When editing a workbook with the Spreadsheet component, if a user switches from a worksheet to another, then moves the scrollbars, when switching back, although the active cell is adequately recovered, the scrollbars are not (the user experience is that they do not react to worksheet switching).
Is this behavior planned to be changed? Is there a workaround?
It would be nice to have custom attributes for rows and cells so that I can track things behind the scenes such as row identifiers that could be used to update a corresponding rows in a the data base. This id would not be editable by the user. There are many more uses I would like this for and that is just one example.
I would rather not have to create a column in the spreadsheet just for this and then hide it. I find that very clunky.
Currently, after export to excel and opening the exported file again in Spreadsheet, the row heights for rows with predefined height change. The above could be easily observed on the Index demo:
* initially, the height of the top row is set to 70px;
* export the Spreadsheet to Excel;
* after re-importing the above file, the height of the first row "Invoice #52" becomes 81px without any apparent reason.
We are using Spreadsheet widget in our system and have following questions to meet the demands of our customers:
Currently we use spreadsheet filtering configuration according to this example:
$("#spreadsheet").kendoSpreadsheet({ sheets: [ { name: "OrdersLog", mergedCells: [ "A1:G1", "A2:F2" ], filter: { ref: "A3:G49", columns:[] },
Can you please provide us with working examples of configuration (or required code adjustments) that will help us to meet the requrements above?
Bug in js\spreadsheet\numformat.js makeDateFormat
You appear to be using the wrong indices inside a nested loop.
if (/^(?:date|time|ampm)$/.test(section.body[i].type)) {
Should be (switch i to j)
if (/^(?:date|time|ampm)$/.test(section.body[j].type)) {
Getting error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (numformat.js:630)
Note: Version is actually 2018.3.1114 from npm
The sheets bar should be configurable with some configuration options to control the ability to..
1. Add sheets
2. Remove sheets
3. Rename sheets
4. Reorder sheets
1. The top tab section (with the Home, Insert, Data, Undo, Redo) button of the toolbar should be configurable to be hidden, i.e. "single toolbar" configuration should be supported. Since it is possible to configure the toolbar to show custom items, it should also be possible to hide other tabs and the undo/redo button and only have a single toolbar as the configuration.
/* Style hack to hide the "Home/Insert/Data" tabstrip at the top of the spreadsheet. */
.k-spreadsheet-tabstrip.k-tabstrip {
& > ul {
display: none;
& .k-content {
border-top: 0px;
* Style hack to hide the undo/redo buttons in the quick-access toolbar.
.k-tabstrip-wrapper .k-spreadsheet-quick-access-toolbar {
display: none;
1. Open "Sample Kendo UI SpreadSheet Example.html" attached html file in the chrome browser.
2. Click on open button in the Toolbar of the spreadsheet.
3. Select "Sample Excel with Font Colors.xlsx" attached excel file. This excel file contains headers with background color and Rows with ForeColors.
4. Now when the file is loaded, you will observe that B2, B3 and B5 should come up in Red fore color but the fore color of these cell in the kendo spread sheet is Black.
5. Similarly C2 to C5 should come in Green color but the fore color in the spreadsheet is black.
Query: Kindly let me know how can we achieve the fore color present in the excel sheet show show up in the Kendo UI Spreadsheet?
When we use custom validation for a cell using below method kendo.spreadsheet.defineFunction("CUSTOM_VALIDATION", function(num){}); its triggered for each cell. Let say i have applied this validation method for 100 cells. If i changed any one cell then this method got invoked 100 times. Instead it should execute single time i.e, for that changed cell only. We cant keep 100 different methods for 100 cells. This will impact more on performance. Please look it on this and fix accordingly. This feature will be helpful for complex usage.
IF any custom validation available for spreadsheet cells, then while exporting the sheet, those validation error messages or formats not getting exported. So here it will be helpful if its exports validations too. So user can see error in both UI and Exported file. In the below example, user can see the error messages in ui but cant see on the exported file. https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/data-management/spreadsheet/how-to/validation-to-column
Ability to set a cell with font Strikethrough
In percent-formatted cells, Excel will place a '%' as the user types. This allows 50% to be entered as '50'. Steps (excel and kendo): 1. Format a cell as percent 2. Enter 50 Excel shows "50.00%". The actual value is .5 Kendo widget shows "5000.00%". The actual value is 50
Currently only the global culture is used to parse dates. This behavior differs from Excel as I can enter 1/1/19 to parse to 1/1/2019. I would like the widget to format using the chosen date culture (mm/dd/yyyy), but parse in an optional way, such as mm/dd/yy.
I have altered the kendo code to add row and column references to the k-spreadsheet-cell dom objects. A sample of this is: <div style="color: rgb(81, . . . class="k-spreadsheet-cell r17c1 row-17 col-1"> . . . . I have items that I wish to place on top of cells in the spreadsheet. I can use these classes to identify the dom element corresponding to a spreadsheet cell object. I wish that this thing would let me post images. This is working really well. Request: It would be nice if the spreadsheet code to do this out of the box. Further, it would be beneficial to add a 'tag' property to a spreadsheet cell that would be indicated in the cell's dom object. If a cell has a tag, it should be rendered even if it doesn't have non-trivial formatting or a value.
It would be great to be able to put buttons inside a cell or merged cell for atomic functionality. Actually I would really need it for a project we are working on at our company.
Hi Progress - just some quick feedback: 1. Telerik Control Panel updates - it feels like a lot of the time, when the TCP needs updating the user has to manually uninstall the old version and the install the new one using the .exe installer. If the TCP could automatically handle this process, that would be appreciated. 2. The various Telerik Spread Processing libraries (and other document processing libraries) can only be installed as an included component of the Telerik "UI for X" library installations. It would be great if there was an option in the TCP to do a standalone installation of just the Spread Processing libraries. Thanks and kind regards, - Lawrence
type =IF( "a"="A" ; 1 ; 0 ) and =IF( EXACT("a";"A") ; 1 ; 0 ) into Kendo Spreadsheet and Google Spreadsheet and MS Excel. There is a special EXACT function (which is also available in Kendo) to enforce case-sensitivity. By default it should be off.