Right now a master grid can be configured in code using the GridBuilder, but the detail grid needs to be configured in a template and a whole lot of Javascript. As it is much easier to prevent errors writing (and compiling) server side code using the GridBuilder than using large parts of Javascript. In the good old MVC Extensions there was a method DetailView(detial => detail.ClientTemplate(MethodToCreateDetailGRidUsingGriudBuilder()) I would very much like the same approach in Kendo UI as it provides a more robuste method of building Detail Grids.
Currently, it's very difficult to set up a grid that has a calculated column, where the result is not editable by the user. It's pretty easy to set up a javascript function to calculate and update the value using `dataItem.set("Column", value)`, but this does not work if the column is not also Editable. Currently, you need to hack together some kind of text replacement for the Editor Template, and there doesn't appear to be a simple way to do this from the MVC wrappers. You can create a disabled or readonly textbox, but I'd prefer that it looks like those columns where Editable is set to false.
Not sure if this problem is specific to the MVC wrappers or not, but right now, you can not access a kendo control from document.ready unless your code is output after the control is rendered. That is counter intuitive to the way document.ready is generally used - it should not matter where the code lives on the page. The solution I would like to suggest is to add init events to the controls, so code can be run when the widget loads on the page, without the order of code mattering on the page. Here is a related support ticket for reference: http://www.kendoui.com/account/support-tickets/reply-thread.aspx?threadid=611076
Create: Html.Kendo().Grid() .ToolBar(commands => commands.Create(Model.EnableCreate)) where EnableCreate is a bool. Next is Edit and Destroy: columns.Command(commands => { commands.Edit(item.EnableEdit); commands.Destroy(item.EnableDestroy); }) where item is the dataitem of the row and EnableEdit and EnableDestroy is bool properties.
There is no reason it should use the default maxJsonLength; especially since it is inaccessible to change.
Create a PDF file viewer (like the one in WPF) so users can view PDF files in the web application. And can also control who can read, copy and/or print
The Upgrade Wizard should provide an option to only update currently used skins rather than adding all skins each time a project is upgraded.
Please add IntelliSense support for Angular directives in Visual Studio 2013 so this won't cause the 'green underline' error message. <div kendo-grid="myGrid" k-data-source="customerDataSource"></div>
You recently added a checkbox column feature to the grid control. However, you cannot control at the record level if that checkbox should be accessible. Every checkbox is selectable regardless of the data it represents. It would be nice to disable (or hide) the checkbox in the column based on some criteria in the record.
Nowadays, was promissed exporting Gantt to PDF. It is not working. Just prints what you see. It is very limited. Should allow: 1) option like "allPages" to print all Gantt Diagram in any page format. Making a "printscreen" of the visible gantt it is any solution for any project. 2) Export Gantt data to excel.
ToDataSourceResult is very very slow on Large datasets - getting the Total Count is the issue, have an option to omit the total count or provide a way to inject the total count with some more efficient code.
Of the highest priority, we desperately need file explorer for inserting and uploading images. In the AJAX editor, this appears to be build off the radFileExplorer control which is the other one we REALLY need for MVC which doesn't exist at all.
Please implement more Grid-parity features for the TreeList widget. Unfortunately, the filter for enum values shows only a numeric up/down on a TreeList. Change this behavior to match the Grid filter: here, enum values are shown with their textual representation (and, if provided, the [Display] attribute is evaluated).
It would be nice to have a MultiColumnComboBox as we have it already in WinForms. A MultiColumnComboBox is a special case of combo box control with Grid integrated in its drop-down. The control combines the functionality and features of DropDownList and Grid. https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/multicolumncombobox/multicolumncombobox
Update Kendo project template so that it is compatible with ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2.
Kendo UI implements all the functional features of Web From's RadDropDownTree control Checkboxes CheckAll and Clear Buttons Filtering Server-side Templates TextMode Validation http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/dropdowntree/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx
Using Visual Studio Enterprise 16.0.0.
Created MVC Project 4.6.1
Run Telerik utility to "Convert to Telerik Web Application" from Project context menu. On a clean project just created from the VS Template.
Error output from from Telerik VSX:
An error occurred while running the wizard.
Error executing custom action Telerik.KendoUI.Mvc.VSX.Actions.UpdateWebConfigAction: Could not instantiate a TextTransformation object from the compiled assembly. The following Exception was thrown:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating1fd31dc42b754a598ac1cf6e6d72e8f7.GeneratedTextTransformation' to type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.TextTransformation'.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.TransformationRunner.CreateTextTransformation(String fullClassName, ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, Assembly assembly, ITextTemplatingSession userSession)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
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