Hello Team,
When in Kendo-Grid for Angular there more columns then that fits in the page, we get a horizontal scroll.
If i apply reordering of columns and try to move one to any direction.
1. If the columns need to be moved on same visible section, it does moves perfectly.
2. but if i want to move something beyond the visible section, i can't as the scrolling does not work automatically, either i need to use Keyboard to move scroll bar which in case users needs to be trained or is not user friendly or i need to it in parts.
Please help us to include feature to auto scroll when we move columns
Add "between" grid filter row operator similar to DevExpress for angular one.
Example here:
Add icons for grid filter operators to easily understand current operator (DevExpress example):
Now I can configure possible filter operators and default operator on column basis. Doing so I have much copy-pasted code for each grid column.
I want to have a grid level option to configure this on "type" basis with a reusable js object (e.g. public constant shared across components):
<kendo-grid [filterOptions]="GridFilterOptions" ...
Where GridFilterOptions:
public const GridFilterOptions: ... = [
{ type: "string", default: "contains", operators: ["contains", "doesnotcontain"]},
{ type: "number", default: "eq", operators: ["eq", "neq"]}
When assigning data to a grid dynamically (ie: not specific columns to a grid) the Grid Columns should autosize to the width of the headers. Currently the only workaround is to use grid.AutoFitColumns() and wrap it in a timeout function. This causes erratic jumps in grid rendering and looks unprofessional.
Users should have the option to set gridColumnAutosize = true in the grid component. Then if users dynamically assign the grid data source without explicitly assigning columns then the grid columns will autosize to the width of the column header name.
Here is an example of the grid trying to squeeze in all data into the visible area. When it should autosize and create a scrollbar for anything that cannot fit on the page.
Current behavior
The grid component already has the functionality to resize and reorder columns by the user, but is missing functionality for saving an restoring columns configuration, so that changes done by the user are lost after a page change.
There is the Persist the State article in the "How to section" in the documentation, but the described solution is only applicable when adding grid columns by using *ngFor. When defining columns in the markup, due to extensive usage of templates (kendoGridColumnMenuTemplate, kendoGridFilterMenuTemplate, kendoGridCellTemplate, ..), there is no reasonable solution available.
Expected behavior
Provide methods, similar to the jQuery grid, to save and restore columns configuration. This should at least include the column's order, width and sort.
PS: This is not a duplicate of the feature request Add persistent state for grid (and other components). The latter one has been marked as "Completed" but does not include the needed functionality.
It would be nice to have support for horizontal virtual scrolling for the Grid in cases of large number of columns. Just like the current feature for vertical scrolling, in which you can update the visible rows through a pageChange() event handler.
Please add support to change order of filter/clear buttons in Grid Filter Menu Component (so instead of "Clear-Filter" button order we can use "Filter-Clear" button order).
Kendo Angular PDF is currently has good functionality to export/download as PDF. My Idea is that , if Kendo can extend its PDF export functionality with print also. Problem - Currently using kendo PDF download, the GRID or any HTML component looks good to the users. But the same Grid if the user want to print , then the developers has to use some third party scripts to generate the print object and do the print. still its not appears as good as it appears in PDF. so the end users are complaining why the PDF export and the print is different in look and feel. Here are the steps to overcome. 1. should have a print PDF functionality which opens the PDF into new window. 2. the user has the option to download or print the pdf using PDF in-built options. 3. Kendo to provide fix to open in new window for all browsers ( IE, chrome, firefox etc) 4. Kendo print should not send the request to underline printer or any other hardware device.
Add the RowTemplate feature of JQuery Grid to Angular Grid. https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/rowtemplate In particular we are looking to be able to define 2 rows of data per row. The second has cells that span multiple columns so we are unable to achieve what we want with a Cell Template ( https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/grid/columns/templates/ ).
Scroll position is lost when navigating between routes. A way to set scroll position on the grid would be nice for navigating to a previous route.
Currently in the Grid, the GroupHeaderTemplate can create just one cell. I'd prefer to have option to have columns in the group header like it is implemented in the jQuery Grid. Check it here https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/aggregates This option will be handy for displaying aggregates in a group header.