Last Updated: 03 Feb 2021 17:22 by ADMIN

I would like to pass a defined piece of data in when I add a new row in a hierarchical Blazor grid.  in the example below, I have a hierarchy of Agency > District > School.  When I add a new school within a district, I would like to pass the District ID so that the user does not have to select it or type it in. 

I have a district ID column in the schools grid, but (a) it would be better if the user did not see this and (b) when I click "Add school" that field is always passed as empty.  Is there any way to pass the 


variable when I add a row?

<TelerikGrid Data="@Agencies" Sortable="true" Reorderable="true" OnUpdate="@UpdateHandlerAgency">
                <DetailTemplate Context="granteeAgency">
                        var leadAgency = granteeAgency as Agency;
                        <TelerikGrid Data="leadAgency.Districts" OnUpdate="@UpdateHandlerDistrict" OnRowRender="@OnRowRenderHandlerDistrict">
                                <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(District.Dist.DistrictName))" Editable="false">
                                        @((context as District).Dist.DistrictName.ToString())
                                <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(District.DistAlloc))">
                                        @((context as District).DistAlloc.ToString("C"))
                                    <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
                                    <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
                                    <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>
                            <DetailTemplate Context="districtSchools">
                                    <TelerikGrid Data="districtSchools.Schools" OnCreate="@CreateHandlerSchool" OnDelete="@DeleteHandlerSchool" OnUpdate="@UpdateHandlerSchool" OnRowRender="@OnRowRenderHandlerSchool">
                                            <GridCommandButton Command="Add" Icon="add">Add School</GridCommandButton>
                                            <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(School.SchoolName))">
                                                    @((context as School).SchoolName.ToString())
                                            <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(School.SchoolAlloc))">
                                                    @((context as School).SchoolAlloc.ToString("C"))
                                            <GridColumn Field="" Visible="true">
                                                <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
                                                <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
                                                <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
                                                <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>
                    <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(Agency.AgencyName))" Editable="false">
                            @((context as Agency).AgencyName.ToString())
                    <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(Agency.AgencyAlloc))">
                            @((context as Agency).AgencyAlloc.ToString("C"))
                        <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
                        <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
                        <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021 17:32 by ADMIN
Created by: De
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Is it possible to add a header row for an entire Blazor Grid?  I don't mean a column row, group row, or a command row, I mean a header row for the entire grid.  E.g. I want a row at the top of the grid not related to my model, but which can contain things like instructions, etc.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 11:47 by Gabriele
Created by: Kris
Comments: 4
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to drag and drop (to sort) items in my listview, in a fashion similar to this feature planned for the grid. Libraries like Kendo Sortable and Sortable.JS would be nice, but for blazor.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2021 20:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Henk
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Wè would like to have the Fluent UI style available for Blazor. We are using the Telerik UI controls in a large project werd the UI has to be very similar to the one of Microsoft D365 Customer Service.

Regards, Henk

Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 14:11 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Grinden
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Like the Kendo UI one, please.
Last Updated: 08 Jan 2021 19:58 by ADMIN

Subject says it all.  We're porting a large WPF application to Blazor and need WPF Telerik controls with corresponding functionality.  One of those controls is the breadcrumb control.

Would need to work in Blazor client or server topologies.

Last Updated: 10 Aug 2021 10:13 by René
Created by: Philip
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report



I have just received some feedback from a client re. the DateInput -Blazor control whereby they are describing the default behaviour as "strange" - and on having a closer look I tend to agree / believe there to be bugs with this.


Please see video and below notes - let me know if there are any workarounds to these things.
I do see there is an existing bug report which may partially cover these issues (DatePicker loses focus when used as data editor in the Grid and the input date starts with 0 ( , however, it seems this is "unplanned" ?


QA Telerik DateInput:

  • Try entering in M =  1 then 1 SLOW = works ok

  • Try entering in M =  1 then 1 FAST = focus moves to the end of the date

  • Try entering 0 in the month or day  = Whole date disappears 
    (Data loss - for in-cell edit mode this is a big deal)

  • Try entering DD = 11 then its ok for 1st edit, but 2nd edit of the DD, 
    then the focus moves to the end????

  • Try entering M = 1, D = 8, Y=2021 without using the mouse 
    (its not possible as 01 would move focus to end of date).... 
    and if you choose to type 01 and its not fast enough, the whole date will disappear on entry of 0


Entering a date without using the mouse to move focus is quite important for big data-entry in grids where you are tabbing or clicking over from field to field in large quantities.



Last Updated: 11 Jan 2021 17:42 by ADMIN
Created by: chandra
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

Hi Team, 


We tried to use the TelerikLoader in Blazor WASM app, but the loader is not appearing on the page. We tried the basic example given in the Demo but did not work. 

We are using latest Telerik Version (2.20.0).

@if (IsLoading)
    <TelerikLoader />


We have below references in index.html


    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <base href="/" />
    <link href="css/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="css/toggle.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="css/spinner.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js"></script>
    <link href=""
    <link id="theme" rel="stylesheet" href="./css/thor-light-theme-material.css" />
    <link href="_content/Blazored.Toast/blazored-toast.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="./site.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/BlazorInputFile/inputfile.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/BlazorPro.BlazorSize/blazorSize.min.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/Fluxor.Blazor.Web/scripts/index.js"></script>
    <script src="./scripts/download.js"></script>

I tried to follow this below article and add the reference as below and CDN also but it did not work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    . . .
    <link href="/css/kendo-themes/default/dist/all.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <!-- Choose only one of the themes -->
    <!-- <link href="/css/kendo-themes/bootstrap/dist/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="/css/kendo-themes/material/dist/all.css" rel="stylesheet" /> -->


Please let us know what changes we have to make this to work.



Chandra Vanama

Last Updated: 21 Dec 2020 11:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Raffaele
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
When implement diagram component for blazor ui?
Last Updated: 16 Dec 2020 08:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Srdjan
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request



Is there a reason the label has to be defined separately from the label? We'd love a "Label" parameter to be specified in the TelerikCheckbox control directly instead of having to create a separate element

Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022 08:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Srdjan
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request


I'd like to request a method "Select" or similiar for input controls. The goal is to select the content of the input control through the component reference.



Last Updated: 04 Jan 2021 08:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Srdjan
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request



Since the focus events are natively supported by blazor, could they be implemented in the input controls? Workarounds via JS are possible but they create a lot of redundant and cluttered code around the code base. OnChange/ValueChange only fire when the value has changed. Though, we have a lot of scenarios where we need the focus events when a value did not change.

Last Updated: 10 Jun 2021 09:23 by ADMIN
Release 2.25.0
Created by: Graham
Comments: 6
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I would like components like the TextBox, NumericTextBox, TextArea, Button to have a method in their reference similar to the FocusAsync() which Microsoft included to the ElementReference in .NET5.



For the time being, you can use JS interop and prepare a suitable selector. Here is a basic example for the button:

@inject IJSRuntime _js

Notes:<br />
- Move this script to a proper place, it is hacked into the component to make this snippet short
- Make sure the ID is unique if you use IDs. THere are other selectors you can use (such as classes, or you can even cascade your selectors to make them more specific)
<br /><br />

<script suppress-error="BL9992">
    function focusElement(selector) {
        var elem = document.querySelector(selector);
        if (elem && elem.focus) {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 30);

<TelerikButton OnClick="@FocusBtn">Focus the other button</TelerikButton>

<br /><br />

<TelerikButton Id="@btnId" OnClick="@SpecialBtnAction">I will be focused programmatically</TelerikButton>

    string btnId = "my-special-btn";

    async Task FocusBtn()
        await _js.InvokeVoidAsync("focusElement", $"#{btnId}");

    async Task SpecialBtnAction()
        Console.WriteLine("special button clicked");


Last Updated: 11 Jan 2021 13:00 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0

1. Create tree model from class:

public class TreeNodeViewModel
    public string NodeName { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<TreeNodeViewModel> Children { get; set; }
    public bool Expanded { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }
    public string IconClass { get; set; }

2. Pass this tree for rendering to the component "TelerikTreeView".

3. An error comes out:

2020-12-03T09:44:15.312Z] Error: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
 ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.GetFlatItems(IEnumerable`1 tree, List`1 result)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.GetFlatItems(IEnumerable`1 tree, List`1 result)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.GetFlatItems(IEnumerable`1 tree, List`1 result)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.GetFlatItems(IEnumerable`1 tree, List`1 result)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.FlattenTree()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.InitData(IEnumerable`1 sourceData)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Data.TelerikTreeViewDataSource.ProcessData(IEnumerable data)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikTreeView.ProcessDataInternal()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Common.DataBoundComponent`1.ProcessDataAsync()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikTreeView.OnAfterRenderAsync(Boolean firstRender)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---


Note: This problem is due to the fact that there are no children in the last node of the tree and IEnumerable Children == NULL. Method "GetFlatItems" in version 2.18.0 it had a NULL check, in version 2.20.0 it is not.

Last Updated: 03 Dec 2020 14:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Kostas
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
DropDown TreeList would be one thing that would sky rocketed the component suite.
Last Updated: 04 Dec 2020 10:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Bob
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

We are looking to update our application to Blazor but one of the controls that we use is the Filter Control ( from .Net Core controls).

Any chance a Blazor control can be created for this?

Last Updated: 25 Jul 2022 16:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Mr Chas
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I want to use a token to access the Telerik NuGet feed for my CI/CD builds, instead of using credentials.



At the moment, the options for that are:

  • Have an account in your company that is assigned a license and is used for builds. A trusted human developer can also use it to access the components and do their daily work. They should make sure to not change their password, or to notify the people who can update it in the secrets in the CI/CD pipeline immediately.
  • Make your own private nuget feed and ensure the Telerik packages you want in it are available there. It can be as simple as a network location internal to your company. Make sure that this feed is not publicly available, however. When you need to upgrade, make sure to copy the new packages to that feed too so automated builds can access them.

You can read more details and some troubleshooting tips in the CI and CD Automated Builds section of our documentation.

The goal of this request is to provide a way to detach the user credentials from the builds so that they can use their accounts freely, and only provide necessary keys to the build pipeline, and those keys can be updated/revoked as needed. This would also avoid manual work on downloading and copying new nuget packages to a custom feed.


Last Updated: 09 Dec 2020 12:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: Frank
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

If I set the Visible parameter to false for either ToolBarButton or ToolBarToggleButton it does not hide them from the UI. 


A workaround would be to use the Class parameter and add a display:none CSS rules. 

Code snippet for the workaround:


    <ToolBarButton Class="hidden-button">Hidden button</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarButton Icon="@IconName.Star">Visible button</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarToggleButton Class="hidden-button">Hidden toggle button</ToolBarToggleButton>
    <ToolBarToggleButton @bind-Selected="@isSelected">Visible toggle button</ToolBarToggleButton>

@code {
    public bool isSelected { get; set; } = true;


Last Updated: 22 Sep 2022 13:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Kostas
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

It would be very useful to have a control like a dropdown datagrid. Like the one radzen has. With multiple columns paging etc.

Also in addition to this a treegrid dropdown would be one thing that would sky rocketed the component suite.

Last Updated: 26 Nov 2020 13:32 by ADMIN
Created by: cmarsh
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I would like to know if the Panel Bar that we have in WPF ( is going to be implemented in Blazor? Or, is there another solution that I am missing?