Last Updated: 23 Apr 2024 08:36 by ADMIN


Change target in tsconfig in this stackblitz to targer es2022 to recreate bug

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 07:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

The inner circle of radio buttons are incorrectly scaled/positioned in Bootstrap themes. The radio buttons in bootstrap theme are by default dependent on "rem" unit. For applications, that specify different base for "rem" unit, than 16px, it is possible to naturally override dimensions of the radio button without any specific overrides.


In example application, the following points are important:

1. :root specifies font-size=24px. So 1rem=24px.

2. Radio buttons uses size="small". The width and height then defaults to 0.75rem=18px.


Important note, is that the wrong positioning of inner circle is most visible when scaling down the browser view. There is offset by 1px to the sides. The image in the attachments is screenshot from the application and demonstrates the offset in pixels from the sides. The first number above the radio button is the offset of the inner circle in pixels from the left, the second number after "/" is the offset of inner circle from the right.


This issue appears only if the dimensions are being increased/decreased in respect to the default "medium" size. If the radio button is scaled using "scale" CSS function, then the scaling is correctly preserved. Also I didn't notice any problem for the "medium" sized radio button in any browser view. The root font-size might not be important for bug to be reproducible, but inconsistencies are then more visible.

Last Updated: 20 Mar 2024 16:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Ammaiyappan
Comments: 5
Category: Slider
Type: Bug Report

when click kendo slider increment or decrement tile it's moving two small steps.

My case instead of moving two steps, one step need to move

Last Updated: 08 Mar 2024 07:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Aurélien
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

Using the Editor component with Form Support, if I choose the style Heading 1 and type some letter.

I clean the value using only backspace key on the keyboard and the value of the form control is <h1></h1>.


This is reproductible on the demo :

  • Choose Heading 1 style
  • Type AAA
  • The form value = <h1>AAA</h1>
  • Clean the value using backspace
  • The form value = <h1></h1>

Expected result

  • The form value should be empty
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024 08:18 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: Charts
Type: Bug Report
Bug title: X-axis is getting overlapped while resizing the page upto 400% of zoom.
Severity: Sev2 (High)

Test Environment: OS: Windows 11 22H2
OS Build: 23620.1000

Pre-Requisite: Set browser zoom level to 400% and display resolution: 1280x1024 (or) In dev Tools set the resolution to 320*256.

Repro steps:
1.Open URL: in edge browser.
2.Navigate to 'Kendo UI for Angular ' tab item and invoke it.
3.Navigate to the Angular chart control and invoke it.
4.In left navigation pane click Scatter control under 'series types'.
5.Navigate to 'Scatter Plot Chart'.
6.Verify whether X-axis is getting overlapped while resizing the page upto 400% of zoom or not.

Actual Result:
X-axis is getting overlapped while resizing the page upto 400% of zoom.

Expected Result:
X-axis should not get overlapped when browser zoom level set to 400%.
Last Updated: 09 Feb 2024 10:52 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report
Bug Title: NVDA/Narrator is not announcing Search results whether result is found or not.

Severity: Sev2 (High)

Test Environment: OS: Windows 11 22H2
OS Build: 23620.1000

Pre-Requisite: Turn on NVDA/Narrator.

Repro steps:
1.Now turn on NVDA/Narrator
2.Open this  url "app.component.ts - nodebox - CodeSandbox".
3.Tab till preview tab which is present at right down corner.
4.Tab till quick filter input box and press enter.
5.Observe that NVDA/Narrator is not announcing Search results whether result is found or not.

Actual Result:
Narrator/NVDA is not announcing Search results whether result is found or not.

Expected Result:
Narrator/NVDA should announce Search results whether result is found or not.
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2024 14:55 by ADMIN


When a detail row is used, the moment you expand one row and scroll, it automatically loads the last items from the dataset.

Ex expand row 1 - start scrolling, and it suddenly loads 5xx th row+;

When grouping is also enabled - expanding the detail row under one group, expands it under all groups.


The stackbliz is from the kendo demo page for virtualscroll (with the added detail row).

Last Updated: 12 Jan 2024 14:54 by ADMIN
Hi Team,
minimized the last column to smallest and it's difficult to expand this column. Could you please help how to expand this column . Thanks.
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2023 11:52 by Grigory

If you have a kendo grid table with some data over multiple pages and you go e.g. to the last page and then reload the data, resulting with less pages - the table is empty and you have to manually click on the first page to see the data. Here is a working example:

Step 1. Go to the last page
Step 2. Click on the button "'Reset data" <- you see no data
Step 3. Click on the first page <- You see the data

Last Updated: 14 Sep 2023 08:36 by ADMIN

Use the basic usage example from

Click in the area next to the baseball chip.

The list with available objects pops up.

Click in the place where the cursor is, the popup won't close.

Click in the right half of the component, the popup closes.


It seems it's the input element which swallows the click event.

I would expect the popup to be closed, no mather where I click in the component

Last Updated: 01 Sep 2023 12:30 by ADMIN

Here is a simple example:


  [data]="notes$ | async"
  <ng-template kendoListViewHeaderTemplate>
    <span title>Reminders</span>
  <ng-template kendoListViewItemTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem">
    <app-message-note [note]="dataItem"></app-message-note>


  selector: 'app-message-list',
  templateUrl: `./message-list.component.html`,
  styles: [
      .k-d-flex-overflow-auto {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        flex-wrap: nowrap;
        overflow: auto;
export class MessageListComponent implements OnInit {
  notes$: Observable<NoteDto[]>;

  constructor(private replyService: ReplyNoteService) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.notes$ = this.replyService.getUserNotesList();

  loadMore() {

Without these styles scroll is not visible.

Current behavior: scroll to the bottom, nothing happens.

Expected behavior: scroll to the bottom "loading..." will be logged to the browser console.

Last Updated: 31 Aug 2023 15:49 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Given: a kendo grid with resize enabled.

And: the input locked on kendo-grid-colum  is undefined (by ex. due the component class property not initialized)

When: the user double click on the column resize handler 

Actual: the column width is set to 0

Expected: the colum  autofit behaviour remain consistent and set the column width as usual.

Last Updated: 31 Aug 2023 15:08 by ADMIN

There is a bug with the kendoGridGroupBinding directive when changing the input data and using virtual scrolling.  If you have many rows and scroll down to a lower virtual page and then change the input data to a small subset the grid will think there is no data.  And if you then change back to the full data set you have to start scrolling down before the grid repaints with data.  

Reproduction available here


1. scroll down halfway in the grid

2. click the "Show subset" button.  Note the grid shows the no records message but should show three rows

3. click the "Show all" button.  Now the grid shows the scrollbar and the no records message is gone but it is not showing data.  You have to scroll down past where you previously were with all data before it repaints the rows

One workaround is to have an ngIf on the grid to destroy and recreate the grid when the input data changes, something like this:


  private destroyAndRecreateGrid(): void {
      tap(t => {


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2023 14:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Mark
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

If ComboBox is used in a form and its required, screen readers will not pick up this information since it is not passed on to the underlying input field.

The example a nice workaround, but a final solution should have this automatically implemented by the control.

Last Updated: 21 Jul 2023 04:55 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report
Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values
  1. Open link
  2. Tab to the “Select gender:” dropdown.
  3. Run fastpass in Accessibility insights for web extension

Actual Result:
Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values

Expected Result:

Fix ONE of the following:

Required ARIA children role not present: group, option

Element has no aria-busy="true" attribute

User Impact:

When an assistive technology encounters an element with an invalid ARIA attribute value, it might ignore the attribute or respond to it in an unexpected way. As a result, people who use assistive technologies might find the element difficult or impossible to use.

Attached Files:
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2023 04:54 by ADMIN
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them
  1. Hit enter link  
  2. Tab to 'Run project' button and press ENTER to activate it.
  3. Tab to the “Select gender:” dropdown.
  4. Run fastpass in Accessibility insights for web extension

Actual Result:
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them

Expected Result:

Fix ONE of the following:

Required ARIA children role not present: group, option

Element has no aria-busy="true" attribute

User Impact:
 People who use assistive technologies might find it difficult or impossible to use a composite control if its managed controls lack the required child role or if it contains unexpected types of children.
Attached Files:
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2023 04:42 by ADMIN

While the grid is initially loading data, the "No records available." message is confusing and provides no useful information.

Expected behavior - when the grid is initially loading, don't display the message as the rows/data might very well appear

To reproduce basically just go to the grid demo page (refresh if needed) and pay attention to the grid loading:

Example in our project - intuitively you'd think that the grid has no records until you see the loader; in any case, the message looks out of place:

Last Updated: 22 Jun 2023 08:24 by ADMIN

Test Environment:
Browser: Edge browser Version 114.0.1823.51 (Official build) (64-bit)
OS: Windows 22H2

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the URL - in edge browser.
  2. Press Tab key and navigate to “Select gender” dropdown.
  3. Run fastpass in Accessibility insights for web extension.

Actual Result: Fastpass run shows "Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible name" error for “Select gender” dropdown.

Expected Result: Every ARIA input field has an accessible name
Fix ONE of the following:
aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty

Element has no title attribute


Last Updated: 22 May 2023 11:02 by ADMIN

Reproduce the bug with

import { Component } from "@angular/core";

  selector: "my-app",
  template: `
    <button (click)="show = !show">Show/hide</button>
    <ng-container *ngIf="show">
      <div class="example-config">
        Selected value is: {{ value | kendoDate: "MM/dd/yyyy" }}
      <div class="example-wrapper" style="min-height: 400px">
        <p>Select a date:</p>
          (use Alt+↓ to open the calendar, ← and → to navigate, ↑ to increment
          and ↓ to decrement the value)
  styles: [
      kendo-datepicker {
        width: 170px;
export class AppComponent {
  public show = false;
  public value: Date = new Date(2000, 2, 10);

error displayed:

"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement')
    at set fillMode [as fillMode] (progress-kendo-angular-dateinputs.mjs:9186:53)
    at Object.ngOnChangesSetInp"

in file


     * Sets the fillMode of the component.
     * The possible values are:
     * * `solid` (Default)
     * * `flat`
     * * `outline`
     * * `none`
    set fillMode(fillMode) {
        this.renderer.removeClass(this.wrapper.nativeElement, getFillModeClass('input', this.fillMode));
        this.renderer.removeClass(this.toggleButton.nativeElement, getFillModeClass('button', this.fillMode));
        this.renderer.removeClass(this.toggleButton.nativeElement, `k-button-${this.fillMode}-base`);
        const newFillMode = fillMode ? fillMode : DEFAULT_FILL_MODE;
        if (newFillMode !== 'none') {
            this.renderer.addClass(this.toggleButton.nativeElement, getFillModeClass('button', newFillMode));
            this.renderer.addClass(this.toggleButton.nativeElement, `k-button-${newFillMode}-base`);
            this.renderer.addClass(this.wrapper.nativeElement, getFillModeClass('input', newFillMode));

It works when the code changes in

import { AfterViewInit, Component } from "@angular/core";

  selector: "my-app",
  template: `
    <button (click)="show = !show">Show/hide</button>
    <ng-container *ngIf="show">
      <div class="example-config">
        Selected value is: {{ value | kendoDate: "MM/dd/yyyy" }}
      <div class="example-wrapper" style="min-height: 400px">
        <p>Select a date:</p>
          (use Alt+↓ to open the calendar, ← and → to navigate, ↑ to increment
          and ↓ to decrement the value)
  styles: [
      kendo-datepicker {
        width: 170px;
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  public show = false;
  public value: Date = new Date(2000, 2, 10);

  public fillMode = "solid";

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    Promise.resolve().then(() => (this.fillMode = "outline"));

It only appears in DateInputs Components, other Inputs work well
Last Updated: 11 May 2023 09:59 by ADMIN
Charts forks in main component, but when we try to show their in dialog component for pdf preview - we have error msg in console and charts doen't displayed. We have this issue after angular and kendo version update. Can you help with it?
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