A custom list applied to several paragraphs is not exported to HTML format with the required font-family and font-size. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a custom list with custom font-size and custom font-family. (different from the default). 2. Apply the list to several paragraphs. 3. Set the StylesExportMode property of the ExportSetting of the HtmlFormatProvider to StylesExportMode.Inline (fp.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Inline) 4. Export to HTML. Actual: The bullets are exported with the default font-family Verdana and the default font-size. Expected: The bullets to be exported with the custom value for the font-family and font-size.
Undoing the action could lead to InvalidCastException, NullReferenceException, and other unexpected behaviors in next interactions with the document. When the users didn't create a selection but rely on the caret position, the command creates selection on the current inline layout box internally. The selection's end position is on the range end, but it (the end) is not included in the actual selection. When the users try to undo, the range end is missing, which leads to incorrect visualization and different exceptions depending on the actions (when saving the document, when deleting the content, etc.). Workaround: In CommandExecuting, check whether the selection is empty and create one if so. If the selection's end position is on an annotation range end, move the position to the next one. Clear the selection on CommandExecuted. Code is attached.
Changing the IsEnable property of the document history should clear the undo and redo. Executing undo or redo over a document with changed structure will result in an invalid document. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add text to the RadRichTextBox. 2. Disable the document history. Expected: The undo and redo are cleared. Actual: the undo is not cleared and the MultipleUndoControl contains all changes.
As a result RadDocument instances cannot be collected by the GC.
XamlParseException is thrown when importing revision date time of track changes which is exported with different than invariant culture. Steps to reproduce: Set the current thread culture to "new CultureInfo("nb-NO")" Turn on track changes. Start the RTB and enter some text. Export to XAML. Import the previously exported XAML file. Observed result: XamlParseException is thrown when parsing the revision date time object. Available in LIB version: 2017.1.418
When the span properties are modified (e.g. a highlight color is applied), they should not affect the span properties of the text inserted after that. This applies for all span properties. Here are a part of them: - Highlight color - Foreground color - Font weight - Font family - Font style Currently, all the properties applied to the current span are inherited when the user starts typing next to it.
Implement an option for controlling how the list-style-type of a list will be exported to the HTML format.
The default indentation of the list bullets is different when shown in the RadRichTextBox and when exported to HTML and shown in a web browser. There is a screenshot attached showing how the result is rendered in a web browser.
MS Word clears the character style property of a span when a new value equal to the default value is applied. This is applicable only when the span or the parent paragraph does not have associated style which has a local property defined for the same style property.
The bookmark decoration square bracket is visualized in a previous table cell if the parent table does not have content. The visualization of the ending bracket does not affect the location in the document of the bookmark range end. Steps to reproduce: Insert an empty table 3x3. Select the entire table. Insert bookmark. Toggle the bookmarks. RadRichTextBox has a ToggleBookmarks method which will visualize or hide the bookmark surrounding square brackets. You can also check the attached screenshot.
The exception is thrown when performing undo of a section break, immediately followed by a table, and the second section is separated between more than one section layout box. Workaround: Ensure there is a paragraph between the break and the table.
We have a legacy system that generates RTF using some native RTF controls. The RTF generated by this application is compatible with MS wordpad. But seems that the RadRichTextBox is not compatible. The problem is when we use bullets. Consider we create an RTF with bullets, using legacy - * Legacy Bullet 1 * Legacy Bullet 2 * Legacy Bullet 3 Then, this is the RTF that is generated - {\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs22\par \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\ltrpar\fi-200\li200\tx360 Legacy Bullet 1\par \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\ltrpar\fi-200\li200\tx360\tx360 Legacy Bullet 2\par \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\ltrpar\fi-200\li200\tx360\tx360\tx360 Legacy Bullet 3\par \pard\ltrpar\tx360\tx360\tx360\par \f1\par } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, if we open this RTF in Wordpad, then the bullets are displayed correctly. But the bullets are not displayed when we bind the RTF to RadRichTextBox. It displays something like this - Legacy Bullet 1 Legacy Bullet 2 Legacy Bullet 3 And after binding the original RTF, if we now try to get the RTF this is how it looks like - {\rtf\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0 Verdana;}{\f1 Segoe UI;}{\f2 Arial;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0 ;;}{\*\defchp\ltrch\f0\fs24\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone}{\*\defpap\sl276\slmult1\sa180}{\stylesheet{\s0\sqformat\spriority0\ltrch\f0\fs24\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\sl276\slmult1 Normal;}{\*\ts2\tsrowd\spriority59\trbrdrt\brdrnone\trbrdrb\brdrnone\trbrdrl\brdrnone\trbrdrr\brdrnone\trbrdrh\brdrnone\trbrdrv\brdrnone\trgaph0\clpadft3\clpadt0\clpadfr3\clpadr0\clpadfl3\clpadl0\clpadfb3\clpadb0\tsvertalt\ltrch\f0\fs24\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\sl276\slmult1 Table Normal;}}\nouicompat\viewkind4\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1425\margr1425\margt1425\margb1425\deftab720\sectd\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn1425\margrsxn1425\margtsxn1425\margbsxn1425\headery720\footery720\pard\s0\ltrpar\sl240\slmult1{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}\pard\s0\ltrpar\tx360\sl240\slmult1\li200\lin200\fi-200{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone Legacy Bullet 1}{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}\pard\s0\ltrpar\tx360\sl240\slmult1\li200\lin200\fi-200{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone Legacy Bullet 2}{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}\pard\s0\ltrpar\tx360\sl240\slmult1\li200\lin200\fi-200{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone Legacy Bullet 3}{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}\pard\s0\ltrpar\tx360\sl240\slmult1{\ltrch\f1\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}\pard\s0\ltrpar\tx360\sl240\slmult1{\ltrch\f2\fs22\i0\b0\strike0\cf0\cb1\highlight1\ulc0\ulnone\par}} -Amul.
A paragraph is exported to HTML with properties from its bullet when the default document properties are customized. Here are the steps to reproduce: Change the document default font-size to 10.5 pt(14px). Change the document default font-family to "Calibri". Add two paragraphs with text. Apply a list to the paragraphs Export to HTML Import the resulted HTML. Observed: The paragraphs text is with font-family "Verdana" and font-size of 12pt Expected: The paragraphs should inherit its font properties from the document default properties. You could also check the attached Observed and expected screenshots.
Only a single tab stop on the same position should be allowed. This should be restricted in the Tabs dialog. Workaround: Create a custom TabStopsPropertiesDialog and change the behavior of the OK button through the Click event handler.
Using the ClearAll button in the Tabs dialog, the properties selected for alignment and leader of the tab stop are not reset to their default values. Workaround: Create a custom TabStopsPropertiesDialog and reset the values in the Click event handler of the Clear All button. The code for the custom dialog is attached.
TabStopsProperties dialog is non-modal dialog, but it should be modal.
Currently the API allows ClipboardHandler-s to be registered in ClipboardEx.ClipboardHandlers collection, which is used when content is pasted. We can extend ClipboardHandler with property describing whether the handler is supported for copy, paste, or copy&paste, and use the collection for copy operation as well. Workaround: Use RadRichTextBox.CommandExecuted and on copy, enhance the original data object in the clipboard: this.radRichTextBox.CommandExecuted += (sender, e) => { if (e.Command is CopyCommand) { var originalDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); DataObject dataObject = new DataObject(); foreach (string format in originalDataObject.GetFormats()) { dataObject.SetData(format, originalDataObject.GetData(format)); } dataObject.SetData("Html", new HtmlFormatProvider().Export(this.radRichTextBox.Document)); Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObject); } };
After you have inserted a new row from the context menu of the RadRichTextBox, it becomes selected and then if you want to add a new row from the context menu again, the option is disabled. You should be able to add a new row, so the insert command must be enabled.
When paragraph is in list, the user can choose "Set Numbering Value" which will change the appropriate level Starting Index and will create a new list (or continue the previous one).