To reproduce: 1. Add a RadGridView and bind it to Northwind.Products table. 2. Use the following code: Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.ProductsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.NwindDataSet.Products) For Each col As GridViewColumn In Me.RadGridView1.Columns If Not col.HeaderText = "SupplierID" AndAlso Not col.HeaderText = "ProductID" Then col.ReadOnly = True End If Next Me.RadGridView1.AddNewRowPosition = SystemRowPosition.Bottom End Sub Private Sub RadGridView1_CellValidating(sender As Object, e As CellValidatingEventArgs) Handles RadGridView1.CellValidating If e.Value Is Nothing Then If MessageBox.Show("Incorrect", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then e.Cancel = True End If End If End Sub 3. Run the project and go to the new row ,cell "SupplierID". 4. Clear the value and press Tab key. As a result the message box for error indication is shown twice. Workaround: 'register the custom row behavior Dim gridBehavior As BaseGridBehavior = TryCast(RadGridView1.GridBehavior, BaseGridBehavior) gridBehavior.UnregisterBehavior(GetType(GridViewNewRowInfo)) gridBehavior.RegisterBehavior(GetType(GridViewNewRowInfo), New MyNewRowBehavior()) Me.RadGridView1.GridViewElement.Navigator = New MyGridNavigator() Public Class MyNewRowBehavior Inherits GridNewRowBehavior Protected Overrides Function ProcessTabKey(keys As KeyEventArgs) As Boolean If Me.GridControl.AddNewRowPosition = SystemRowPosition.Bottom AndAlso _ Me.GridControl.IsInEditMode AndAlso Me.GridViewElement.Navigator.IsLastColumn(GridViewElement.CurrentColumn) Then Me.GridControl.Tag = "SuspendValidation" End If Return MyBase.ProcessTabKey(keys) End Function End Class Public Class MyGridNavigator Inherits BaseGridNavigator Public Overrides Function SelectFirstColumn() As Boolean If Me.GridViewElement.GridControl.Tag = "SuspendValidation" Then Me.GridViewElement.GridControl.Tag = Nothing Return False End If Return MyBase.SelectFirstColumn() End Function End Class
To reproduce: 1. Add a RadGridView and a RadButton. 2. Enable paging. 3. Use the code snippet below: private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ordersTableAdapter.Fill(this.nwindDataSet.Orders); bs.DataSource = this.ordersBindingSource; this.radGridView1.DataSource = bs; } BindingSource bs = new BindingSource(); private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bs.Filter ="ShipName LIKE '%z%'"; } 4. Navigate to page 80 and click the button. 5. You have only 4 pages available , but you are still positioned on page 80. Workaround: private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bs.Filter ="ShipName LIKE '%z%'"; if (this.radGridView1.MasterTemplate.PageIndex>this.radGridView1.MasterTemplate.TotalPages) { this.radGridView1.MasterTemplate.MoveToFirstPage(); } }
Currently one cannot set the column chooser items properties permanently since they are recreated every time the chooser is shown or item is added/removed. Resolution: You can subscribe to the ColumnChooserItemElementCreating event and edit the column chooser items.
To reproduce: Setup RadGridView as follows: this.Grid.MasterTemplate.EnablePaging = true; this.Grid.Columns.Add(""); this.Grid.Columns.Add(""); this.Grid.Columns.Add(""); this.Grid.Columns.Add(""); On a button click add rows: private void Button_Clic9k(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { this.Grid.Rows.AddNew(); } } You will see a vertical scrollbar when it is not needed. Workaround: Wrap the loop in a Begin/EndUpdate calls: private void Button_Clic9k(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Grid.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { this.Grid.Rows.AddNew(); } this.Grid.EndUpdate(); }
When RadGridView is in right to left mode and the data is grouped, the layout of the items that represent the group field names is incorrect - the close button overlays the text. WORKAROUND: public Form83() { new RadControlSpyForm().Show(); InitializeComponent(); this.radGridView1.GroupByChanged += radGridView1_GroupByChanged; } void radGridView1_GroupByChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { foreach (GroupFieldElement fieldElement in this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GroupPanelElement.GetDescendants( delegate(RadElement element) { return element is GroupFieldElement; }, Telerik.WinControls.TreeTraversalMode.BreadthFirst)) { fieldElement.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } }
To reproduce: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radGridView1.EnableFiltering = true; this.radGridView1.ShowHeaderCellButtons = true; this.radGridView1.Relations.AddSelfReference(this.radGridView1.MasterTemplate, "ID", "ParentID"); dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("ParentID", typeof(int)); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(i, "Parent." + i, 0); } Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 6; i < 20; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(i, "Child." + i, rand.Next(1, 6)); } for (int i = 20; i < 40; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(i, "SubChild." + i, rand.Next(6, 20)); } this.radGridView1.DataSource = dt; this.radGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; }
To reproduce: 1.Add a RadGridView and add twelve columns at design time. 2.Enable filtering and use the following code: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); radGridView1.MasterTemplate.MultiSelect = true; } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var column in radGridView1.Columns) { column.Width = 100; } } 3.When you run the application, click over the filtering cell for the 3rd column. Type in some text and click the filter button. As a result the horizontal scroll bar is positioned at right most. Workaround: radGridView1.MouseDown += radGridView1_MouseDown; radGridView1.TableElement.HScrollBar.ValueChanged += HScrollBar_ValueChanged; int scrollBarValue = 0; bool shouldResetValue = false; private void radGridView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { RadElement clickecElement = this.radGridView1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location); GridFilterRowElement filterRowElement = clickecElement.FindAncestor<GridFilterRowElement>(); GridNewRowElement newRowElement = clickecElement.FindAncestor<GridNewRowElement>(); if (clickecElement is GridFilterRowElement || clickecElement is GridNewRowElement || filterRowElement != null || newRowElement != null) { shouldResetValue = true; } else { shouldResetValue = false; } scrollBarValue = this.radGridView1.TableElement.HScrollBar.Value; } private void HScrollBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (shouldResetValue) { this.radGridView1.TableElement.HScrollBar.Value = scrollBarValue; } }
If one sets AutoSizeRows to true and AllowSearchRow to true the layout of RadGridView throws an exception.
Resolution: Please use the following code snippet to replace RadGridViewDragDropService: this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.RegisterService(new CustomDragDropService(this.radGridView1.GridViewElement));
To reproduce: Use the code snippet below: static DataSet ds; public form1() { InitializeComponent(); GridviewStyling(radGridView1); ds = PrepareDataset(); BuildGrid(); //Set_Hierarchy(); for (int i = 0; i < radGridView1.Templates.Count; i++) GridviewTemplateStyling(radGridView1.Templates[i]); this.radGridView1.TableElement.PageViewMode = PageViewMode.ExplorerBar; this.radGridView1.ViewCellFormatting += radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting; } void radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { GridDetailViewCellElement detailCell = e.CellElement as GridDetailViewCellElement; if (detailCell != null) { GridViewHierarchyRowInfo hierarchyRow = (GridViewHierarchyRowInfo)((GridViewDetailsRowInfo)detailCell.RowInfo).Owner; detailCell.PageViewElement.Header.Visibility = Telerik.WinControls.ElementVisibility.Collapsed; RadPageViewElement el = detailCell.PageViewElement as RadPageViewExplorerBarElement; if (el != null) { for (int i = 0; i < el.Items.Count; i++) // detailCell.PageViewElement.Items.Count { RadPageViewItem item = detailCell.PageViewElement.Items[i]; GridViewInfo viewInfo = hierarchyRow.Views[i]; item.MaxSize = new Size(0, 1); item.Visibility = Telerik.WinControls.ElementVisibility.Hidden; if (viewInfo.ChildRows.Count != 0) { item.Visibility = Telerik.WinControls.ElementVisibility.Collapsed; } } } } } private DataSet PrepareDataset() { Random r = new Random(); DataSet ds = new DataSet("DS"); //snir DataTable dtFirst = new DataTable("Snir"); dtFirst.Columns.Add("pId", typeof(int)); dtFirst.Columns.Add("Col1", typeof(int)); dtFirst.Columns.Add("Col", typeof(string)); dtFirst.Columns.Add("Col3", typeof(int)); dtFirst.Columns.Add("Col4", typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) dtFirst.Rows.Add(1, i, "snirsnirsnir" + r.Next(0, 100).ToString(), r.Next(0, 35), "snir" + r.Next(0, 100).ToString()); // jenny DataTable dtSecond = new DataTable("Jenny"); dtSecond.Columns.Add("pId", typeof(int)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col1", typeof(int)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col2", typeof(string)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col3", typeof(int)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col4", typeof(string)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col5", typeof(string)); dtSecond.Columns.Add("Col6", typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) dtSecond.Rows.Add(2, i, "CnC" + r.Next(0, 100).ToString(), r.Next(0, 35), "jenny" + r.Next(0, 100).ToString(), "col5", "col6"); //index DataTable table1 = new DataTable("Index"); table1.Columns.Add("TableId", typeof(int)); table1.Columns.Add("TableName", typeof(string)); table1.Columns.Add("UpdateType", typeof(int)); table1.Rows.Add(1, dtFirst.TableName, r.Next(0, 3)); table1.Rows.Add(2, dtSecond.TableName, r.Next(0, 3)); ds.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { table1, dtFirst, dtSecond }); return ds; } private void BuildGrid() { // bind the master template this.radGridView1.DataSource = ds; this.radGridView1.DataMember = "Index"; //templates GridViewTemplate template1 = new GridViewTemplate(); template1.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; template1.Columns[0].IsVisible = false; template1.EnableHierarchyFiltering = false; template1.ShowGroupedColumns = false; radGridView1.Templates.Add(template1); GridViewTemplate template2 = new GridViewTemplate(); template2.DataSource = ds.Tables[2]; // 1:snir // 2:jenny radGridView1.Templates.Add(template2); template1.AllowDragToGroup = false; //relations GridViewRelation relation1 = new GridViewRelation(radGridView1.MasterTemplate);//, template2); relation1.RelationName = "myRelation1"; relation1.ChildTemplate = radGridView1.Templates[0]; relation1.ChildColumnNames.AddRange(new string[] { "pId" }); relation1.ParentColumnNames.Add("TableId"); radGridView1.Relations.Add(relation1); GridViewRelation relation2 = new GridViewRelation(radGridView1.MasterTemplate);//, template2); relation2.RelationName = "myRelation2"; relation2.ChildTemplate = radGridView1.Templates[1]; relation2.ChildColumnNames.AddRange(new string[] { "pId" }); relation2.ParentColumnNames.Add("TableId"); radGridView1.Relations.Add(relation2); } private void GridviewStyling(RadGridView rgv) { //radGridView1 styling rgv.AllowAddNewRow = false; rgv.EnableGrouping = false; rgv.AllowDragToGroup = false; rgv.AllowDrop = false; rgv.AllowEditRow = false; rgv.AllowDrop = false; rgv.AllowRowResize = false; rgv.AllowColumnResize = false; rgv.AutoExpandGroups = true; rgv.AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; rgv.EnableCustomGrouping = false; rgv.ShowColumnHeaders = true; rgv.ShowRowHeaderColumn = false; rgv.ShowGroupPanel = false; } private void GridviewTemplateStyling(GridViewTemplate gvt) { //template styling gvt.AllowAddNewRow = false; gvt.Columns[0].IsVisible = false; gvt.ShowChildViewCaptions = false; gvt.AllowDragToGroup = false; gvt.AllowRowResize = false; gvt.AllowColumnResize = false; gvt.AutoExpandGroups = true; gvt.AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; gvt.ShowRowHeaderColumn = false; gvt.ShowColumnHeaders = true; } private string GetEnumString(int n) { switch (n) { case (int)TableUpdateModeEnum.INSERT: return "INSERT"; case (int)TableUpdateModeEnum.UPDATE: return "UPDATE"; case (int)TableUpdateModeEnum.UPDATE_OR_INSERT: return "UPDATE/DELETE"; case (int)TableUpdateModeEnum.DELETE_OR_INSERT: return "INSERT/DELETE"; default: return ""; } } public enum TableUpdateModeEnum { [Description("Snir")] INSERT = 0, [Description("Liraz")] UPDATE_OR_INSERT = 1, [Description("Jenny")] UPDATE = 2, [Description("Tsuria")] DELETE_OR_INSERT = 3 }; Scenario: 1.Expand a master row. 2.Start dragging columns from the child template. 3.When your are dragging over the thick border , the exception occur.
To reproduce: - Add the following column to a blank grid and new row or edit the existing one: GridViewMaskBoxColumn maskBoxColumn = new GridViewMaskBoxColumn(); maskBoxColumn.Name = "Dates"; maskBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Dates"; maskBoxColumn.MaskType = MaskType.FreeFormDateTime; maskBoxColumn.DataType = typeof(System.DateTime); radGridView1.MasterTemplate.Columns.Add(maskBoxColumn); this.radGridView1.Rows.Add(DateTime.Now.AddDays(5));
To reproduce: Add a RadGridView with some data and enable the paging functionality. Also set the AutoSize property to true: grid.EnablePaging = true; grid.AutoSize = true; Start the application and you will see that when you try to edit the textbox with the number of the page you will not be able to. Workaround: Set the AutoSize property to false and use MinimumSize instead: grid.AutoSize = false; grid.MinimumSize = new Size(600, 500);
RadGridView, TextBoxColumn - add support for autocomplete.
To reproduce: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); radGridView1.ToolTipTextNeeded += radGridView1_ToolTipTextNeeded; } private void radGridView1_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { GridDataCellElement cell = sender as GridDataCellElement; if (cell != null) { e.ToolTipText = cell.Value.ToString(); toolTipText = e.ToolTipText; e.ToolTip.OwnerDraw = true; e.ToolTip.Draw += ToolTip_Draw; e.ToolTip.Popup += ToolTip_Popup; } } private void ToolTip_Popup(object sender, PopupEventArgs e) { e.ToolTipSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(toolTipText + " ", newFont); } Font newFont = new Font("Arial", 15f, FontStyle.Bold); string toolTipText = string.Empty; private void ToolTip_Draw(object sender, DrawToolTipEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, e.Bounds); e.DrawBorder(); using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat()) { sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; sf.HotkeyPrefix = System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.None; sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip; e.Graphics.DrawString(e.ToolTipText, newFont, Brushes.Red, e.Bounds, sf); } }
Note: it is reproducible when using ColumnGroupsViewDefinition too. Workaround: unpin all pinned columns before printing and restore their state after printing:
To reproduce: Private _createDataTable As Object Private _BoxValue As String Sub New() InitializeComponent() RelCalculateValues() Me.RadGridView1.BestFitColumns(Telerik.WinControls.UI.BestFitColumnMode.AllCells) End Sub Private Sub RadGridView1_CellEndEdit(sender As Object, e As GridViewCellEventArgs) _ Handles RadGridView1.CellEndEdit If e.RowIndex < 0 OrElse e.ColumnIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub If e.Value = _BoxValue Then Exit Sub If e.Column.Name <> "AllowedWane" Then Exit Sub Dim fTester As Decimal Dim rRow As Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewDataRowInfo = e.Row Dim iRowID As Int32 iRowID = rRow.Cells("ID").Value If iRowID < 0 Then Exit Sub Select Case e.Column.Name Case "AllowedWane" If Decimal.TryParse(e.Value, fTester) = False Then rRow.Cells(e.Column.Name).Value = _BoxValue Exit Sub Else Select Case e.Column.OwnerTemplate.MasterTemplate.Owner.Name Case RadGridView1.Name RelCalculateValues(Me.RadGridView1) End Select End If End Select End Sub Private Sub RelCalculateValues(ByVal rgvAsete As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView) Dim dtJakauma As New DataTable Dim drJakauma As DataRow dtJakauma.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Int32)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("Dimensions", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("Pcs", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("Percents", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("Price", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("UsageFactor", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("CubicMeters", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("EdgeLimit", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("AllowedWane", GetType(String)) dtJakauma.Columns.Add("Length", GetType(String)) For i As Int32 = 0 To 5 drJakauma = dtJakauma.NewRow drJakauma("ID") = 0 drJakauma("Dimensions") = "Dimensions_" & i drJakauma("Pcs") = "Pcs_" & i drJakauma("Percents") = "Percents_" & i drJakauma("Price") = "Price_" & i drJakauma("UsageFactor") = "UsageFactor_" & i drJakauma("CubicMeters") = "CubicMeters_" & i drJakauma("EdgeLimit") = "EdgeLimit_" & i drJakauma("AllowedWane") = "AllowedWane_" & i drJakauma("Length") = "Length_" & i dtJakauma.Rows.Add(drJakauma) Next rgvAsete.DataSource = dtJakauma rgvAsete.BestFitColumns(Telerik.WinControls.UI.BestFitColumnMode.AllCells) End Sub Workaround: set the RadGridView.DataSource to null/Nothing before setting it to the new DataTable.
To reproduce: Create a self reference RadGridView and add enough columns so that a horizontal scrollbar appears. Scroll the horizontal scrollbar to the right and close the form. You will see an exception. Workaround: Create a custom row element in the CreateRow event: void radGridView1_CreateRow(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCreateRowEventArgs e) { if (e.RowInfo is GridViewHierarchyRowInfo || e.RowInfo is GridViewDataRowInfo) { e.RowElement = new MyDataRowElement(); } } public class MyLayout : SelfReferenceCellLayout { public MyLayout(GridRowElement rowElement) : base(rowElement) { } public override void DetachCellElements() { if (this.StackLayoutElement != null) { base.DetachCellElements(); } } } public class MyDataRowElement : GridDataRowElement { private MyLayout cellReferenceLayout; public override void Detach() { base.Detach(); if (this.cellReferenceLayout != null) { this.cellReferenceLayout.DetachCellElements(); } } protected override void DisposeManagedResources() { if (this.cellReferenceLayout != null) { this.cellReferenceLayout.Dispose(); } base.DisposeManagedResources(); } public override SelfReferenceCellLayout SelfReferenceLayout { get { if (this.RowInfo is GridViewHierarchyRowInfo) { if (this.ViewTemplate != null && this.ViewTemplate.IsSelfReference && this.cellReferenceLayout == null) { this.cellReferenceLayout = new MyLayout(this); } return this.cellReferenceLayout; } return null; } } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(GridDataRowElement); } } }
To reproduce: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); radGridView1.Columns.Add("Id"); radGridView1.Columns.Add("ParentID"); radGridView1.Columns.Add("Name"); radGridView1.Relations.AddSelfReference(radGridView1.MasterTemplate, "Id", "ParentID"); for (int id = 1; id <= 3; id++) { radGridView1.MasterTemplate.Rows.Add(id, 0, "Node_" + id); for (int iChild = 1; iChild <= 5; iChild++) { int childId = id * 100 + iChild; radGridView1.MasterTemplate.Rows.Add(childId, id, "ChildNode_" + childId); } } foreach (GridViewHierarchyRowInfo row in this.radGridView1.Rows) { row.IsExpanded = true; } }