Add support for complex object array filter of DataSourceRequest.
let dataSourceRequestFilterComplexObjectArray = {
filter: {
logic: "and",
filters: [
field: "users[name]", // OR with dot notation -> "users[someObject].name"
operator: "eq",
value: "Bill"
As present in other Kendo suites:
Hi, when entering form, I end up on a page with "Try Kendo UI for React" heading, but whole header comes from Kendo UI for Angular project
The Dropdown section of the components index is described as "The DropDowns allow users to select single or multiple predefined and custom values." I didn't find a way to select multiple values on any of the components (AutoComplete, DropDown, ComboBox)
currently in the React Dialog, you cannot have a Dialog with a Title but without a Close (X) button visible... Whereas in the KendoUI Dialog for jQuery, you can with the 'closable' configuration property... this should also be dynamic to hide/show/enable/disable the close (X) button while the Dialog is visible (ie. when an operation is pending, disable the close button or hide it)
When using DateTime's in column using Grid there should really be a way to use MomentJS to convert the value in the column. In jQuery it was a simple case of template: "#:moment().format('dd/MM/yyyy')#". Can we please have this ported over.
We have database constraints on certain fields e.g. varchar(10) and would like to prevent the user from entering invalid data into the combo box fields. If it's not too much trouble a minLength field would also be convenient.
Like in the jQuery counterpart, when I click on a cell to edit the value - I should be able to tab over to the next cell to edit it.
<Column field="Date"filter="date"format="{0:d}"/>
In this way,the date will be sorting with Month, How can I sorting start with year instead of month
I don't know how to implement rowspan
Add on Add and onRemove events for the MultiSelect.
Also, the onChange event may receive additional parameters instead:
1) Action - Add or Remove
2) DataItem - It will contain the selected or the deselected item