There is already checkbox column and check/select all on header level, but it will be great to see checkbox on group level header too, so we can select/deselect all items in the group.
Currently, when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive of the Grid, the cell enters edit mode with a single mouse click. The only approach for modifying the default behavior is by manually implementing the editing functionality and handling the HTML dblclick event, as demonstrated in the following article:
Please provide an option that enables specifying whether the in-cell editing is activated upon a single or double click when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive.
In the documentation it says that sticky columns are not available while using virtual columns. It is really important for us to virtualize columns, when there's a lot of them in the grid, but also being able to use a sticky column at the same time.
Can you please consider implementing sticky columns while virtual columns are also enabled?
Best regards,
This will allow developers to target a specific element where they want to render the popups, similar to the Grid POPUP_CONTAINER. This will help render the popup at Grid container level which will display then inside the FullScreen API.
This is regarding the row and column reordering as they append to the body.
Similar to the HintSettings appendTo property:
The Angular Grid export only includes PDF and Excel formats. Requesting an enhancement to be able to export to CSV for purposes of opening the data in a text editor other than Excel or to allow for easier upload into other applications.
There are articles that show how to do this but it would be better out of the box from Telerik.
Hi, Team!
I would like to request functionality that enables me to implement a feature allowing the users to drag and drop multiple rows simultaneously inside the Kendo UI for Angular Grid.
Hi, Team!
Currently, the built-in row reordering feature is not compatible with the grouping feature of the Grid component. Therefore, I would like to request a feature where the drag and drop of records inside a single group or across multiple groups is possible.
A possible workaround that requires additional logic for the full implementation of the logic:
Allow user to filter like excel and your Keno UI for jquery. Where user can filter record by applying checkbox check and search.
When I type on a filter, the event filterChange is fired and it correctly contains the data of the column filter that has been modified, with its value.
The problem is that when a filter is cleared (either via clear button or by emptying the filter), the fired filterChange event does not contain any information. No name of the filter field is provided. This doesn't allow me to know which filter has been cleared.
Hi, Team!
I would like to request an enhancement to the built-in drag selection functionality such that the Grid component is automatically scrolled thus allowing the user to reach rows and columns that are rendered on the page but are not currently visible.
When using virtual scrolling and grouping features (currently achieved with kendoGridGroupBinding directive), the ability to control the expanded state of the groups is disabled due to limitation.
The available methods are helpfull when you want to control the state of the groups at runtime, but are not compatible with virtual scrolling since the records are loaded on demand.
It would be nice if we had the ability to collapse and expand all groups of the Grid programatically when using virtual scrolling.
We need to overwrite kendo-grid-column-chooser component reset button logic. We need reset button to select all columns that were selected during the initial load of grid.instead of current reset logic. Is there a way to overwrite reset button logic?
I tried <kendo-grid-column-chooser (reset)="resetColumnMenu($event)"></kendo-grid-column-chooser> but it didn't work.
We need copy-pasting data from Excel to Kendo UI for Angular Grid, and it is available in old telerik component for silverlite application
hello i`m always using kendo grid in my project but i can`t import excel to kendo grid please make it possible to import excel file and select specific sheet to kendo grid
It would be helpful to have a filter option inside the ColumnChooserComponent.
In some use cases we have around 30-50 items inside the list, it's hard to scroll through the small window to find your entries.
A simple textbox to search through the entries would be enough.
There is no event to cater mouse-over events for rows in k-grid. This is important if we need to perform something row specific.
Also, this is not achievable through javascript events. So it should be a feature in Kendo.
It will be a good addition to the CheckboxColumnComponent if you allow developers to disable the checkboxes conditionally.
Workaround adding `k-disabled` class using class and headerClass properties: