On UWP and Android the item can be swiped beyond the SwipeOffset property. Add option to restrict the swiped distance to the SwipeOffset value.
Add support for header and footer that scroll with the content of the list view.
Add events to handle when listview cells are unloaded/recycled and prepared.
Add support for ListView item template selector. Available in minor release 2017.2.0721. It will also be available in the R3 2017 release.
Add support for Jump list in grouped scenario to simplify navigating between items
Provide API which enables the group headers to remain in the view when scrolling until the next ones push them away.
Introduce ability to programmatically begin a cell swipe to reveal the SwipeContentTemplate. An example use case: tapping a vertical ellipsis button (context menu style) in cell template.
Currently the SelectedItems collection does not support two way binding. Expose API to support two way binding.
Investigate the options for exposing API for controlling the scroll position of the ListView. The feature can be implemented on the different platforms through custom renderers: Android: http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/android/AndroidControlsDoc/com/telerik/widget/list/RadListView.html#scrollToPosition(int) iOS: http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/ios/api/Classes/TKListView.html#//api/name/scrollToItemAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: UWP: ScrollItemIntoView() Available in the R1 2018 SP release. More information: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/xamarin/controls/listview/features/listview-features-scrolling
Images loaded from memory stream behave strange - on iOS they don’t load immediately, only after list is scrolled and after that they start resizing and reordering randomly when scrolling; on UWP they load on initialization but have same problem with reordering.
Enable easier access to selected items in the Viewmodel in MVVM scenarios through bindable readonly property. Available in minor release 2017.2.0721. It will also be available in the R3 2017 release.
Currently groupheader can be stretched by using GroupHeaderLength property instead rather than resolving it automatically.
When reordering items in the ListView sometimes the user might want the item to go to the end of a long list. It is not possible, because the ListView does not scroll while dragging the item.