Last Updated: 01 Apr 2024 13:50 by Teddy
Created by: Teddy
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Provide an API that can be used to force RadDataGrid to re-draw. The WPF RadGridView have a method called Rebind(), but I don't see a similar method in the MAUI RadDataGrid.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 13:52 by Huynh
If the CellContentTemplate property of a column is used, and inside there is just one label, then the text of the label gets wrapped into two lines instead of being rendered in one line.
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2024 11:56 by Hanoch
Created by: Hanoch
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
I need to export my DataGrid to a PDF document in a similar way as in WPF: Telerik WPF GridView: Export to PDF
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2024 14:42 by Blake
When you edit a DataGrid cell and while in edit mode click outside the DataGrid, the edit is not committed and the cell stays focused.
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2024 06:20 by Chris
I have a DataGrid with another DataGrid in the Row Details. This works until a cell in the inner grid is selected and enters edit mode and then the outer grid is scrolled enough for the cells to be recycled and then it crashes.
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 08:23 by Hanoch
Created by: Hanoch
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
 I need to change the size of the DataGrid scrollbars to be wider and customize their color.
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 13:33 by JoPi
I would like to programmatically give a concrete cell the focus, such that the user can then navigate from the keyboard without having to manually select the cell with the mouse.
Last Updated: 05 Mar 2024 20:51 by Hanoch

The DataGrid Search As You Type feature provides search text highlighting through the CellContentStyle property of the columns.  

CellContentStyle is taken into account only for the default columns, so when you specify a custom CellContentTemplate or use a TemplateColumn currently the search text highlighting is not applied.   

Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 11:43 by Ramin
Created by: Ramin
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Provide an option to make several bottom rows frozen. For example when the user sorts a column it will not affect those rows. The rows must be pinned. Similar to this feature: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radgridview/features/pinned-rows 
Last Updated: 02 Jan 2024 08:47 by Jamison
Now when clicking outside of the rows and outside of the DataGrid control, the commit edit command is not executed. You have to click on the rows to execute the command.

Provide an option to execute the command when clicking outside of the rows, also outside of the DataGrid control. 

For now you can execute the CommitEdit command on external UI: 
    private void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(object sender, TappedEventArgs e)
        this.dataGrid.CommandService.ExecuteCommand(DataGridCommandId.CommitEdit, new EditContext(null, ActionTrigger.Programmatic, null));
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2024 12:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Hanoch
Comments: 2
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add a built-in feature to export the DataGrid columns to Excel.
Last Updated: 15 Nov 2023 10:16 by JoPi
There doesn't seem to be an attribute within DataGridColumnHeaderStyle that lets me set the height of the header.

The reason I am looking for this feature is because I want the header to change height to fit the font size
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 13:23 by Tomáš
When having a DataGrid in a ControlTemplate of a ContentView, data is not visualized. 

When setting the content initially, the Grid displays the data
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2023 10:23 by Jamison
Provide support for nested properties in the property aggregate descriptor.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2023 10:37 by Daniel
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Provide customizable UI for adding and deleting rows in DataGrid.
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2023 13:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Legrand
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
When typing to localize the text in the grouping panel, the localized string does not apply.
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2023 14:04 by Ilker

Provide a style property for the text in grouping panel. Currently you can style the border, background color and change the header text of the panel. For example:

<Style TargetType="telerik:DataGridGroupingPanel">
    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Red"/>
    <Setter Property="HeaderText" Value="Hello to group"/>
    <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="10"/>
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="2"/>
    <Setter Property="BorderColor" Value="Blue"/>

Last Updated: 23 Aug 2023 14:20 by Jamison

 Behavior on MacCatalyst:

1. Enter in Edit mode in any cell
2. Press Enter
3.Value is committed, but not moved to the next row

Additional note: The KeyDownCommand execute method does not fire on MacCatalyst when cell is in edit mode and Enter is pressed.

This is how it works on Windows

1. Enter in Edit mode in any cell
2. Press Enter
3. Values is committed and the current cell is moved to the next row cell in edit

Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023 08:39 by Craig
Currently, the users can select a row/cell by tapping on it. In RadListView there is also a SelectionGesture property which specifies on what gesture - tap or tap & hold the selection is triggered. It could be useful to add long press/hold gesture on DataGrid row/cell
Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023 08:31 by Craig
Created by: Craig
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add option to swipe the DataGrid row. Similar to what you have for ListView.