Hi, Thanks for the great work on porting jQuery TreeView to pure Angular... If possible to port the drag & drop feature as well As a sidenote, maybe add TreeView category to this feedback page Thank you!
Hi, I was going through Treeview in angular 5. What I feel lacking in Treeview is search functionality. I would be very thankful if you can provide search functionality. Thanks
If you expand a tree node with 1000 items in it, and that tree has an ng-template the performance is very poor. It takes 7 seconds on my machine, see here https://www.telerik.com/forums/slow-treeview-with-large-datasets Please add virtualisation to the TreeView so that not so many DOM elements (and therefore ng-templates) need to be created.
Add the posibility to expand all nodes in a TreeView component.
It would be useful if the TreeView can support the Angular Routing feature, for example allowing to set a RouterLink directive for each item of the tree.
Do You have plans, to provide extended 'desktop-like' multiselection of nodes with ctrl/meta or shift key pressed?
Please provide an optional callback function when rebindChildren has finished and the tree is stable again.
Provide an option to specify the drag target.
Currently, we can click anywhere on the item and drag it. But there are scenarios where the items should be draggable only when clicking an icon.
Hi , When can we expect RTL support for Treeview component? Thanks
[isDisabled]="disabled || isDisabled(node, nodeIndex(index))"
Because of the hardcoded disabled property, isDisabled cannot be reliably used to control which item is disabled.
Disabling the parent node automatically disables the entire tree under it and isDisabled is never called for those items.
It should behave like other functions - isChecked, isExpanded, isVisible etc - where you have full control over which item does what.
Having a scrollTo method, similar to the one in the Grid component(API), would be a very useful feature for the TreeView component.
support r-click menu
The tree view enables us to drag and drop one item at a time. we have a scenario where i want to drag and drop multiple items. tree view also enables multiple selection of items but not supporting drag and drop of multiple items. Could you please provide some solution to dag and drop multiple items
Thanks& regards,
Ramesh M
I'm aware of the solution described https://www.telerik.com/forums/is-there-a-way-to-set-a-treeview-busy-like-grid's-loading but it would be nice to have a way to control build-in loading indicator instead of implementing a custom one.
In a scenario when the data is stored in the state and fetch children immediately returns empty observable and then when data is available and emitted to the source observable you can't see the loading indicator.
An example:
Click to expand a category, the "expand" icon is changed to "expanded" but no data is available yet. Two seconds later when data arrives it looks fine, but it would be really good to improve users experience and show a build-in loading indicator while data is not yet available
Please provide an option that allows exposing the TreeView nodes' indexes. Such a feature will be especially helpful when rearranging the TreeView nodes by dragging.
Thank you
Request related to - https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular/issues/3452
Currently, the default filtering mode, known as "lenient", halts its search as soon as a match is identified, showcasing all child elements of that match irrespective of their correspondence with the filter term. However, due to this design, using "lenient" mode while simultaneously auto-expanding child elements matching the filter term is not feasible.
In the "lenient" mode, the algorithm terminates its comparison upon encountering a match. Consequently, utilizing "lenient" mode along with automatic expansion of potential child matches requires switching to the "strict" filtering mode. This compels the algorithm to perform comprehensive comparisons throughout the entire tree, ensuring explicit identification and expansion of all matches.
An enhancement can be introduced by incorporating a setting that drives the algorithm to perform exhaustive comparisons even within "lenient" mode, introducing the capability to expand matches while maintaining the current operational design.
My suggestion for the Angular treeview is to expose a doubleClick event, as opposed to just the single click event (or the selection node event). This would help in preventing events from firing unless the user has double clicked a node (as an option).