Last Updated: 07 Jul 2020 07:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Tino K
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


i guess i've found some bug in the Version 2020.2.617.

I have upgraded from 2020.1.406 to 2020.2.617

after them it is not in the correct way possible for me to hidde or display the correct columns.



If i click the first or second column nothing happend..

after them i get the wrong fields to hidde or display.. if i use the old js files from your CDN


it works again, but i'm not sure what will not be working in our WebApp if i do so.



Last Updated: 06 Oct 2020 14:52 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3

Bug report

Grid's items are not correctly calculated when a group is expanded and groupPaging is set to "true".

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo and run it
  2. Expand the "Assistant Sales Agent" group.
  3. Expand the "Assistant Sales Representative" group

Current behavior

On the expand of the "Assistant Sales Agent" group, the footer displays the following:
On the expand of the "Assistant Sales Representative" group, the footer displays:

The number of the displayed items is incorrectly calculated

Expected/desired behavior

The number of the displayed items should be calculated based on the number of the rows inside the opened groups


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.617
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2021 08:23 by ADMIN


We have a property EnableHeaderContextAggregateMenu in Radgrid. By enabling this, we can aggregate any column in the Radgrid and show the result value in the corresponding column footer at runtime by the end user.

Do we have similar property in Kendo UI Grid? We need to implement this in Kendo UI Grid which has dynamic column data binding. We had attached a sample code here. Can you please implement the same in the code and revert?

Thanks & Regards,
Shivakumar. K

Last Updated: 18 May 2021 12:17 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R2.SP.next

Hi folks!

I am using the Grid's ColumnMenu with its new ComponentType-property set to "modern" like this:


                .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine).DisplayDeleteConfirmation("Willst Du diesen Eintrag wirklich löschen?"))
                .Pageable(pageable => pageable.Enabled(false))
                .ColumnMenu(columnMenu => columnMenu.ComponentType("modern"))
// ... going on with some further definitions

In the <head>-Tag of my _Layout.cshtml file, I have set the Kendo Culture to Swiss German:


What I now observed is, that the buttons "Apply" and "Reset" did not get translated properly and remain in English (see Column_Menu_Reset_Apply_Button.png). Whereas other messages are correctly translated. 

I tried to find out which message property was set there, so that I could add it manually to the "kendo.messages.de-CH.min.js" (as by the way I still have to do for e.g. the Grid's searchbar placeholder "Search..."). 

In the loaded kendo.all.min.js (2021.1.330) I discovered, that there was no message property in place, and the texts were rather hard-coded:

'<div class="k-columnmenu-actions">' + '<button class="k-button" type="button">Reset</button>' + '<button class="k-button k-primary" type="button">Apply</button>' + '</div>' + '</div>'

With the Chrome's dev tools and the source map, I found the above code on line 55815 by searching for the class "k-columnmenu-actions".

Could you please change the mentioned code to make use of the kendo.messages-properties and update the culture-specific kendo.messages files accordingly?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,



Last Updated: 12 Aug 2021 07:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Carl
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
An officially supported Telerik editor control for datatype XML as a grid column  ---  so that we can easily and conveniently edit XML data in a grid column
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2021 12:05 by ADMIN

Currently a DateTime property of a nested object does not get parsed when used as a column in the Grid:

public class MyClass
   public MyOtherClass Item{get;set;}

public class MyOtherClass
    public DateTime CreatedAt{get;set;}

and Formatting cannot be applied:

 columns.Bound(p => p.Item.CreatedAt).Title("Time").Format("{0:D}");


Last Updated: 15 Jul 2024 06:21 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

### Bug report

The "confirmation" attribute of the editable tag does not accept a string.

### Reproduction of the problem

 Add a confirmation text as a string in the "confirmation" attribute, as per the example below:

<kendo-grid name="grid">
    <editable mode="popup" confirmation="Are you sure you want to hide this invoice?" />

A REPL sample for reproduction: https://netcorerepl.telerik.com/moEqPSFo32PrwW4d01

### Expected/desired behavior

The "confirmation" option must accept a string.

### Environment

* **Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version: 2024.2.514
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 01 Feb 2022 08:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Darryl
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report



Just to let you know that the Demo for the Grid SignalR feature is showing an error.

(see screen dump attached)



Last Updated: 28 Feb 2022 16:49 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R1.SP.next

Bug report

Grid throws an error when the default behavior of the pdf export event is prevented.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Click the "Export to PDF" button

Current behavior

Inspect the console tab and note the submitted error:

Expected/desired behavior

No error should be thrown


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.1.119
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2024 11:00 by Nico

### Bug report

When subscribing to the "requestStart"/"requestEnd" events of the DataSource after the Grid's initialization, the events do not fire during the Excel export.

### Reproduction of the problem

1. Enable the server operations of the Grid's DataSource.

2. Get a reference to the Grid and handle the DataSource "requestStart"/"requestEnd" events by using the bind() method.

3. Export the Grid's data to Excel through the built-in command.

4. The "requestStart"/"requestEnd" events do not trigger when the read request is activated.

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/eyiDIGeM

### Expected/desired behavior

The  "requestStart"/"requestEnd" events must trigger when exporting the Grid to Excel.

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2024.3.806
* **jQuery version: 3.7.0
* **Browser: all

Last Updated: 01 Dec 2023 11:58 by ADMIN

### Bug report

When the pageSizes option is enabled, it is not displayed when the Grid is initialized inside a hidden container.

### Reproduction of the problem

1) Follow the instructions in this KB article to display a Grid inside a TabStrip component.

2) Enable the "pageSizes" setting.

3) The drop-down, which allows the user to change the page size is always hidden.

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/uCORUHUc

The same example works correctly with version 2023.2.718.

### Expected/desired behavior

The pager must display the specified page sizes.

### Workaround

tabstrip.one("activate", function() {
  grid.pager._lastWidth = 30;

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2023.2.829
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 18 Mar 2022 08:24 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R1.SP.next

Bug report

When a Switch is used as an Editor in InCell editing, clicking on it closes the edit mode.
This is a regression introduced with v 2022.1.119

Reproduction of the problem

Refer to ticket 1557280 for a runnable sample

Current behavior

  1. Click on a cell in the Discontinued column to enter edit mode
  2. Click on the Switch
  3. The Grid exits the edit mode without changing the state

Expected/desired behavior

State should be changed


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.1.301
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2022 09:58 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R2.SP.next

Bug report

Kendo.Mvc.UI.GridBoundColum.SerializeValues throws an exception when using an Enum, decorated with FlagsAttribute.

This is a regression introduced with v2022.2.510. Possibly related to telerik/kendo@423e1e9

Reproduction of the problem

Using a ForeignKey column, bound to Enum, where the Enum has the FlagsAttribute throws an exception:

columns.ForeignKey(m => m.MyEnum, ....); // MyEnum is an enum with the FlagsAttribute

Expected/desired behavior

Using an Enum, decorated with FlagsAttribute should be possible, as in previous versions and an exception should not be thrown.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2022 12:39 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R2.SP.next

We noticed while testing the latest version (UI for ASP.NET Core R2 2022 (version 2022.2.510)) that hidden grid columns are incorrectly exported to Excel. Rolling back one version resolves the issue so it appears to be an issue in the new version.

I verified it in the grid demos on your site, and also verified that the bug is not present in the jQuery version.

jQuery version - no issue

  1. Go to https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/excel-export
  2. Click "Export To Excel" button - view the export
  3. Use the columns menu to hide the Produce Name column
  4. Click "Export To Excel" button - view the export and the Product Name column is correctly not exported

ASP.NET Core version - BUG

  1. Go to https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-core/grid/excel-export
  2. Click "Export To Excel" button - view the export
  3. Use the columns menu to hide the Produce Name column
  4. Click "Export To Excel" button - view the export and the Product Name column is still exported but shouldn't be


Last Updated: 01 Sep 2023 13:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Stacy
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


I am using the Grid with two editor template bound to viewdata to populate the components.

Now this is code that I wrote in 2017 that I recent upgraded to .NET 7 ASP Core and has work all those years with no issue. So I think this may be a regression in the grid code.

I have embedded the relevant code leaving out the grid views custom javascript since it isn't relevant.

The behavior that I am seen is that the the grids model properties that do NOT use a customer editor template are not being bound when the save event fires.

public class AlertRuleGridViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string? Component { get; set; }

    public string? Email { get; set; }

    public string? Type { get; set; }

    public bool Enabled { get; set; }

<div class="container alert-rules-grid">
        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        .Model(model =>
            model.Id(l => l.Id);
            model.Field(field => field.Id).Editable(false);
            model.Field(field => field.Type).DefaultValue(ViewData["defaultType"] as String);
        .Sort(a => a.Add("Id").Descending())
        .Read(read => read.Action("GetRules", "Alerts").Data("additionalData"))
        .Create(update => update.Action("UpdateRule", "Alerts"))
        .Update(update => update.Action("UpdateRule", "Alerts"))
        .Destroy(destroy => destroy.Action("DeleteRule", "Alerts"))
        .Events(e => e.Error("gridErrorHandler"))
        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Bound(b => b.Id).Title("Id").Visible(true).Width("4%");
            columns.Bound(b => b.Component).Title("Component").EditorTemplateName("ComponentEditor").Visible(true);
            columns.Bound(b => b.Email).Title("Email").Visible(true);
            columns.Bound(b => b.Type).Title("Log Type").EditorTemplateName("TypeEditor").Visible(true);
            columns.Bound(b => b.Enabled).Title("Enabled").ClientTemplate("#=renderStatus(data)#").Visible(true);
            columns.Command(command =>
        .ToolBar(toolBar =>
        .Events(events =>
        .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))
        .Pageable() // Enable paging
        .Sortable() // Enable sorting
        .Scrollable(s => s.Height("auto"))
        .Resizable(resize => resize.Columns(true))

I suspect the issue is the generated html for the input that used the editor template.

The data-bind attribute is set to "value:Component.Component" which should be "value:Component"
<td class="k-table-td" role="gridcell" data-container-for="Component">
	<span class="k-input k-combobox k-combobox-clearable k-input-solid k-input-md k-rounded-md k-valid" style="">
		<input name="Component.Component_input" class="k-input-inner k-valid" type="text" autocomplete="off" title="" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" style="" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false" aria-readonly="false" aria-busy="false" aria-autocomplete="none" aria-controls="Component_Component_listbox" data-bind="value:Component.Component_input">
			<span unselectable="on" class="k-clear-value k-hidden" title="clear" role="button" tabindex="-1">
				<span class="k-svg-icon k-svg-i-x" aria-hidden="true">
					<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
						<path d="M416 141.3 301.3 256 416 370.7 370.7 416 256 301.3 141.3 416 96 370.7 210.7 256 96 141.3 141.3 96 256 210.7 370.7 96l45.3 45.3z"/>
			<button type="button" class="k-input-button k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-icon-button" aria-label="expand combobox" role="button" tabindex="-1">
				<span class="k-svg-icon k-svg-i-caret-alt-down k-button-icon" aria-hidden="true">
					<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
						<path d="M256 352 128 160h256L256 352z"/>
			<input id="Component_Component" name="Component.Component" type="text" value="" data-role="combobox" aria-disabled="false" aria-readonly="false" style="display: none;" data-bind="value:Component.Component"/>
			<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Component" data-valmsg-replace="true"/>
The data-bind attribute is set to "value:Type.Type" which should be "value:Type"
<td class="k-table-td" role="gridcell" data-container-for="Type">
	<span title="" class="k-picker k-dropdownlist k-picker-solid k-picker-md k-rounded-md k-valid" unselectable="on" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="0" aria-controls="Type_Type_listbox" aria-disabled="false" aria-readonly="false" aria-busy="false" aria-describedby="e73b8727-5e28-4d9b-9faa-df8239f54aa5" style="">
		<span id="e73b8727-5e28-4d9b-9faa-df8239f54aa5" unselectable="on" class="k-input-inner">
			<span class="k-input-value-text"/>
		<span role="button" class="k-input-button k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-icon-button" aria-label="select" type="button">
			<span class="k-svg-icon k-svg-i-caret-alt-down k-button-icon" aria-hidden="true">
				<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" focusable="false" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
					<path d="M256 352 128 160h256L256 352z"/>
		<input id="Type_Type" name="Type.Type" type="text" value="" data-role="dropdownlist" style="display: none;" data-bind="value:Type.Type"/>
		<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Type" data-valmsg-replace="true"/>
Also the Save event for the grid is not populating the e.values object per the telerik documentation.

Last Updated: 14 Jun 2022 08:26 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R2.SP.next

Bug report

When deleting a record in a grouped editable Grid, the "Destroy" action is triggered twice.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run the following example
  2. Open the Network Tab.
  3. Delete a record.

Expected/desired behavior

The "Destroy" action should not be triggered twice.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2023 12:55 by ADMIN
Scheduled for Sprint7.R3.2017

Currently, calling the ClientTemplate method of the Grid's ToolBar overrides any previously defined commands. 

It would be really useful to expose an option to use the Template component to define a custom command for the Grid's ToolBar, instead of having to rewrite the entire TollBar in the ClientTemplate configuration.

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2022 14:56 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.1(09.Nov.2022)

Bug report

New lines are not removed from the serialized Toolbar.ClientTemplate when multiline content is provided and the Grid is in a DetailTemplate, thus generating an invalid template and causing a Chrome Exception.

Reproduction of the problem

The following template configuration is valid and works for the parent grid, but not for child grids:

.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.ClientTemplate(@" 
            <div class='filter'>
                <span class='k-textbox k-display-flex auto-filter''>
                    <input id='search' autocomplete='off' class='k-input' placeholder='Search...' title='Search...' type='text'>
                    <span class='k-input-icon'><span class='k-icon k-i-search'></span></span>

REPL example

Current behavior

Invalid template is generated

Expected/desired behavior

A valid template should be generated


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.621
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2023 13:20 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)
Created by: SturmA
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

### Bug report

When dragging and dropping a row within the Grid, the DOM element of the drag handle receives duplicated classes and styles.

### Reproduction of the problem

1) Enable the Drag & Drop functionality of the Grid.

2) Drag and drop a row within the Grid.

3) Inspect the DOM element of the drag handle - it has multiple duplicated classes and styles:

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/IRotEKEX

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2023.2.606
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 26 Jul 2023 10:55 by ADMIN
Release R3.2023-Increment.2(30.Aug.2023)

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the following dojo.
  2. Open the filter menu for the "category" field.
  3. Interact with the second DropDownList with the "-Select Value-" option label.

Current behavior

The second criterion DropDownList in the Filter Menu does not show records upon interaction:

Expected/desired behavior

The second criterion DropDownList in the Filter Menu should show records upon interaction:


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.606
  • Browser: [all]