A Block element that can contain a UI element like an InlineUIContainer, similar to WPF's BlockUIContainer would be a nice enhancement to the control.
In Word, for paragraphs in a list: 1. The bullet/number uses the value of the first line indent 2.1 The text on the first line is aligned according to the left indent when the left indent is smaller than the first line indent (the usual case). 2.2 If the first line indent is smaller than the left indent, the first line aligns with the rest of the text, using the value of the left indent property. 2.3 When there are tab stops, they are used for the position of the text. In RadRichTextBox, the text in the first line always aligns according to the FirstLine indent. Also, tab stops can be used to position the text after the bullet/number.
When comment is inserted in the document, keyboard focus is not moved to the comment, and when the users start typing, they actually override the comment range in the document.
The following controls are not faded out when the RadRichTextBox has its IsReadOnly property set to true : - the labels inside Options and Position RadRibbonGroups in the Headers & Footers tab; -table styles gallery; alignment of table cell (743884); When in read-only range: - Bookmark;
1. Create a hyperlink before a section break.2. Remove this hyperlink by clicking on the context menu. The fix is available in our latest official release 2014 Q3 SP1.
The table preferred width value set to Auto or in percents is ignored and is always exported with fixed value. Steps to reproduce: Create a table with two columns in RadRichTextBox. Set the table preferred width to auto. Set the table cell preferred width for both columns to 50%. Export to Docx format. Observed result: the table has preferred width as fixed value 6.62 inches. The columns have the correct width. Expected result: the table preferred width to be auto.
UpdateAllFields method causes StackOverlfowException when: - there are two TOC fields in the document with specific location (no paragraphs between the two fields) - when merge fields containing new lines ('\r\n') are updated. UpdatField method causes StackOverlfowException in the IntervalTree class when: - A TOC field is updated and the field contains field separator (<w:fldChar w:fldCharType="separate"/>) in its definition. The exception is reproducible when there are section breaks before the TOC. Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.627.
Decimal tab stops are aligning numbers to the thousands separator (,) instead of to the decimal point (.). The fix will be available in the next official release Q3 2014
Importing a document containing <pre> should interpret it as paragraph with specific (preformatted) style applied.
Include the calculation of table borders into table layout. The result should be that the borders do not affect the height and width of the row/cell.
The fix will be available in our official release Q1 2015.
Workaround: We have prepared an SDK example which demonstrates how to import .doc files in RadRichTextBox using third-party library. The sample could be found in our SDK repository in Github at the following link: https://github.com/telerik/xaml-sdk/tree/master/RichTextBox/DocFormatProviderDemo
We noticed that the RadRichTextBox for WPF is not working correctly Windows Narrator or JAWS screen readers. As a result, due to Section 508 compliance, this prevents government clients from using our software. We have tried three different computers with Windows 7 with Windows Narrator and JAWS 15.0.10026. Both Windows Narrator and JAWS speak all the controls in our application except for the RadRichTextBox. Type a few lines in the editor then up, down, left, and right arrow through the text. We do not hear the character echo when performing left and right arrow. We do not hear the entire line of text spoken when performing up and down arrow. When I try this in the RadRichTextBox control, using our test application, using JAWS, I hear the window title "Telerik Test App" when I peform an up and down arrow. Also, when I perform left and right error I hear the letter "T" which I believe is the first letter in the window title. When I try this in the RadRichTextBox control, using our text application, using Windows Narrator, I hear "up arrow" and "down arrow" when I peform an up and down arrow. Also, when I perform left and right error I hear "left arrow" and "right arrow."
Currently saving to an .rtf document with footnotes strips the footnotes and endnotes.
The following parts are with hard coded strings and cannot be localized: - Insert Caption (InsertCaptionDialog): Combo boxes for label and separator - Paragraph Properties (ParagraphPropertiesDialog): Units of spacing and indentation values (pt) - Tab Stops Properties (TabStopsPropertiesDialog): The text of the tabStopsToBeClearedTextBloc - Cross references: reference types Figure and Table - TOC and TOF: Heading and Figure, Caption labels - Document Ruler: Tooltips - FormattingColorPicker: The "No Color" string Available in R1 2018 SP2 Release Version.
RadRichTextBox.TabIndex property does not have effect. The TabIndex will remain at maximum and RadRichTextBox will be last in the tab order. Moreover, setting RadRichTextBox.IsTabStop to false also doesn't have effect. The issue is showstopper for the cases where RadRichTextBox is used along with other controls.
RadRichTextBox should have API allowing to set which user can accept or reject the changes. Currently all users can do this.