June 19, 2019
I have implemented this and it is exactly what I want and need, Thank you!
However I thought I might point out that when you tab out it doesn't implement the search, only when you press enter.
And when you press the X to clear the search it clears the text box but not the search. the count of found and the highlighted finds remain
In my gridview need support of different heights of rows. I solved it with the autosize property.
But now I have a side action that the header row and filter row also react to the autosize property.
Attached you can see this behaviour...
Here my code:
Grid.MasterView.TableFilteringRow.MinHeight = 40
Grid.AutoSizeRows = True
Is there a chance to separate data rows from filter and header row?
Steps to reproduce:
This happens after calling RunExport.
I attached a gif and a sample project.
GridView is not correctly drawn if it's not populated and the theme is set to "TelerikMetro" or "TelerikMetroBlue" (the bottom line is missing).
Steps to reproduce the behavior: create a RadForm, add a RadGridView to it and set the theme to "TelerikMetro" or "TelerikMetroBlue" by using ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName.
To reproduce:
- Set the AutoSize to true
- Add GroupDescriptor
- An InvalidOperationException is thrown
I am having issues with DateTime editor in the grid. We have custom date/time format for our dates - "HH:mm:ss dd-MMM-yyyy" and the datetime editor is set to free form date time with this mask. When user typed a value in the editor it is passed to FreeFormDateTimeProvider.Validate method, which calls DateInput.ParseDate. DateTimeLexer splits this kind of values just fine, but obviously time related tokens comes first and then the date related tokens.
Unfortunately DateTimeParser.Parse method is made the way that it parse date at first and then time from the tokens list. In my case this means time value is parsed and the date value is dropped to default. Why didn't you check that if after ParseDate and ParseTime calls the date portion is null but there are still remaining tokens in the list, so you may call ParseDate one more time?
Do you have any suggestion how could I resolve this issue? Everything related to date time parsing is not extendable at all, starting from DateInput, most of the classes and methods are not public and even some public methods are not virtual. Can I have the Telerik free form date time typing capabilities in the editor but still have time part before date part?
Please run the attached sample project and try to expand a row. The following error occurs:
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code
How can I enter the Value "" (empty string) in the traditional filter system (not Excel like filter).
The grid does not seem to accept an empty string as an argument to "Equals" through the UI.
Ideally I would like to extend the standard filter menu in traditional filtering (and the filter operator drop down in custom filtering dialog) to contain operators "Is Empty" "Is Not Empty" and "Is Null Or Empty", "Is Not Null And Not Empty"
The function OnNotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) in RadGridView.cs does not call the base function of RadControl.
protected override void OnNotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (propertyName == "AutoSize")
if (!this.AutoSize)
this.RootElement.StretchHorizontally = true;
this.RootElement.StretchVertically = true;
this.RootElement.StretchHorizontally = false;
this.RootElement.StretchVertically = false;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the PropertyChanged event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property</param>
protected virtual void OnNotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
this.OnNotifyPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected virtual void OnNotifyPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler1 =
if (handler1 != null)
handler1(this, e);
Because of this i cannot do the following
RadGridView grid = new RadGridView();
I currently work around this by doing the following
RadGridView grid = new RadGridView(); grid.OnNotifyPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("mypropertyname"));
I need this functionality because i have a custom control which is derived from RadGridView and it has a custom property that requires databinding with INotifyPropertyChanged. I cannot implement this interface myself because the grid already does this.
I have checked this in both the 2018.1.220 and 2019.1.219 source.
Kind regards,
Edwin Dirkzwager
CIP Software
To reproduce:
- Add items with the same display member open the drop-down and select the second.
- Select another control on the form and then reopen the popup.
- The first item is selected.
class MyMultiColumnComboBox : RadMultiColumnComboBox
When you start typing in the search text box some long text, not all key strokes will be handled. Please refer to the attached gifs file illustrating the behavior in the previous version and the latest release.
Please refer to the attached sample project. Run the project and try typing "too long to type" in as your search.
To reproduce:
Update the data source directly and check the OldItems array.
Looks like after last Telerik update to 2019.1.117.40 lilter do digits/numbers is not working any more. When I'd like filter out on decimal columns (or even text column but with linked decimal/int values) I get no results, no rows.
With text columns all is ok.