By using "Auto Detect Hyperlink" functionality RadPdfViewer should detect URLs and email addresses and turn them into hyperlinks. For instance if the PDF file contains text this text should become a hyperlink.
Represents Free text PDF content. Since LIB Version 2017.3.925 annotations of type FreeText can be visualized.
There is a similar question in FAQ for FontForge ( where it is described that kaiu.ttf (and probably mingliu.ttf) font does not store the correct outlines and its outlines need special treatment in order to be rendered correctly. The Chinese glyphs are rendered wrong in RadPdfViewer as well. However, Adobe Reader, FoxitReader and ChromeViewer render the glyphs correctly.
Currently, the disabling of the scrolling functionalities in PdfViewer is pretty tricky. Expose an API that allows users to control this functionality easier (hiding the scroll bars, disabling horizontal and/or vertical scrolling). A sample of how the scrolling could be completely disabled is attached to this item.
This usually results in a single colored rectangle instead of a gradient filled rectangle. Available in R1 2018 SP2 release version.
The ActionsManager.ExecuteUri method throws exception when tries to open relative Uri. As the exception is caught, with the current state no action is observed when interacting with such link in RadPdfViewer.
GoToPage() method is not working correctly in some cases when called in DocumentChanged event handler. The known cases are described below: 1. When RadPdfViewer and the document are loaded initially and document is set through the RadPdfViewer.Document property. Workaround: DocumentSource property could be set (in XAML or in code-behind) instead of the Document property. If the Document property is used, this should be done after RadPdfViewer is loaded. 2. When the ScaleMode is changed in DocumentChanged event handler and then GoToPage() method is called in the same event handler.
When text is exported from PDF document using the TextFormatProvider (it's also used internally for the Copy operation), it is automatically split to lines using the vertical position of the words on the page, and small tolerance. Currently the tolerance is hard-coded to 0.1 pixels, which is not suitable for documents which contains scanned and OCR-ed text, and there the text lines could be slightly inclined. The result is that words on one slightly inclined line are recognized as if they are on separate lines.
This allows specifying a soft mask in the external graphics state.
"Save As" is common functionality in most of the popular PDF Viewers. It should save the currently loaded document to a file. Workaround: Currently there is SDK demonstrating how to add such functionality: Available in R3 2017 Official Release Version.
Parsing the wrong content stream in RadPdfViewer results in handled exception and this way some of the PDF content is missing when rendering the page.
If you search in a very large file and there are no matches of the string you're searching for or the matches are very far from the start (e.g. on the 10 000th page), the search takes a lot of time. The scenario can also lead to a crash. Consider adding a progress bar showing on which page we're currently searching and implementing possibility to cancel the search.
With the current implementation, it takes seconds to decode and display JPEG with several megapixels (for example size 4000 x 2000 pixels). The memory consumption when decoding such images also needs improvements. Workaround: Custom DctDecode filter may be implemented and registered in RadPdfViewer. The attached demo shows how this may be achieved by using BitmapImage class to decode the JPEG images instead of the default RadPdfViewer's JpegDecoder.
When clicking on link annotations pointing to destinations in the document, and the "Fit one full page to window" mode is activated, the document is not scrolled exactly to the destination. The issue can be reproduced only in Single Page Presenter mode and when the Top and Left values of the passed parameter are greater than 0. The problem can also be observed by invoking directly GoToDestination method, as the problem is inside it.
The ColorSpace element is not required for images which are using JPXDecode filter.
This item is "Declined" because it is merged with another feedback item. Instead, you may follow this item:
Using this API the some may turn the busy indicator.
Some colors are changed due to incorrect import of some graphic state colors.
Currently, ICC version 2 and version 4 are not supported and these colors are rendered using alternative colorspace calculations.