Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Roman
Comments: 2
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
PouchDB is a great way to both persist and sync data. It would be beneficial for DataSource to support PouchDB database, the way it currently supports SignalR and OData.
Here's PouchDB site:
Last Updated: 18 Mar 2015 13:18 by ADMIN
Created by: amith
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
how to bind remote data to the panel bar?
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexey Anosov
Comments: 0
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
We need to bind RDF data to kendo controls. But we have a problem with some symbols in RDF standarted data format. Please, add support RDF data in kendo Observable object or create new type of observable data
Last Updated: 03 Dec 2021 07:57 by ADMIN
Created by: JDBPocketware
Comments: 3
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
When using serverFiltering=true on a listview, if you type quickly 'abcd' the is fired 4 consecutive times, making 4 consecutive server requests. There is no cap. 'abcd' can be typed within even 1 second, that will result in 4 server request per second. Now imagine 20 users at the same time typing to filter and each keystroke firing a server request is kind of an unnecessary overload.
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2015 15:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
I have a Site . Can i track its page views,browsing time and any other statistical methods on this..can you please suggest me how can i achieve my goal.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 13:54 by ADMIN
A single managed Ajax / Socket connection (can set for Ajax or Sockets or have it fall back) that you can pass a model to on the client and a command CRUD (Get, Post, Put, Delete) and an ASP.NET WEB API implementation on server side in Web API / Socket.

The issue I encounter with DataSources is that you have to set up a connection test it and for every one its more work and testing and possibility of error  in the app. I just want a client side connection to Sockets or Web API that I can tell to save something and have to set up and configure this connection once in JS and onece in C#

If you pass the Universal Data Source Data Bus a Model a Command (Get, Post, Put, Delete) and a Name / Path for the Model it hits a universal service that processes this it generates a predictable Web API call pattern that Web API can easily be set up to (Controllers to meet) or one big controller
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:15 by ADMIN
We are using MVVM, a DataSource, and a Template to display a list of objects. We have a div rigged up with "source: vehicles", and the "vehicles" variable is a DataSource. We also rig up the DataSource with a Pager, so it doesn't display all vehicles at once. We default the DataSource to a PageSize of 20, then when a user reaches the bottom of the list, it automatically extends the PageSize by 10 (endless scrolling).

The problem with this is that every time the PageSize changes, it redraws every single item that is displayed. So when the PageSize reaches 100-ish and beyond, the browser begins to lag on every PageSize change, since it is redrawing every item every time.

We need an option for the PageSize change to recognize which items are already drawn and only add to the list the new items that need shown.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
<span data-format="dd MMM yyyy" data-bind="text: Created"></span>

Spits out (as text inside the span)...
   Fri Aug 01 2014 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

Whereas ...
<input class="k-input" data-bind="value: Created" data-format="dd MMM yyyy" data-role="datepicker">

Spits out "01 Aug 2014" in the editable field.

Feedback from telerik: "span doesn't have data-format support".

Databinding telerik obervables to templates appears to be working in a completely different way to binding to telerik controls, this is confusing and causes a lot of frustration.

var model = { any js object };
var component = $("anything");
kendo.bind(component, model);

This should result in the same output no matter what model is (datasource, observable, flat js object).

   $("selector").kendoControl({ options }); 

should behave the same as:  
<div id="myThing" data-bind=" options " />

kendo.bind($("myThing"), model);
Last Updated: 26 Nov 2014 16:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 2
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
When calling the update method on the grid the update is being called after read.  When using a pop up modal to update a row that using a hidden member of the model as an id the display name isn't updated and the update call is actually firing off after the read so the value on the grid looks unchanged until you sort or refresh the page.
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 20:49 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 08 Feb 2022 09:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Gaurish
Comments: 2
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
Datasource result support querying the entities with ef directly column names present in the class.There should be a way to filter the entities with lazy loading them and firing the filters on them if the entity candidate contains the list of interviews the ,then the canidate.interviews should be passed in the filter and value and operator should be passed
Last Updated: 14 May 2021 08:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
I ran into this problem wherein I receive a 'Maximum stack size exceeded error' when I try to bind a collection with circular references  to kendo ui grids and data viz charts.  My Angular SPA is using breeze to fetch server-side entity models. As these are entity models, they do have circular references. I am also using the angular-kendo library for the directives.

Current fixes include manual removal of such entities from the collection. It would be great if the controls can handle such collections.
Last Updated: 10 May 2016 15:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcelo
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
Replace the current implementation of ObservableObject/ObservableArray with the new js features Object.observe/Array.observe.
Last Updated: 15 May 2014 08:55 by ADMIN
Apologies if this is not the right place to post this, but couldn't find a bug section for Kendo UI.

The problem: [DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest Custom binding doesn't seem seem to add the WHERE into the generated SQL, when using DataSourceRequest.Filters ( i.e.  myCollection.Where(request.Filters)). However, paging, and sorting working as expected. I would appreciate some feedback on this issue. Thank you very much, Panos.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 15:48 by ADMIN
We have a MVVM object with a change handler.

One of the public properties on this MVVM object is a datasource.

This datasource has some default aggregate configuration, but some aggregate configuration is added later. (see first screenshot)

However, when the dataSource.aggregate(..) method is called the MVVM's change handler fires (see second screenshot). This is ok, but there is nothing to distinguish that the change handler has been fired ONLY because the aggregate configuration has changed. When run some code when the datasource is defined or loaded, but we don't want to run the same code when the aggregates changes.

Vice-versa someone might want to run just a smaller piece of code when the aggregate config changes.

Can the event that gets fired to the mvvm change binding have an e.action = 'aggregate' or similar?
Last Updated: 28 Oct 2021 09:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Goutham
Comments: 2
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
For controls like ListView (web and mobile). We have features like server filtering. I feel there should be a configuration to perform filter operation mixing both client side and server side filtering. 
Scenario 1: Lets say I have 20 results to be populated based on the filter criteria and I have 2 results already present on the client side and rest 18 are present on the server rather than fetching all 20 results from server freshly this way data transfer can be optimized up to certain extent.

Scenario 2: filtering should results based on the client side results and list out 2 results and there should be option load more from server similar to outlook mail search feature.
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2013 15:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Taymaz
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
CRUD operation with data source without using grid 
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 10:43 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 0
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
I'd like the formatted "text" property of the DatePicker widget to be bindable to a model. The DatePicker widget currently supports the value binding. 

This way the model would contain the same string value entered by a user and not a javascript date object.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Vesselin
Comments: 1
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
Please consider creating a node.js middleware for mongoose so we can easily implement server side paging, filtering, etc for data source requests using node.js and mongoose (mongodb). Although mongodb itself is schema-less, mongoose does use schemas and is the most popular choice for working with mongodb and node.js. Currently, there is no other solution (that I am aware of) that offers similar functionality.

The only thing that currently comes close to providing such functionality is JayData which includes support for mongodb only in their pro edition and forces you to use it in place of mongoose and one would need to use oData to make everything work, essentially making it an undesirable solution for most.