Last Updated: 09 Dec 2020 12:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: Frank
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

If I set the Visible parameter to false for either ToolBarButton or ToolBarToggleButton it does not hide them from the UI. 


A workaround would be to use the Class parameter and add a display:none CSS rules. 

Code snippet for the workaround:


    <ToolBarButton Class="hidden-button">Hidden button</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarButton Icon="@IconName.Star">Visible button</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarToggleButton Class="hidden-button">Hidden toggle button</ToolBarToggleButton>
    <ToolBarToggleButton @bind-Selected="@isSelected">Visible toggle button</ToolBarToggleButton>

@code {
    public bool isSelected { get; set; } = true;


Last Updated: 09 Dec 2020 11:04 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0

I would like to be able to style, for example, all grids on my page with certain rules. Thus, if each component had a unique class in its top-level rendering I could use it to cascade through it.

This also applies to dropdown/popup elements (for example, be able to target the popups of dropdownlists).

Ideally, elements that have additional popups (like the dropdownlists) will also expose parameters like DropDownClass so I can add my own class to them and style them per instance, so I don't affect all other instances in my app.

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2020 10:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Bob
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

We are looking to update our application to Blazor but one of the controls that we use is the Filter Control ( from .Net Core controls).

Any chance a Blazor control can be created for this?

Last Updated: 03 Dec 2020 14:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Kostas
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
DropDown TreeList would be one thing that would sky rocketed the component suite.
Last Updated: 26 Nov 2020 13:32 by ADMIN
Created by: cmarsh
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I would like to know if the Panel Bar that we have in WPF ( is going to be implemented in Blazor? Or, is there another solution that I am missing?
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2020 17:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Philip
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request



Just a minor request re. the Grid search box :)


The typical UI behaviour of a search box, is that when you start typing in it, an "X" will appear within the box, allowing you to clear the value.

This would also be consistent with the Blazor combo-box behaviour.






Last Updated: 19 Nov 2020 12:22 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: Tyler
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
The Notifications component I think would be a great addition to UI for Blazor!  
Use it quite often with SPAs
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 20:18 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: Daniel Knoll
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

I'm currently migrating a project from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET MVC Core.

In the server code I'm using a DataTable from the database which is converted to a DataSourceResult with ToDataSourceResult.

It worked fine in the ASP.NET MVC version, but the same code in the ASP.NET MVC Core version throws an exception when using aggregate functions.

System.InvalidOperationException: 'No generic method 'Sum' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. '

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 13:37 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: James
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Please add a toolbar control for Blazor
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2020 18:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Anders
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

First of all, The team loves the product, and development is going 10x faster with a UI library with so many features.


But we're looking for making diagrams inside our application. Something like

is it a feature currently in the backlog or is it possible to put it there?

That will make us possible to make a flowchart over what assets are connected to each other in our data center

Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020 18:12 by ADMIN
Release 2.19.0
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Hello Team;

This is more or less a question and request.
With the new "Lazy Loading" feature of Blazor .Net 5, is it possible that Telerik can use this feature internally, to load only components/library as the app needs it at runtime to save initial load time?

Last Updated: 05 Nov 2020 13:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Aleksandr
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Creating custom filter descriptors requires setting the MemberType to match the type of the field they will work with. This should be something we can do through a constructor too, not just by setting the property after creating the instance.
Last Updated: 02 Nov 2020 10:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Micah
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
like we have for Kendo UI.
Last Updated: 29 Oct 2020 14:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Ben
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Is the PivotGrid control being developed for Blazor?
Last Updated: 29 Oct 2020 08:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Philip
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

As we are porting many of our applications from Telerik MVC to Blazor, our clients are complaining about particular features no longer being available.


One of which is the multiline edit for incell edit that is available in Telerik-MVC.


This feature is nice as it allows the grid to have a very "excel - like" feel to it, with a small triangle in the corner to indicate the cell/view-model has been edited.


As is, the user is forced to edit the data line-by-line, and save per line.

In real client work, data is not necessarily modified in this linear/per-row fashion.


Take for example, a client has a list of delivery dates which need to be updated down 1 column, current functionality is painful, as you need to edit 1 date, click save, then move onto the next row instead of just moving down the rows and clicking save after you have finished your edits (like you can with Telerik MVC grid).


My rationale for this feature add: The "big data" age is upon us - and blazor is very well suited for these types of applications being strongly typed/c# etc; would be great to see Telerik lead in rich data input components for data heavy applications, and the grid is the most core UI component hence should be the most feature rich and performant.


Last Updated: 26 Oct 2020 13:32 by ADMIN
Release 2.18.0
Created by: SL
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Just upgraded to Devcraft complete and I needed a Progress bar and was not able to see it on the current controls.


Will you add a Progress Bar Control for Blazor?  I want to use Telerik on all controls in my project as much as possible instead of pulling another control from the public nuget repository.




Last Updated: 16 Oct 2020 06:48 by ADMIN
Enable an option for notification/adorner/icon in the Tab Strip tab.  This would allow like a 'notification dot' to alert someone of key information.  The template approach may work, but nice to have a discreet API for this for databinding purposes.
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2020 13:20 by ADMIN
Release 2.18.0
Created by: Devin
Comments: 12
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Simply looking to have a masked input textbox similar to that of the other frameworks that you already support, but for Blazor. Didn't see a request for this nor a mention on the roadmap for Blazor.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2020 14:11 by ADMIN
I have a project that uses Telerik.ui.for.blazor v.2.14.1. Do you have a link I could use for this package?
Last Updated: 13 Oct 2020 07:36 by ADMIN

In our application, we have the need for aggregate functions in the grid which are determined at runtime, not design time. We were able to get this working for Group footers using a combination of the GroupFooterTemplate element and determining the applicable aggregates in OnStateInit and OnStateChanged. When our team saw that the FooterTemplate element was added, we were excited to bring "Grand Summary" functionality to this grid on top of the existing group summaries. As far as we have been able to determine, however, there doesn't appear to be a way, currently, to add AggregateDescriptors dynamically for the entire grid like we can for groups. We can do the aggregate operations manually against the data source, but this doesn't take into account and filtering which is applied to the grid. We have been unable to find any way of adding AggregateDescriptors for the overall Grid like we can for groups within the GridState's GroupDescriptor property.

Attached are two files: StateInitializationC#Code and gridRazor.txt, which contain relevant snippets of what we are currently doing.