When spreadsheet cells are merged and have comment, it's shown only when hovering over first cell and not shown when hovering over other cells of the merged group of cells
Example to reproduce on dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@Andrii/uHINuvIh
On the cell A1 there is a comment, merged cells are A1:G1, comment is shown only when hover over cell A1.
Currently, when working on a mobile device, the Spreadsheet doesn't have all the functionalities available when working on a desktop machine.
Providing support for the merge cell, multi-cell selection & context menu opening when working on a mobile device will be very useful for the Spreadsheet.
When we have filtered rows in a spreadsheet (some rows are hidden) and we copy a single cell and paste into a range containing the hidden rows....
The spreadsheet copies the value into all cells in the range including those that are hidden. This is not the same functionality as Excel.
That said, is the any way to skip hidden cells in the paste range?
Is there a way to override the Kendo past function to do this? Can you provide an example?
Thank you
Jeffrey Suffet
### Bug report
When the property "useCultureDecimals" is enabled in a culture where the decimal separator is the comma, the function Text() does not format numbers correctly.
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Set a culture where the decimal separator is the comma (i.e. "da-DK");
2. Create a Spreadsheet and enable the property "useCultureDecimals";
3. Enter a number with a decimal separator comma (i.e. "0,1141");
4. Format the cell by using the Text() function ( =TEXT(A1; "##0,00%") );
5. The number is not formatted properly - "011%"
A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/AsiLiKil/12
### Expected/desired behavior
"0,1141" should be formatted as "11,41%" as in Excel.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version: 2021.3.914
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]
Hi there,
I'd love the ability to specify regex validation for the spreadsheet component. I saw a forum post (https://www.telerik.com/forums/spreadsheet-regex-validation) someone else had made relating to this, but couldn't find a feature request made based off of it.
(taken from the post) Ideally it'd look something like this:
var columnSens = spreadsheet.activeSheet().range("A2:A10");
dataType: "custom",
from: 'REGEX("^(()|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[^\da-zA-Z]).{8,60}))$")',
type: "warning",
allowNulls: true,
titleTemplate: "Invalid Password",
messageTemplate: "Passwords must be between 8 - 60 characters long and contain the following: 1 number, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 special (non letter or number) character."
When trying to select multiple cells in Spreadsheet, an error "n._ref.height is not a function" occurs.
Regression introduced with R3 2021.
An error "n._ref.height is not a function" occurs and cells are not selected.
No error should occur and cells should be selected.
Currently, after export to excel and opening the exported file again in Spreadsheet, the row heights for rows with predefined height change. The above could be easily observed on the Index demo:
* initially, the height of the top row is set to 70px;
* export the Spreadsheet to Excel;
* after re-importing the above file, the height of the first row "Invoice #52" becomes 81px without any apparent reason.
I have a first example using the Kendo Toolbar widget and I was able to get an Angular button rendered in the toolbar: http://dojo.telerik.com/ucIfin When I tried to do the same thing in the Kendo Spreadsheet widget toolbar, it failed to compile my template: http://dojo.telerik.com/UseWI In general Angular directives are not compiled properly when specified in the template of a Spreadsheet Toolbar item. I am aware of a workaround for the kendo-button specific case, but I would like the template to work for custom Angular directives as well.
Load big excel files stored on the server
Possible implementation:
Load on demand data:
First load the file structure (sheets name, column names and number of rows)
Then load data when sheet is selected or scrolled
Describe the bug
When the Spreadsheet has locked columns and columnWidth is set, but the width of the locked exceed the width of the Spreadsheet, the widget is not rendered correctly.
To reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
The columns of the Spreadsheet are visible even outside of the component.
Expected behavior
The columns should be limited to the Spreadsheet width
Affected package (please remove the unneeded items)
Affected suites (please remove the unneeded items)
Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the functionality to be able to filter null and whitespace items more easily with the built-in API for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet.
Thank you!
In Excel I can create a merged cell. For this example, I will merge A1:B1 and name the range MyCell. Next I name the single cell D5, and call it MyAnswer. I can enter the following formula into MyAnswer, =MyCell and Excel will return the result.
Using Telerik if I create the same layout I get a #Value or #Spill error because Telerik requires MyAnswer to be the same merge configuration as MyCell which creates a significant disadvantage in usability.
Can you please advise when this issue will be fixed in Telerik.
I have attached a screen recording of this not working in your Dojo named "Telerik merge cell reference not working when not same col.mov".
Thank you so much.
Related To: #5500
When there are merged cells and the SUM formula is used for the merged cells the result is wrong (it depends on the count of the merged cells)
The result in the D1 cell is 20. ( value of cell * count of cells in merged range)
The result should be 5. In the same scenario, the result in Excel will be 5.
Currently, the Spreadsheet does not appear and does not function properly when the 'k-rtl' class is applied.
Please provide Right-To-Left support for the Spreadsheet widget.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the Kendo UI Grid to improve performance when evaluating multiple formulas. At this point, if I use a formula on multiple rows(over 1500 rows), the page slows and eventually crashes. This happens when I use the fromFile method too.
Thank you for the consideration!
The FromJson method of Telerik.Web.Spreadsheet.Workbook doesn't add images when a JSON containing an image blob is passed to it.
It would be nice if the FromJson method supports images.
There are multiple formats for date and time in kendo and in different cultures the count increases. Is there a function in which i pass spreadsheet cell value and format and it returns that it is a date format or number format. I just want to know the type of format so i can parse the dates on my own from json on server side.
In my application I am using the following.
Dojo example: https://dojo.telerik.com/@iankodj/aKIyEwUv
The spreadsheet component works well with the namespace, however any dialogs that the component opens do not function correctly.
For example, I am using Edge browser. If I copy a cell and they try and past the value via the context menu, a dialog appears telling me to use the keyboard.
The "ok" button of the dialog does not work. Looking at the html source that is added to the DOM, it appears that the button is trying to bind to the click event via a "data-bind" attribute rather than a "data-kendo-bind" attribute as specified via the namespace.
The attached file show the behavior with the Basic demo example having the kendo namespace set.
In Spreadsheet, the cell format is lost when you change its value.
The new value is not rounded as per the preset format.
The new value should respect the format set for the cell.