Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020 14:48 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.1
Created by: Richard
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

If the grid has Filterable=true, at the moment, all columns must have a Field defined. If a column does not have a Field, an exception similar to this one will be thrown:

Error: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: name
   at System.Type.GetProperty(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropInfo()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropType()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropTypeName()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.ResetFilterText()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.OnInit()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()

Instead, when no Field is provided, filtering, sorting and other operations that require a model field must be disabled internally without an exception.

For the time being, a workaround is to set Filterable=false to the desired column.

Here is an example where the workaround is highlighted

@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Button
<TelerikGrid data="@Histories" height="600px" Pageable="true" PageSize="20" Sortable="true" Filterable="true">
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Casecode" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Historytext" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Createdate" Title="Create Date" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Filterable="false">
                    var CurrentRecord = context as CaseHistory;
                    if (CurrentRecord.Blobid > 0)
                        <TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => MyCustomCommand(CurrentRecord))">Open</TelerikButton>
@functions {
    public class CaseHistory
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int Casecode { get; set; }
        public string Historytext { get; set; }
        public DateTime Createdate { get; set; }
        public int Blobid { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<CaseHistory> Histories = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new CaseHistory
        Id = x,
        Casecode = x,
        Historytext = "text " + x,
        Createdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x),
        Blobid = (x % 3 == 0) ? x : -x
    string result { get; set; }
    void MyCustomCommand(CaseHistory itm)
        result = $"custom command fired for {itm.Id} on {DateTime.Now}";


Last Updated: 20 Apr 2020 07:44 by ADMIN
Release 2.11.0
Using the mouse to edit boolean fields does not update the state of the field, clicking away may not even close the editor (similar to this)
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2020 06:26 by ADMIN
Release 2.11.0
Pressing enter should only commit the cell, but it keeps it open (fires OnUpdate correctly, but reopens the cell).
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2020 12:16 by ADMIN
Release 2.10.0
Created by: Matilda
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
 if i try to delete a column (by for example using a bool/if statement) only the data from the column disappear, but the column header stays.
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2019 07:50 by ADMIN
Release 1.4.0
If you scroll down a dropdown (dropdownlist or the grid filter lists), it never closes again. Neither clicking the opener element (the dropdown header or the grid filer button), nor clicking anywhere else closes the dropdown. This can also result in multiple dropdowns being opened if you click on another element that will open a dropdown (such as a different dropdown or the filter button of another column).
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2019 11:47 by ADMIN
Release 1.3.0
The OnClick handler for custom toolbar buttons in the grid is not raised in the 1.2.0 version. You can reproduce it with the sample from the documentation:
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2022 11:16 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Vitro
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

If you create a second Grid on the page, it will clear the SearchBox input value of the first Grid.

<p><TelerikButton OnClick="@ToggleSecondGrid">Toggle Second Grid</TelerikButton></p>

<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData">
        <GridSearchBox />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.ProductName) Title="Product Name" />

@if (ShowSecondGrid)
    <TelerikGrid Data="@( new List<Product>() )">
            <GridColumn />

@code {
    List<Product> GridData { get; set; }

    bool ShowSecondGrid { get; set; }

    async Task ToggleSecondGrid()
        ShowSecondGrid = !ShowSecondGrid;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = new List<Product>();

        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Product()
                ProductId = i,
                ProductName = "Product " + i.ToString(),
                UnitPrice = (decimal)(i * 3.14),
                UnitsInStock = (short)(i * 1),
                Discontinued = false

    public class Product
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public decimal? UnitPrice { get; set; }
        public short? UnitsInStock { get; set; }
        public bool Discontinued { get; set; }

Last Updated: 17 Feb 2022 14:33 by ADMIN
When adding a new item to a grid, if you type in information into the required fields, before hitting save, it also allows you to edit a record. at this point, you have a new record and an edit record both in edit mode.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2022 12:24 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Rick
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

My grid starts with Groupable=false and at some point I may need to make it groupable. The group panel appears, but I cannot drag the column headers to it to actually group.



A workaround is to hide the grid so it can re-initialize with the new groupable setting:

Is Groupable: @IsGroupable
<TelerikButton OnClick="@ToggleGroupable">Toggle Groupable</TelerikButton>

@if (isGridVisible)
    <TelerikGrid Data=@GridData @ref="@GridRef" Groupable="@IsGroupable" Pageable="true" Height="400px">
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) Groupable="false" />
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Team) Title="Team" />
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.IsOnLeave) Title="On Vacation" />

@code {
    bool IsGroupable { get; set; }
    bool isGridVisible { get; set; } = true;
    TelerikGrid<Employee> GridRef { get; set; }
    async Task ToggleGroupable()
        //save state (sorting, paging,...) - it will be lost when we hide the grid
        var state = GridRef.GetState();

        //hide the grid so it can later re-initialize with the new groupable setting
        isGridVisible = false;
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        await Task.Delay(20);
        IsGroupable = !IsGroupable;
        isGridVisible = true;

        //afte the grid re-initialized and rendered with the new setting, restore its state
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        await Task.Delay(20);
        await GridRef.SetState(state);

    public List<Employee> GridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = new List<Employee>();
        var rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Employee()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = "Employee " + i.ToString(),
                Team = "Team " + i % 3,
                IsOnLeave = i % 2 == 0

    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Team { get; set; }
        public bool IsOnLeave { get; set; }


Last Updated: 01 Apr 2022 08:13 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I would like to set increase the searchbox width with a parameter.



Here is a CSS workaround:


    .custom-searchbox-width .k-grid-search {
        width: 50%;

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData Pageable="true" Height="400px" Class="custom-searchbox-width">
        <span class="k-toolbar-spacer"></span> @* add this spacer to keep the searchbox on the right *@
        <GridSearchBox />
        <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(Employee.EmployeeId))" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Team) Title="Team" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.IsOnLeave) Title="On Vacation" />

@code {
    public List<Employee> GridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = new List<Employee>();
        var rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Employee()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = "Employee " + i.ToString(),
                Team = "Team " + i % 3,
                IsOnLeave = i % 2 == 0

    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Team { get; set; }
        public bool IsOnLeave { get; set; }



Last Updated: 31 Mar 2022 17:29 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
I have a Telerik Grid and if I drill down the data to a single item by filtering and delete this item the Grid throws. 
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2022 07:26 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Created by: Mike
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I want to place the Pager on top of the Grid. I know it can be handled with a Pager component integration in the Grid Toolbar, but I want to use the Toolbar for other purposes/actions. Please allow control over the Pager position.

Last Updated: 20 Jul 2022 07:04 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
When trying to navigate through the FilterRow inputs with Tab, I'm not getting the result described in the documentation. When the filter input or filter buttons are focused, pressing Tab should cycle through all the inputs in the FilterRow.

Currently, you can't go through the inputs in the FilterRow using Tab. When pressing it the focus goes through different elements on the page.

Last Updated: 26 Aug 2022 08:12 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Missing form label in Grid Inline Editing mode
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2022 13:58 by ADMIN
Release 3.4.0
Created by: Bernard
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

I noticed Telerik Blazor grid is rendered into two tables. One for the headers and one for the contents.

My assumption is that Allyable Scan expects to find a th element inside the second table and it did not find any. Is my assumption correct? 

Element source:

<table role="grid" style="width: ;">

Last Updated: 25 Sep 2023 11:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Taarti
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
NVDA is not narrating Name and narrating selected value twice for the dropdowns which are present in the 'Filter' dialog in column headers.
Last Updated: 08 Mar 2023 10:07 by ADMIN
Release 4.1.0 (15/03/2023)
Created by: Meindert
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Triggering edit mode leads to re-renders in other cells. 
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2023 13:28 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)

Here's the reproducible:

@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
@* Used for the model annotations only *@

<strong>REPRO: activate the validation for the Name field to see the issue - click Save with an empty input</strong>

<TelerikGrid Data=@MyData EditMode="@GridEditMode.Popup" Pageable="true" Height="500px"
             OnUpdate="@UpdateHandler" OnDelete="@DeleteHandler" OnCreate="@CreateHandler">
        <GridCommandButton Command="Add" Icon="add">Add Employee</GridCommandButton>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.ID) Title="ID" Editable="false" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.Name) Title="Name" />
            <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>

@code {

    public class SampleData
        public int ID { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "aa something else")] // the first word is 1 or 2 characters to show the issue
        public string Name { get; set; }

    async Task UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operations here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too
        var index = MyData.FindIndex(i => i.ID == item.ID);
        if (index != -1)
            MyData[index] = item;

    async Task DeleteHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operation here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too

    async Task CreateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operation here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too
        item.ID = MyData.Count + 1;
        MyData.Insert(0, item);

    public List<SampleData> MyData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        MyData = new List<SampleData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            MyData.Add(new SampleData()
                ID = i,
                Name = "Name " + i.ToString()

Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 14:28 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)

When you zoom out, the span that displays the Grid pager's content has its style set to display: none, and it does not always reappear when you zoom in after that.



1. Run this REPL
2. Enlarge the Preview Side of the REPL as much as possible
3. Zoom out so the pager is hidden
4. Zoom in again
5. Pager does not reappear
6. Video Example
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2024 14:00 by Ben
Release 5.1.0 (31 Jan 2024) (R1 2024)
When using a Grid with a multi-column header which is locked, the layout breaks on horizontal scrolling. This behavior appears since Telerik UI Version 4.6 and also remains in 5.0.0 and 5.0.1.

See REPL sample (just use horizontal scroll):

When switching to Version 4.5 the Grid acts as expected.