A heatmap (grid-style at least) is very much useful in any decent project management application. A widget that could remotely connect color-shades to jSON data would be really great.
It'd be nice if we could do this through the options and not via a css hack. In the meantime, here is a way to get around it, provided by Georgi Krustev http://jsfiddle.net/krustev/uZUjK/
the splash image while loading the web app initially, well, at least for the ios devices.
Developers these days are spoiled with choice when it comes to selecting an MV* framework for structuring and organizing their JavaScript web apps. To help solve this problem, www.todomvc.com offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today EXCEPT OF Kendou UI...
Add the ability to reorder columns (and their data) within the Kendo UI grid. This would preferably be handled through drag and drop.
Ability to have a hidden menu that slides in or pops in much like the other apps and frameworks have.
You have datepicker. You have timepicker. Why not datetimepicker? A single input box that selects both a date and a time. Should be fairly straightforward, it just needs to display both ui widgets simultaneously and handle the different parsing in and output logic.
We reaally need to use the overlay animation, our client is driving us nuts with it. They are showing us the examples in Jquery mobile panel (http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.0/docs/widgets/panels/) and asking us why we are using Kendo if we cant deliver this animations. Please help us voting for this animatiosn.
Current when using the HierarchicalDataSource you can only load one level of data at a time. I would like to be able to pre-populate the entire tree (but have the ability to refresh it via remote data, should I so need).
Buttons and toolbars (with icons and kendo themes) are much easier to use with Touch devices than the Menu widget
A quarter is not the same as 3 months in the same way that a week is not the same as 7 days. Feb-Mar-Apr is not a standard quarter. Kendo automatically lines weeks up on Sundays. Please consider doing something similar for quarters.
Textbox control which keeps extending until we finish typing. something like what iOS have when we want to add note in contact.
Please allow for the creation of custom UI widgets and plugins that can be tied closely with the rest of the framework similar to how jQuery plugins work but better ;) Start off by providing good documentation of the different classes (both JS and CSS) that developers can and should use and provide guidelines for writing custom code so third party controls and extensions follow similar style (visually and programatically). Also adding a Kendo Marketplace or something like this where developers can publish their plugins and other can vote/comment on them would be great for everyone. jQuery UI and the plugins that are available there are great but I think Kendo UI and the Kendo community can do better especially if we set the bar a little higher from the get go.
Once created, many Kendo components root DOM element are wrapped under new HTML elements. Any class of the original input will also be copied to some parent elements. As each widget (DateTimePicker, DropDownList, ComboBox...) are wrapped differently, it might be a good idea to add a class to the root input (k-root) that would allow us to search for that specific input. See this post for more details: http://www.kendoui.com/forums/ui/general-discussions/best-way-to-find-the-root-element-by-class.aspx
Create RichTextEditor Widget which is integral part of all content management systems. Also, it would by nice to create checkbox widget.
The new funnel in the Q3 release is great, but it looks very flat. It would be great to have a more 3D look.
Really important to have support for ARIA roles on these types of widgets. That's what they were made for, and jQueryUI does a pretty good job at this. Accessibility is important.
/*** Kendo UI Beta v2014.3.1029 ***/ We've tested the brand new TreeList today. The new TreeList needs... > checkboxes > columns should be resizeable > column reordering > frozen columns events > collapsed > expanded Take a look at the "famous" Grid / TreeList... Regards Stefan Wolf
Example of existing: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/ Standart scrolling in windows sucks (and takes mush space). ,Kendo Grid has to have designable scrolls, pls :)
Using the Sortable Widget on a Grid works great to allow the user to manually sort the grid rows. But if the grid has a vertical scrollbar, the user has to drop the row multiple times to get a row from the top of the grid to the bottom. It would be nice if the grid would Autoscroll when the user gets to bottom of the viewable grid. Thanks, Mike