Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024 02:50 by Fred

When navigating to DataGrid examples, xaml binding errors occur for ActualWidth and Header Text. 

Still, the app runs as expected. 

Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 12:32 by Volodymyr

We’ve encountered an issue related to the inner DataGrid within an outer DataGrid’s RowDetailsTemplate:

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a DataGrid with editable cells and row details.
2. Inside the RowDetailsTemplate, place a layout (e.g., Grid).
3. Within this layout, embed another DataGrid with editable cells.
4. Start the application and expand row details on the Android platform.
5. Double-tap on any inner DataGrid's cell to open the cell editor. 

At this moment the UI appears unresponsive.

Last Updated: 26 Mar 2024 06:20 by Chris
I have a DataGrid with another DataGrid in the Row Details. This works until a cell in the inner grid is selected and enters edit mode and then the outer grid is scrolled enough for the cells to be recycled and then it crashes.
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2022 15:44 by Teddy

.Net Maui Data Grid Property Aggregator Descriptor disappears when displaying columns in the same data grid which doesn't have aggregate property set

Last Updated: 10 Mar 2023 14:38 by Vojtěch

IsCaseSensitive property doesn't work in the DataGrid control.

Workaround: Use Programmatic Filtering 

Example: https://github.com/telerik/maui-samples/tree/main/Samples/SdkBrowser/Examples/DataGridControl/FilteringCategory 

Disable the built in filtering UI and apply a custom UI with programmatic filtering.

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 11:13 by Teddy
When the DataGrid is bound to an ObservableCollection and its Clear() method is called in order to reset the source and add new items, the scroll position is not reset to the top.
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2024 12:19 by ADMIN
an InvalidOperationException on a PropertyChanged event after you let the app run for some time and updates in the collection with removing data every 100ms and adding new data every 3 sec
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 11:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Allen
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report

When setting MinimunHeightRequest to the DataGrid control, the height is not respected.

If you have minimum and maximum height request set, maximum will be applied instead.

Last Updated: 12 Jun 2024 13:21 by Allen
when setting all columns to be frozen, I cannot expand/collapse the row details
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2022 10:27 by Craig

Footer is displaced when placing the datagrid into an expander. Issue appears only in certain devices and versions. Tested with Android 12, API 33, Pixel 5 Emulator also with Samsung Galaxy S22 Model: SM=S901U1, One UI Version 4.1, Android Version 12 and Samsung Galaxy Tablet -- Galaxy Tab S7 FE.

In addition, issue cannot be reproduced on Android 9 and Android 11.

Last Updated: 23 Aug 2023 14:20 by Jamison

 Behavior on MacCatalyst:

1. Enter in Edit mode in any cell
2. Press Enter
3.Value is committed, but not moved to the next row

Additional note: The KeyDownCommand execute method does not fire on MacCatalyst when cell is in edit mode and Enter is pressed.

This is how it works on Windows

1. Enter in Edit mode in any cell
2. Press Enter
3. Values is committed and the current cell is moved to the next row cell in edit

Last Updated: 26 Mar 2024 14:42 by Blake
When you edit a DataGrid cell and while in edit mode click outside the DataGrid, the edit is not committed and the cell stays focused.
Last Updated: 11 Apr 2024 12:25 by Teddy
the gridline shouldn't be disappearing from the last row when the row details are expanded
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2024 07:46 by Gabriel
We override the CreateSortDescriptor with a PropertySortDescriptor as some of our columns are sorted on a different property than is displayed. And in this case the sort indicator remains visible when tapping on another column to sort the data.
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2023 09:01 by Clint

When a Picker is used in a CellEditTemplate, and when in edit mode, when I click on the arrow of the Picker - the picker does not open. It only opens of I click the text in the Picker.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="template1">
            <Picker ItemsSource="{Binding Item.Categories}" />

        <telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Name" />
                <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Category" CellEditTemplate="{StaticResource template1}" />


A work-around is to not use a Picker, but use a RadComboBox.

Last Updated: 08 Jun 2023 15:21 by Laurin

TapGestureRecognizer not working correctly when tapping inside the DataGrid control on iOS and MacCatalyst platforms.


You could use CellTap or CellDoubleTap commands of the DataGrid control. Here are the links to our documentation articles: DataGrid Commands and DataGrid CellTap Command.

Last Updated: 09 Oct 2023 13:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Legrand
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
When typing to localize the text in the grouping panel, the localized string does not apply.
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 13:23 by Tomáš
When having a DataGrid in a ControlTemplate of a ContentView, data is not visualized. 

When setting the content initially, the Grid displays the data
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 13:52 by Huynh
If the CellContentTemplate property of a column is used, and inside there is just one label, then the text of the label gets wrapped into two lines instead of being rendered in one line.
Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:35 by Huynh

It seems that the default fonts in the RadDataGrid do not support some languages, for example this text "이름" cannot be displayed in Android and WinUI. Rectangles are rendered instead of the correct symbols.

Note that a maui Label can properly display the text.

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