we are currently using the Kendo jQuery PivotGrid in our application. We have already migrated some controls to React in our application and would like to switch the PivotGrid to React as the next control.
In the jQuery PivotGrid there is the possibility to export the configured PivotGrid to Excel. You can see the feature here: saveasexcel
Is this functionality also available with the React PivotGrid? And can you show us an example how to use this feature to export the pivot grid data to excel?
If this functionality doesn't exist yet, when can we expect it? Are there already plans for this or can you already vote for it somewhere?
I'd like to turn off even/odd row highlighting for the Grid and use cell border instead.
I can do it by learning kendo css classes and override particular properties for certain classes but... I have many different vendors for different components and it's so a pitty to learn all the css classes hell...
It'd be supper cool to have something like turnOffAlternation/alternatingRows and showCellBorder/showBorders attributes on the Grid.
The KendoReact NumericTextBox responds to mousewheel events when in focus. It is very easy to focus on the textbox, type in a value, scroll up or down and inadvertently change the value just entered. This behaviour can be seen clearly on any of the Telerik example pages e.g. https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/inputs/numerictextbox/predefined-step/
I think this behaviour should be disabled by default if spinners are set to default, but otherwise I would like a property to disable it. The normal event handlers which could be used to disable this behaviour are not available on the NumericTextBoxProps.
Kind regards,
I'm using GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter in column that holds dates, but the dates shown within the GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter are not formatted.
Is there a way to format the dates like dd/mm/yyyy?
Here is an axample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-4cxw2e?file=app/main.jsx
Thank you!
The React Dropdown and Multiselect components are difficult to use in a <Form> because they return an object instead of the value that would be part of a form.
Maybe there is already a way to handle it, but the docs for the MultiSelect do not include any way to map the value Object to just the primitive, and the Form docs have no example with a MultiSelect.
In my experience, when loading and saving data to/from an API, they very rarely take objects with an ID and Text properties. They usually expect just the primitive values (IDs) of the selected items. The Angular MultiSelect control has a `valuePrimitive` attribute that can be used to control this behavior. The React version does not seem to support this use case at all, or it is hard to find in the docs if it does exist.
Example code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-xroafa?file=app/main.jsx
Essentially, it would have been nice if you could do:
{ id: 1, text: 'One' },
{ id: 2, text: 'Two' },
value={[2]} // just a primitive value, not an object
onChange={(value) => /* value should just be the `id`s not the objects */ }
Which would enable MultiSelect to be usable in a <Form>. Since the <Field> component does not allow overriding the `value` or `onChange` events, mapping these primitives to object form is frustrating and a bunch of extra code.
In the Angular version this is easily achievable, with an example in the docs: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/value-binding/#toc-primitive-values-from-object-fields
A little thing, but users remember position of UI elements more than anything else. The filter buttons on the grid by default are not in the same place though for all filter types.
It would be preferable if the filter buttons were all on the same side, regardless of the filter type (e.g., some types put it on the left, while others put it on the right). Pictures below for context.
To Whom It May Concern,
I am requesting the Kendo team to implement a new feature of programmatically setting a Grid's page for the Kendo React Grid.
This can be accomplished by having a listener for the Grid's state. For example, when the Grid's skip props is changed, the Grid's page will also change to the number of elements skipped.
Please consider implementing this feature.
Thank you.
Andrew J. Yang
Keysight Technologies
I've already log an issue on Github -> https://github.com/telerik/kendo-react/issues/1303
Submitting here as it is an important regression with React 18 and ReactDom.createRoot breaking Time picker.
When an item, which has submenu, from the menu dropdown is hovered the submenu appears. But if you click on the hovered item the submenu disappears.
Expected Behaviour
When an item, which has submenu, from the menu dropdown is hovered and then clicked the submenu should stay visible.
MInimal Reproduction
I'm providing a reproduction from Kendo React code examples.
Hi there,
I am attempting to utilise the Kendo React ExcelExport component (and in conjunction Kendo UI Spreadsheet component) to be able to export dynamically generated spreadsheets which can do multi-level nested dropdowns on cells, so that our customers who get our spreadsheets can fill in the cells accurately at the point of entry.
Unfortunately the version of the Excel used for these components doesn't support recent formulas, such as SORT, UNIQUE and FILTER which were ok for our Proof of Concept in Excel (Office365 version) but did not work inside the Kendo components listed above.
Could the Kendo components be upgraded to support the latest features of Excel (at least as far as formulas go), this lack of support is impacting our ability to help our customers do remote data entry without additional overhead.
Another example of the above (which needed additional debug work) was CONCAT vs CONCATENATE, that caught us out for a bit trying to figure out what it was!
Finally, can we make it so exported spreadsheet "sheets" can be hidden as we need a few "preparation" sheets for our data and would be less confusion if it was not visible to the end users.
Thanks for your support on this matter,
StackBlitz example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-vg8pu5?file=app/main.jsx
If you have a Form <Field component={Input}> inside an <ExpansionPanel>, if you press space or enter within the input, the expansion panel also receives the key event and will expand/collapse. It seems like these key events should not bubble out of the Field component.
There is an issue with ComboBox remote virtualization. This is reproducible on https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/combobox/filtering/#toc-filtering-with-remote-data-and-virtualization
Scroll slowly till almost the end of the list. Pay attention to the name: Paula Parente
Notice that the name keeps repeating after scrolling as the scroll goes back and forth. You'll need to scroll a few times more before the scroll continues to load
other items.
in the kendo UI react chart I need the average line, max line, and min line targeting some value
Please suggest which features to use with respect to the above requirements, if available.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected result: The text in the notification is read by the screen reader when the notification appears
Actual result: The notification text is not read out