Include a profile concept to enable us to login with our Telerik account and synchronize my settings on all my machines
Include a profile concept to enable us to login with our Telerik account and synchronize my settings on all my machines.
Would synchronize all settings, including custom rules, fiddler scripts, filters, AutoResponders and so on.
1 comment
Eric R | Senior Technical Support Engineer
Posted on:23 Dec 2019 13:02
Hi Simon,
This is a great idea. Thank you for your feedback. Although, it may not be possible to add to the Desktop Version of Fiddler, it may be something we can look at adding to Fiddler Everywhere and have added this to our backlog for review. You can view the updated feature request at the Fiddler Everywhere Feedback Portal
In the meantime, please let us know if you have any additional questions. As always, we thank you for your feedback.
Eric R | Technical Support Engineer
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