Last Updated: 13 Mar 2025 10:26 by ADMIN

It appears that I need to add new columns for "VIA" and "SERVER" with each new recorded HAR session that I open. 

Is there a way to set these extra two columns to always appear in my defaults?

Last Updated: 17 Feb 2025 07:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Barry
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request


I've been doing a bunch of OAuth work recently where DPoP is enforced. This makes it difficult to craft requests in the composer, because they need to be signed with the proof of possession token.

It strikes me this could be a feature, allow me, in composer, to provide the access token, proof of possession token and current nonce and generate the right authentication and signature headers.


Last Updated: 26 Jan 2025 11:20 by ADMIN


Currently, the only option to intercept and decrypt secure traffic is to install and trust the Fiddler root CA. However, some applications might use different variations of cert pinning, which can be "solved" by creating and using a self-signed certificate. This would also be a viable option for testers of secured applications (that have access to the actually pinned cert).

Suggestions: provide an option for passing a custom self-signed certificate that Fiddler can use instead of the Fiddler root CA.

Related to

Requested through t.1676901

Last Updated: 23 Jan 2025 08:17 by ADMIN

Is there a way to run a filter across multiple captures (i.e. multiple SAZ files loaded into My Snapshots), as opposed to per individual capture? I'm having difficulty scaling the filtering feature across 100+ captures loaded.

Additionally, is there a way to export the filtered results to CSV/XLS for ease of mass review/searching?


Last Updated: 20 Jan 2025 12:40 by ADMIN
Created by: t
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request

Applications use named pipes on Windows to do interprocess communications in addition to tcp connection on localhost.

Sometimes they run grpc , sometimes json.

It would be great if Fiddler would support listening, replay and editing of those named pipe communications.

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2025 12:18 by ADMIN

Some Applications don't like wildcards. prefers "" and turns down the offered "*" made by the Telerik CA.

It would be nice if we could optionally change this behaviour to better adapt to the specific needs of an application.

Under Review
Last Updated: 09 Jan 2025 13:21 by Marin

Perhaps a checkbox in the confirmation dialog "are you sure you want to add the rca to your user" could have a checkbox like 'also add to the Local Machine store".

Applies to Fiddler Everywhere and, more importantly for me, to Fiddler Everywhere Reporter.

In my use case, I need the cert there as well to get traffic from a process that runs as a service.

As things stand, I need to (instruct non-technical end users) to export the cert and manually add it to the Local Machine store and I would rather it were simpler.



Last Updated: 26 Sep 2024 15:10 by ADMIN
Due to file verification in main-xxxxx.js and Fiddler.WebUi.dll, this task lacks universality.What are some good ways to enable all your supporting users to use Fiddler Everywhere in their native language version?I noticed that the last user suggestion was made two years ago (in 2022). Are there any recent plans regarding this?
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2024 08:52 by ADMIN
Hi, when I inspect grpc traffic and use the protobuf file to see the data as json, the viewer field (textbox?) is slightly hidden behind the status bar at the bottom (screenshot attached). It loses 2 lines.
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2024 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 11
Type: Bug Report

I fire up Fiddler Everywhere on my Mac. Generally, it appears to do nothing.

In further detail, "Stream" and "Decode" can be toggled, but otherwise do nothing. The connections icon has a hover-over describing my host and states I have a network connection. The help icon goes to the very limited documentation via browser. The settings icon pops open the settings dialog, which does appear to save changes, but not impact the "nothing" being done by the application. The capture button and inspectors button appear to do nothing. The main viewing area states "No records available." The area to the right of the main area states "Please, select a single Web Session to inspect." And that is it.

Either I'm doing (or not doing) something dumb, or it just isn't working for me. Any help would be appreciated :)

Mac specs: High Sierra 10.13.6, 2.6GHz i7, 16 GB memory

Last Updated: 09 Sep 2024 06:54 by ADMIN


Requested through 


Nathan026 created topic
2 years ago on Tue, 13 Apr, 2021 at 10:39 AM

I am looking for a way to capture traffic from a machine and replay it later to simulate live load. I can see that I can capture the traffic and export it as curl script, but what it's missing the the times or the delays between the curl requests. This means that if I capture the traffic for 8 hours and then replay it, it'll be replayed all consecutively without delays which isn't simulating live load.

Does anyone know a way to do what I need?

    1 person upvoted this
    Nick Iliev replied
    2 years ago on Tue, 13 Apr, 2021 at 11:38 AM

    Hey Nathan026,

    Thanks for posting your issue! 

    This sounds like a legit feature request that the team will triage. I am marking this one as an FR to be taken after the team triage meetings.

    Last Updated: 13 Aug 2024 05:47 by ADMIN
    Created by: Barış
    Comments: 1
    Type: Feature Request

    Fiddler Everywhere is much more advanced than the classic version, but the price is not the only reason why users don't upgrade from the classic version.


    User Interface

    The user interface does not include native components like Classic Fiddler, which clearly degrades performance, reduces usability, complicates the user interface and certainly makes it difficult for new users to use this tool.

    Apart from that the interface grouping is quite bad, for example I want to use Composer when monitoring live traffic, but this is not possible, Fiddler Classic has no such problem.

    Also, considering user habits, while everyone is familiar with the operating system interface, the Everywhere user interface requires some getting used to.

    Some features that are available in Native UI but not in the Fiddler Everywhere UI;

    • Drag & Drop Features
    • Ability to do other things while monitoring live traffic (Better multitasking)
    • Keyboard integration is very bad (As you can see in the gif, the directional keys don't even change the selection, and therefore the delete key doesn't work as it should, and if you press the delete key while selected, it completely removes the selection instead of selecting the next one.)
    • Fiddler Everywhere uses its own Context Menu, which is frankly terrible in terms of user habits and ease of use, it really annoys me to see the opening animation of the context menu every time.

    I would expect the interface to be more practical in a programme that is constantly and actively used, and I would prefer the interface to be native rather than working with the browser engine.

    (UI is the biggest reason why I didn't switch)


    Missing Features

    FiddlerScript and Add Ons support is not available. 


    General Feedback

    Fiddler Everywhere feels like a downgrade, not an upgrade, and I say this as a Fiddler Classic user of over 10 years.
    If you were considering releasing a paid version of Fiddler Classic, I would probably subscribe, but not to Fiddler Everywhere.
    Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 13:18 by Zhivko
    Created by: ThemeBuilder
    Comments: 1
    Type: Feature Request

    Currently, the Export > Raw Files option does not work when the session is "Partial Content" (status 206).

    Consider providing support for exporting sessions with status 206

    Requested through t.1657416

    In Development
    Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:57 by ADMIN

    Requested through 



    It's very hard to work with input text fields, as most codes are more than 1 line.

    I end up just choosing Set Value because of it.


    Can you please use textareas both for both highlighted fields?



    Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:54 by ADMIN
    Created by: Nick
    Comments: 1
    Type: Feature Request

    Originally reported here:

    Joseph.lewis created topic
    2 years ago on Fri, 19 Feb, 2021 at 6:30 PM

    Are there equivalent instructions to for Fiddler Everywhere?

    I have enabled "Allow remote computers to connect".  I tried setting up an Auto Responder rule with a match condition of http://localhost:8866 and an Action of http://localhost:80.  However, I am getting a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in chrome.

      1 person upvoted this
      Nick Iliev replied
      2 years ago on Tue, 23 Feb, 2021 at 1:16 PM

      Currently (version 1.5.1), Fiddler Everywhere doesn't support working as a reverse proxy. I am marking this one as a feature request (and moving the topic to the FR forum section).

      Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:50 by ADMIN
      Created by: Nick
      Comments: 1
      Type: Feature Request

      Requested originally from 

      Deanna created topic
      2 years ago on Wed, 26 Aug, 2020 at 11:03 AM

      An example scenario is using Fiddler to redirect a web application to use a locally running API instead of the server API. The web application needs CORS support on the API and the locally running API cannot provide such. 

      This is where the ability to simulate CORS support would come in handy.

        3 people upvoted this
        Last Updated: 14 May 2024 12:11 by ADMIN

        Consider providing automated support for network-isolated applications like metro-style applications. The feature is available in Fiddler Classic through the WinConfig option

        Details on how an application can be exempted from the Windows settings are posted here:  


        Last Updated: 14 May 2024 11:56 by ADMIN
        Created by: Jared
        Comments: 1
        Type: Feature Request
        It would be great to have the same Host Remapping support that Fiddler2 has.
        Last Updated: 08 May 2024 05:47 by ADMIN
        Created by: walker
        Comments: 4
        Type: Feature Request
        I am a follower of fiddler classic.  I want to know if Extend Fiddler everywhere  with .NET Code. Because the http response in my web project is encrypted, I need to decrypt it before I can see the plain text. This has been implemented in fiddler classic and it works fine. But I wonder if it can be done in fiddler everywhere as well?
        Last Updated: 09 Feb 2024 12:33 by ADMIN

        Consider the support of variables and variable environments in Fiddler Everywhere. The base functionality should have:

        - Option to create a static variable

        - Option to create a dynamic variable (e.g., one populated dynamically from response).

        - Options to use variables in Composer, Rules, and Inspectors (e.g. for dynamic population)

        - Option to easily access and modify stored variables.

        - Option to store variables in different environments (e.g. stage, production, etc.)

        - Option to share variables/environments.

        +2 Requested from 1640564 and 1640556

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