText or both in column selector Example: using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Telerik.WinControls.UI; namespace Lab.Grid { public partial class GridConditionalFormattingForm : Form { private RadGridView gridView = new RadGridView(); public GridConditionalFormattingForm() { InitializeComponent(); gridView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; gridView.Parent = this; gridView.MultiSelect = true; gridView.ConditionalFormattingFormShown += gridView_ConditionalFormattingFormShown; } void gridView_ConditionalFormattingFormShown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ConditionalFormattingForm form = sender as ConditionalFormattingForm; form.ColumnDisplayStyle = ColumnDisplayStyle.Name | ColumnDisplayStyle.HeaderText; form.SelectFromVisibleColumnsOnly = true; } protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Columns.Add("ID"); data.Columns.Add("Name"); data.Columns.Add("Test3"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name1", "Test1"); data.Rows.Add(2, "Name2", "Test2"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name3", "Test3"); data.Rows.Add(4, "Name4", "Test4"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name5", "Test5"); gridView.DataSource = data; gridView.Columns[2].IsVisible = false; gridView.Columns[2].HeaderText = "AlaBala"; ConditionalFormattingObject format = new ConditionalFormattingObject("MyCondition", ConditionTypes.Equal, "1", "", true); format.CellBackColor = Color.Red; format.ApplyOnSelectedRows = false; gridView.Columns[0].HeaderText = "FirstName"; gridView.Columns[0].ConditionalFormattingObjectList.Add(format); } } }
The issue appears when the form with the control inherits from a base form with added controls in it. The base form is a RadForm.
1. Add three columns in RadGridView 2. Fill several rows with long text data 3. Set the AutoSizeColumnsMode property to Fill 4. Run the project 5. Double click between the second and the third column to start the best-fit method
1. Add a summary row 2. Pin the summary row at bottom 3. Change the add new row position to be bottom 4. Try calling the ScrollToRow method
There is an issue when using dpi setting different from the default one on Windows XP or Windows 7 with XP style dpi scaling
When RadRadioButton column is bound to a column containing integer values and RadGridView is being reenabled all radio buttons are with ToggleState.On.
Adding a column to the RadGridView datasouce (DataSet) does not reflect in RadGridView.
If the DPI setting of the screen is 120, the layout of the Conditional formatting form is broken. One can't see the buttons to apply his/her preferences.
It will be a nice addition to the GridViewImageColumn if we add an ImageAlignment property.
When you are using drop down list in RadGridView in suggest-append mode, you should be allowed to add non-existing item to the data source.
Currently when RadGridView contains multiple header rows and its layout is being saved, after loading it the grid shows "No data to display" although it is binded to a data source. Add a functionality to support saving the layout when RadGridView contains multiple header rows
You need to create two manually generated columns and set the AutoSizeColumnsMode to GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill. If you set the MinWidth property of the first one and the MinWidth and MaxWidth properties of the second one, the columns do not fill the whole available space of RadGridView.
When you recalculate the value of the parent record in the ListChanged event of the BindingList, NullReferenceException is thrown.
We should consider the Display attribute when using business objects as data source in RadGridView.