Would like to suggest 2 features for the spreadsheet which will be very useful
1) Ability to delete specific cell (not just the content, but the cell itself). Currently there is way to delete row or columns, but no cell deletion. When cell is deleted, user should be prompted whether to allow all cells below the deleted cell to shift up, or all cells on the right of it to shift left. Akin to excel
2) Format painter. The ability to "paint" the styles (such as font size, boldness) from existing text to another existing text. Akin to excel.
We are trying to use the Kendo Jquery spreadsheet but are running across some issues in terms of setting up for printing and/or exporting to PDF.
Currently, we let the user modify the spreadsheet to suit their needs. The problem is there is no way to see page breaks at this time...that we know of. The users stretch columns and row to suit their needs but the only way to see if they 'broke' across a page is to export to pdf to see...
We would like one or two options...
1. We know what our page size is - 8 1/2 x 11. Is there a way to fix the max size of the spreadsheet so it's 1 page wide? If the user inserts columns then the other columns just get smaller and smaller - proportionally - but ultimately the sheet is as only as wide as 1 page...
2. The ability to see where the page breaks are so they can set up the sheet correctly.
Please let me know if one of these options is feasible or are we stuck?
Thank you
Jeffrey Suffet
Dear Kendo,
I made research about Kendo Spreadsheet control and I found some of unlogical things in example:
1. When I made changes (kendoSpreadsheetCancelChanges.png) in spreadsheet and click on CANCEL CHANGES button, all of these changes aren't removed.
2. Manually reading spreadsheet datasource, all of these changes aren't removed. For example, when I type in console
$("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet").options.sheets[0].dataSource.read();, datasource is reading, but almost all changes are shown. Why?
Kind Regards,
Hello there,
I am developing a Web application using Kendo UI Spreadsheet control, but I noticed that when I copy some numbers from a Excel sheet to the spreadsheet and then copy back to Excel, the decimal values are quite different, I mean, the decimal precision has been affected.
For example:
I have the following numbers on a Excel sheet:
1 | 0.5 | 0.333333333 | 0.25 | 0.2 | 0.166667 | 0.142857 | 0.125 | 0.111111 | 0.1 | 0.090909 | 0.083333 | 0.076923 | 0.071429 | 0.066667 | 0.0625 | 0.058824 | 0.055556 | 0.052632 |
Then, I copy them to the Kendo spreadsheet and I got the following:
100.00% | 50.00% | 33.33% | 25.00% | 20.00% | 16.67% | 14.29% | 12.50% | 11.11% | 10.00% | 9.09% | 8.33% | 7.69% | 7.14% | 6.67% | 6.25% | 5.88% | 5.56% | 5.26% |
But when I copy them back to Excel I got this:
1 | 0.5 | 0.3333 | 0.25 | 0.2 | 0.1667 | 0.1429 | 0.125 | 0.1111 | 0.1 | 0.0909 | 0.0833 | 0.0769 | 0.0714 | 0.0667 | 0.0625 | 0.0588 | 0.0556 | 0.0526 |
Losing many decimals affecting the results of my computation and calculation.
Can you tell me why is this happening?
Thank you some much.
Dear Concerned,
1. Launch https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/spreadsheet/index
2. Open attached MultipleSheetsRowHeightIssue.xlsx
3. Please notice there are 3 sheets with default row height 20, 30, 40 respectively (you can check in MS Excel)
4. Now Click export, and open the exported file again
5. Now we have an issue here - all sheets set to default row height to 40. (It seems that it is setting the last sheet's default row height to all sheets)
Its severe issue, please share a fix or at least provide some workaround.
I see some potential for improvements here, I see how the Spreadsheet entirely depends on the JSON structure. It doesn't have to be like this as the setDataSource() method shows clearly that the columns could be further configured:
Therefore, the Sheet columns could be configured upon the widget initialization. Such configuration options could be represented in the following manner for the HTML helper version of the widget:
.Columns<Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.SpreadsheetProductViewModel>(columns =>
columns.Add(c => c.ProductId).Name("Product ID").Width(100);
columns.Add(c => c.ProductName).Name("Name").Width(415);
We are using Kendo spreadsheet one of our applications. We wanted to get applied filters and set back to the Kendo spreadsheet. Not able to find a documentation for that. Can you please anyone help to sort this issue out?
When editing a workbook with the Spreadsheet component, if a user switches from a worksheet to another, then moves the scrollbars, when switching back, although the active cell is adequately recovered, the scrollbars are not (the user experience is that they do not react to worksheet switching).
Is this behavior planned to be changed? Is there a workaround?
It would be nice to have custom attributes for rows and cells so that I can track things behind the scenes such as row identifiers that could be used to update a corresponding rows in a the data base. This id would not be editable by the user. There are many more uses I would like this for and that is just one example.
I would rather not have to create a column in the spreadsheet just for this and then hide it. I find that very clunky.
Currently, after export to excel and opening the exported file again in Spreadsheet, the row heights for rows with predefined height change. The above could be easily observed on the Index demo:
* initially, the height of the top row is set to 70px;
* export the Spreadsheet to Excel;
* after re-importing the above file, the height of the first row "Invoice #52" becomes 81px without any apparent reason.
We are using Spreadsheet widget in our system and have following questions to meet the demands of our customers:
Currently we use spreadsheet filtering configuration according to this example:
$("#spreadsheet").kendoSpreadsheet({ sheets: [ { name: "OrdersLog", mergedCells: [ "A1:G1", "A2:F2" ], filter: { ref: "A3:G49", columns:[] },
Can you please provide us with working examples of configuration (or required code adjustments) that will help us to meet the requrements above?
Bug in js\spreadsheet\numformat.js makeDateFormat
You appear to be using the wrong indices inside a nested loop.
if (/^(?:date|time|ampm)$/.test(section.body[i].type)) {
Should be (switch i to j)
if (/^(?:date|time|ampm)$/.test(section.body[j].type)) {
Getting error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (numformat.js:630)
Note: Version is actually 2018.3.1114 from npm
The sheets bar should be configurable with some configuration options to control the ability to..
1. Add sheets
2. Remove sheets
3. Rename sheets
4. Reorder sheets