Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 10:55 by Randeep
Created by: Randeep
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request

I want to use a separate drag-and-drop mode in the TreeView similar to how the Drag column works for the rows in the Grid component. 

The main reason I am unable to use the current drag-and-drop behavior is that I cannot use an input component as part of the TreeView node.

Last Updated: 04 Apr 2024 16:19 by Daniel

I am trying to restore the expanded items by programmatically populating the ExpandedItems collection of the TreeView.

I have overriden "Equals" on the model, so the items are not compared by reference but by a unique identifier. The problem is that the TelerikTreeView does not respect this override and does not expand the items.
Other controls with similar features do respect overriden implementation of "Equals".

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cSuKkqwu46w4sHaW53.

Last Updated: 26 Oct 2023 08:23 by Michael
Try to update the node icon/text via the OnItemClick event. Every second click on a child node fails the update.
Last Updated: 11 Sep 2023 11:11 by Reto
Created by: Reto
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request
Add an event that fires after the drag starts and before it ends. 
Last Updated: 31 May 2023 12:17 by Rayko

The problem at hand arises when attempting to update the CheckedItems property of a TreeView control from within an async method.

The problem seems to be timing-related and is not always reproducible. The issue is observed most often when starting the project. It seems to be reproducible only in Blazor Server App.

To reproduce the issue, try running the following snippet in a Blazor Server App.


@page "/"
<TelerikTreeView Data="@FlatData"

@code {
    List<TreeItem> FlatData { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<object> SelectedItems { get; set; } = new List<object>();
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await GenerateData();
        await SelectDefault();

    async Task SelectDefault()
        await Task.Delay(100);
        SelectedItems = FlatData.Where(data => data.Id == 2);
#pragma warning disable
    async Task GenerateData()
        FlatData = new List<TreeItem>();

        FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
                Id = 1,
                Text = "Project",
                ParentId = null,
                HasChildren = true,
                Icon = "folder",
                Expanded = true

        FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
                Id = 2,
                Text = "Design",
                ParentId = 1,
                HasChildren = true,
                Icon = "brush",
                Expanded = true
        FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
                Id = 3,
                Text = "Implementation",
                ParentId = 1,
                HasChildren = true,
                Icon = "folder",
                Expanded = true

    public class TreeItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }
        public string Icon { get; set; }
        public bool Expanded { get; set; }

The second TreeItem should be selected.



Last Updated: 06 Apr 2023 11:10 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (04/26/2023)
Created by: Jan
Comments: 4
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report


I have a TelerikTreeView with about 2000 items bound to an ObservableCollection (Data). I use SelectedItems, SelectedItemsChanged, SelectionMode multitple and @bind-ExpandedItems.

When my users manually expand the nodes of the treeview, everything is fine and the operation of the treeview works smoothly. Loading UI components based on user selection takes less than 50ms.

As soon as I set the "ExpandedItems" collection from code (according to your treeview demo), the whole treeview operation becomes painfully slow with waiting times of 2 to 4 SECONDS for selection and expansion. Already expanding from code takes several seconds.

As soon as I reset the ExpandedItems from code and collapse the complete tree, the treeview is usable again without delays.

Last Updated: 13 Jan 2023 07:22 by ADMIN


The problem is similar to https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1552955-child-treeview-items-not-checked-after-expand, but in this case, the TreeView is using load-on-demand and the OnExpand event. As soon as a checked parent is expanded, the child checkboxes are always unchecked.

Here is a test page. Expand the parent item, check it, collapse it and then expand it again. The child nodes will lose their checked state.

<TelerikTreeView Data="@FlatData"

@code {
    List<TreeItem> FlatData { get; set; } = new List<TreeItem>();

    IEnumerable<object> CheckedItems { get; set; } = new List<object>();
    IEnumerable<object> ExpandedItems { get; set; } = new List<object>();

    async Task LoadChildren(TreeViewExpandEventArgs args)
        TreeItem currItem = args.Item as TreeItem;

        if (args.Expanded && !FlatData.Any(x => x.ParentId == currItem.Id))
            if (currItem.Id == 1)
                FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
                    Id = 4,
                    Text = "Child 1 of Parent 1",
                    ParentId = 1,
                    HasChildren = false

                FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
                    Id = 5,
                    Text = "Child 2 of Parent 1",
                    ParentId = 1,
                    HasChildren = false

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        FlatData = LoadFlat();

    private List<TreeItem> LoadFlat()
        FlatData.Add(new TreeItem()
            Id = 1,
            Text = "Parent 1",
            ParentId = null,
            HasChildren = true

        return FlatData;

    public class TreeItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

Last Updated: 27 Mar 2023 08:30 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2022 05:58 by Support ATT
I have a TreeView component and it has a horizontal scrollbar. I want to be able to drag an item and drop it in a location that is currently not in view. 
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023 13:06 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (26/04/2023)

If the application expands TreeView items programmatically, and then the user tries to select multiple items, an exception will occur.

The issue is a regression that occurred in version 3.0.0. A possible workaround is to Rebind() the TreeView with a small delay after programmatic item expansion.

<TelerikTreeView @ref="@TreeViewRef"
                 SelectedItemsChanged="@((IEnumerable<object> items) => SelectedItemsHandler(items))" />

<TelerikButton OnClick="@ExpandAll">Expand All</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@CollapseAll">Collapse All</TelerikButton>

@code {
    public TelerikTreeView TreeViewRef { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<TreeItem> FlatData { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<object> SelectedItems { get; set; } = new List<object>();
    public IEnumerable<object> ExpandedItems { get; set; } = new List<object>();

    async Task ExpandAll()
        ExpandedItems = FlatData.Where(x => x.HasChildren == true);

        await Task.Delay(1);

    void CollapseAll()
        ExpandedItems = new List<object>();
        SelectedItems = new List<object>();

    void SelectedItemsHandler(IEnumerable<object> items)
        SelectedItems = items;
    protected override async void OnInitialized()
        FlatData = LoadFlat();

    int TreeLevels { get; set; } = 3;
    int ItemsPerLevel { get; set; } = 3;
    int IdCounter { get; set; } = 1;
    List<TreeItem> LoadFlat()
        List<TreeItem> items = new List<TreeItem>();
        PopulateTreeItems(items, null, 1);
        return items;
    void PopulateTreeItems(List<TreeItem> items, int? parentId, int level)
        for (int i = 1; i <= ItemsPerLevel; i++)
            var itemId = IdCounter++;
            items.Add(new TreeItem()
                Id = itemId,
                Text = $"Level {level} Item {i} Id {itemId}",
                ParentId = parentId,
                HasChildren = level < TreeLevels
            if (level < TreeLevels)
                PopulateTreeItems(items, itemId, level + 1);

    public class TreeItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public bool HasChildren { get; set; }

Last Updated: 17 Jun 2022 13:36 by Andy

I have a TreeView declared and bound to a hierarchical database table. I'd like to be able to Cancel the 'Check' function on any node where HasChildren == true. I don't mind the check box being visible, because I like the multiple check states of the Parent Nodes, but the user should be only able to actually check the nodes where HasChildren == false. Is there a way to cancel the check for those parent nodes?

Please forward the ticket as a feature request for TreeView. For example:

<TelerikTreeView Data="@Data" CheckParents="true"CheckOnClick="true"CheckChildren="false" AllowParentNodesCheck="false">

Last Updated: 05 May 2022 19:13 by Andrew
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request

The feature request is about introducing a configuration option about a delay to start the drag operation. Currently, the lack of such functionality causes unexpected drag clue appearance on double click. 


In my treeview the user can double-click to open an item or they can drag to reorganize the tree. When you double-click you can see the drag & drop initiates for the brief fraction of a second. Which is a confusing and unpleasant UX. It would be preferable if a drag & drop didn't initiate until the user dragged for 3-4 pixels from the mousedown location, as opposed to a single pixel. 

In general if there's a behavior like this that I would want to tweak, are there ways to adjust the control or override behaviors using Javascript? I used to do all sorts of stuff with the jQuery controls.


Last Updated: 26 Jul 2022 07:45 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Created by: Winston
Comments: 2
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report

Per WAI-ARIA 1.2, the "aria-level" attribute, if present, "is an integer greater than or equal to 1".

However, Blazor TreeView uses 0-indexing for the attribute which means that the root item has an invalid (and ignored) aria-level property. This is problematic because the browser will infer the level from the DOM nesting for the root item, but then use aria-level for all other sub-trees, leading to inconsistent levels (in the demo, the level goes 2 > 1 > 2).

Last Updated: 20 Apr 2022 13:03 by ADMIN

Steps to reproduce:

  1. On Windows 11, go to Settings > Accessibility > Contrast themes and enable one of the themes (e.g., Aquatic or Desert).
  2. Try selecting or tabbing through a Blazor Telerik Tree View.

Expected: I should be able to clearly tell what element I'm currently focused on.

Actual: There is no focus indicator.

Last Updated: 28 Mar 2022 09:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Winston
Comments: 1
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report

There are two related issues in this bug report:

  1. TreeView does not allow horizontally scrolling when there are items that extend past the viewport
  2. TreeView cuts off items when the browser is zoomed in

See REPL: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wwOHGPvi11wy1OBp06

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open and run the REPL.
  2. Observe that the last deeply-nested tree item, Design20.......01 is not fully visible (if it is fully visible, just add more 0s in the middle). Specifically, the trailing "1" is not visible and cannot be scrolled to.
  3. Zoom the browser to 200%.
  4. Observe that the TreeView still does not allow horizontal scrolling to view any of the items cut off by the increased zoom.
Last Updated: 04 May 2023 10:07 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (26/04/2023)

Checking a checkbox of a on demand-loaded child then collapsing and reopening its parent makes the checkbox disappear.  However, it is still checked in the CheckedItems collection, but just not in the UI.  See this REPL example.  Steps...

1. Expand a top level item

2. Check its child checkbox

3. Collapse the top level item

4. Expand it again

Result: checkbox gone (in the UI)




Last Updated: 08 Mar 2022 12:28 by Jan
Created by: Jan
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request


I can't find anything about validating drop targets. The only example in the demos checks the validity in the onDrop event. A bit late ...

Here are a few alternatives what will be useful for the TreeView to have:

1) new event OnDrag which fires when item is dragged over and dragged out of another item. Returns boolean indicating dropping is enabled. Requires a lot of roundtrips...

2) new properties of the TreeView items (DragType, DropTypes). Disables drop when DragType not in DropTypes.

3) a more generic DropZone component as in 2) which also could be used in TreeView templates.


https://chrissainty.com/investigating-drag-and-drop-with-blazor/ wrote an interesting article (sponsored by Telerik Blazor!) 


Could be a inspiration for a generic DropZone component!

Best regards,

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2022 06:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report

Public sample at https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/treeview/checkboxes

Check parent Documents item:

Then collapse parent and expand them again:


Last Updated: 01 Mar 2022 19:49 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Michael
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report

After upgrade to 3.0, when expanding a checked tree node, the child items are not checked. Also, if the child items are checked, but the parent is collapsed and expanded again, the checked children are unchecked.

This can be replicated on the online demo.

Last Updated: 18 Jan 2022 13:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Christian
Comments: 1
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report

I'm trying to use a draggable TreeView inside a Window. I think the Window is interfering with the display of the red placement arrow when I try to move a tree node. I am able to have this work on another TreeView that is not in a Window.

Here is a REPL test page.

1 2 3