Just a bug I have found. I have found something similar before with the DateTime format of a category axis.
Please note the single lowercase 't' in the below appears to be being interpreted by the compiler as 'time' identifier (AM or PM). In this case, it is printing on the chart label as 'a'.
<ChartValueAxis AxisCrossingValue="@AxisCrossingValue">
<ChartValueAxisLabels Format="@("{0}" + " a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z")"></ChartValueAxisLabels>
Please see the links below to see examples of the scale break feature I'm looking for: Scale Breaks - ChartView - Telerik UI for WinForms.
I know about Logarithmic Axis as well, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for.
Please consider a built-in way to add spacing (gaps, margins, etc.) between the segments of a Donut and Pie charts. The <ChartSeries> tag has such parameters, but they are used for other settings or other series types.
Currently, it is possible to achieve the desired appearance with custom CSS, but that requires knowledge about the Chart rendering.
Is it possible to use a different marker type other than the one provided by ChartSeriesMarkerType enum?
We would like to use a custom icon for some Scatter data but this doesn't seem to be supported out of the box. Please let us know if this is possible in the current framework, if not - can it be added as a feature?
See attached image. I want an option to change position on ticks, like in Kendo (see here).
I can't find an option in docs to move the axis position.
Currently, I get the desired result using SyncFusion Chart Component, attribute LabelPlacement allow selection between OnTicks and BetweenTicks option.
Please allow us to distinguish which mouse button triggered the SeriesClick event.
Currently, scatter line plots do not support the stepped line style. This is something that would be hugely beneficial to us in our heavy utilization of scatter line plots with time series data.
The additional functionality of the stock chart (crosshairs, navigator) fits our needs very well, but our data is not currency formatted. As far as we have found, we have not seen a way to remove currency as a default format. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or intended functionality; but it's preventing us from rolling charts with that extended functionality.
It would be fantastic to be able to visualize boolean data on a time based chart. We have a lot of time series data, and a good bit of it is boolean. It would be very beneficial to be able to plot that data along side our numeric data to provide context to both.
Example (blue/green bar at bottom of chart):
I would love to see the ability to put "pins" or "markers" for events on a time based chart. A lot of the work I'm doing with charts revolves around IoT, so we see a lot of value based data that needs to be contextualized with events.
Can the dev team comment on any known reasons why Charts (I think both SVG and Canvas) might not display when a blazor page is rendered from an automation tool like Chromium, Puppeteer, etc.? (e.g., https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer).
I have a standard blazor page that I can manually from a standard Chrome window, and it works fine and the Telerik chart displays.
But the same page, when launched either headless or with a GUI browser window, from a tool like Chromium or Puppeteer (with javascript enabled of course), it seems like the DOM is never dynamically updated to include the chart.