Hi Team,
This is a Feature Request to ask Progress Software to build a XAML designer for .NET MAUI. Whether it is inside Visual Studio, or a separate application like Blend, the end goal is the same... to provide developers with a designer surface to develop their XAML UI.
Thank you,
For Kendo UI there are figma kits and a themebuilder delivered by Telerik.
We want to he same experience for .NET MAUI.
Is it possible for Telerik to deliver a .NET MAUI figma kit?
If I uncomment "HorizontalStackLayout", the image is not displayed.
I want to display 2 Imageeditor in the same tabview, how to do this ?
x:Name="tabView" AutomationId="tabView"
<telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Face 1">
<!--<telerik:RadImageEditorToolbar ImageEditor="{x:Reference imageEditor}">
<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor1"
Source = "{Binding DisplayedPhoto, TargetNullValue={versares:ImageResource Images.palette.png}}"
<!--<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor2"
Source = "{Binding DisplayedPhoto, TargetNullValue={versares:ImageResource Images.palette.png}}"
<telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Face 2">
<Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Folder tab" />
I would like a control that is focused on dates.
It would need an input mask based on the current UICulture
So for say the US it would be in the format of mm/dd/yy
And in europe it would be in the format of yyyy/mm/dd
Also it should support a short date format of
Again based on UICulture
I would like a control to handle Currency that works with the UICulture
In the US it would show the input as $ ____.00. or ____.00 (USD) based on UICulture
in other countries it would show the currency symbol based on the UICulture
This control should work will all other controls such as grid column input
Currently for all controls I have to have a separate control for the label of the control. Its annoying.
It would be nice if each of your controls had a Header property and a Control Template property that allows automatic layout of the Header in relationship to the control
Enter Name
It would be one control not currently 2.
In addition if the control layout would allow for something like material layout that would be a huge bonus - see below how the Note in the input field moves to the top of the layout.
It would be really nice to have a RichTextBox control for .NET MAUI that worked on all platforms including Windows and Mac. I'm trying to migrate an application from WPF to MAUI and MAUI simply does not have a RichTextBox equivalent.
Telerik had something already for Xamarin called RichTextEditor but I believe it only works on iOS/Android and not Mac/Windows.
If you could do it quickly, you'd actually be the first company to have one as well, as from what I have been able to glean from my research, no company offers one as of yet, hence my predicament.
Hi there,
just realized that Telerik MAUI UI doesn't have a Calendar/Scheduler control, quite surprised. Is this kind of control already on your road map? When will it be available? We need it mainly for macOS and iOS.
Currently you have the SlideView control for UI for Xamarin, see Xamarin SlideView Documentation | Overview - Telerik UI for Xamarin.
I would like to have this control for UI for .NET MAUI, can you please add it to the backlog?
Thank you,
Changing the current culture of the application on the fly does not affect the UI components of the current page. Consider the following scenario: the user selects a preferred language from a list. The application changes the current culture dynamically on the fly:
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = someCulture; CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = someCulture;
This does not update the UI of the current page in any way. All of the UI components are displayed with the language of the original culture. The only way to see them translated to the new language is to reload the entire page.
Hi Team,
I prefer C#, so I am looking for resources that are not using XAML. Can you please make a duplicate of all your demos and documentation mentions so that we can toggle between XAML and C#.
Thank you
I don't have definitive proof on when it started but I did update my Telerik.UI.for.Maui NuGet package from Trial to an official licensed version and that is when I started to see bizarre behavior for the ButtonToolbarItem control. Suddenly, NO FONT ICONS show! Also, in my log file, I see this:
Unable to load font 'TelerikFont'.
I don't have this font installed in my Maui Resources\Fonts folder nor do I load it in my MauiProgram ConfigureFonts extension method for the MauiApp builder. It was working until two days ago.
I turned on BLAST mode in my debugger where I was seeing exceptions being thrown all over the place with regard to loading fonts. I am up against a crucial investor funding demo so I do not have the time to dig down to the core of this issue at the moment. This issue I am logging is there for you to ask me questions on things I can verify so we can work on this together.
What are some of the things you need me to do or look at to report back... The fact that NONE of my FontImageSource icons are being displayed in my RadToolBar ButtonToolbarItems is suspect. The reporting of the TelerikFont is even more suspect. I wasted a TON of valuable time today trying to find a workaround, but none could be found. GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT kept giving me bogus answers for properties on your controls that don't exist which only exacerbated my frustration. I tried to use PNG files as the icon, but your ButtonToolbarItem image source only allows font image sources which I think is a very bad design decision on your behalf. What if a font does not provide the correct image I wish to display? You really should allow png images to be used on these buttons!!!
Like I said, it was working up until several days ago...
Thanks, Steve