Provide a new view similar to Day/MultiDay View with horizontal timeline - in this way it would be easier to accommodate more appointments for a certain timeslot.
This timeline would be scrollable vertically to fit as many calendar events as needed, and horizontally to fit all time frames.
Provide a way to remove the appointment time display in Calendar AgendaView both on Android & iOS - on iOS there is a separate column for appointments' time that should be removed.
Provide events raised when a new appointment is created and when an existing appointment is updated/deleted.
Additional add appointment button is displayed when the device orientation is a landscape and the calendar view mode is Year. When switching from Year to day/multiday the issue happens in these views too.
The issue can be reproduced in the Telerik Xamarin Sample App/Calendar/Scheduling example
Go to Year view, rotate the device in landscape mode, second + button is displayed inside the calendar title (year name)
Then rotate the device in portrait mode and go to day/multiday view,
Rotate in landscape mode -> issue occurs.
Programmatically setting the DisplayDate property of the control doesn't update the UI (just shows the same date/appointments)
E.g. Calendar.DisplayDate = Calendar.DisplayDate.AddMonths(2);
This worked in version 2020.1.114.1, but after updating the controls this no longer works.
While in DayView (or any other appropriate view), allow changing the start/end time of the appointment when you drag the edges.
I have added a TitleCellStyle to the calendar control.
<input:CalendarCellStyle HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" BackgroundColor="LightGray" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
MonthView Title Text:
DayView Title Text
Default calendar:
<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"/>
Setting some styles (copied from :
<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"> <telerikInput:RadCalendar.TitleCellStyle> <telerikInput:CalendarCellStyle BackgroundColor="LightBlue" TextColor="Gray" FontSize="20"/> </telerikInput:RadCalendar.TitleCellStyle> <telerikInput:RadCalendar.DayNameCellStyle> <telerikInput:CalendarCellStyle TextColor="Black"/> </telerikInput:RadCalendar.DayNameCellStyle> </telerikInput:RadCalendar>
The month name loses current culture localization once the cell is styled.
when setting Flow view mode to the RadCalendar control, the UI freeze.
The Flow mode is set using a custom renderer on iOS.