Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:54 by ADMIN
Created by: Nick
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Originally reported here:

Joseph.lewis created topic
2 years ago on Fri, 19 Feb, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Are there equivalent instructions to for Fiddler Everywhere?

I have enabled "Allow remote computers to connect".  I tried setting up an Auto Responder rule with a match condition of http://localhost:8866 and an Action of http://localhost:80.  However, I am getting a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in chrome.

    1 person upvoted this
    Nick Iliev replied
    2 years ago on Tue, 23 Feb, 2021 at 1:16 PM

    Currently (version 1.5.1), Fiddler Everywhere doesn't support working as a reverse proxy. I am marking this one as a feature request (and moving the topic to the FR forum section).

    Last Updated: 15 Apr 2021 07:59 by ADMIN

    After installing and launching Fiddler Everywhere 1.6.0 on macOS Big Sur 11.2.3, I am presented with the account login window. No matter if i attempt to create a new account or sign into an existing account, i'm presented with a "Network error" message.

    Looking in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Fiddler\ Everywhere/Logs/electron.log, I see:

    [2021-04-14 08:53:53:762] [info] Setting the following proxy settings to the main window: {"pacScript":"http://<redacted>","proxyRules":null,"proxyBypassRules":"localhost;;*.local;169.254/16"}

    [2021-04-14 08:53:55:831] [error] Error: Error: net::ERR_MANDATORY_PROXY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED
        at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper.<anonymous> (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:105:6497)
        at SimpleURLLoaderWrapper.emit (events.js:315:20)

    [2021-04-14 08:53:55:832] [error] Error: net::ERR_MANDATORY_PROXY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED

    After looking at the electron log for a bit, and trying to login, the gui now reports: "No internet access and it seems you have a proxy set. Check if it is correct in your OS settings and restart the application after that."

    Yes, it is true I have a PAC url. I am also not on the network currently that uses that PAC url. Every other network-using app seems to deal with this ok (browsers, office suite, file sync, etc.).

    I request that you handle the PAC url like every other app out there and test for reachability and stand down (i.e. don't use proxy) if not reachable.