Drag and drop is not working properly for RadScheduleView WPF running inside WindowsFormsHost, in a WPF Browser Application. When you drag an appointment, it drops it in another location. The hierarchy of child controls is as follows: • WPF XAML Browser App page, containing a WinFormsHost (WPF) o WInFormsControl containing a ElementHost control (WinForms) WPFUserControl containing RadScheduleView (WPF) Please see the attached sample project that demonstrates this issue. I would like to make the whole application WPF, however the parents of the WPFUserControl are an existing application where we want to include the RadScheduleView.
The resize (splitter) controls would be used to select (get) the time space which they wrap. For example please refer the attached screenshot.
* SnapAppointments should cause appointments to snap to tick marks, as it does now. * By default, SnapAppointments should not prevent the start/end time from falling outside the visible time range. (Or at least it should consistently prevent or allow this.) * There should be another bool property that prevents/allows the start/end time to be outside the bounds of the visible time range. http://admin.telerik.com/?Context=Support&Control=%7e%2fUserControls%2fSupport%2fThreadReply.ascx&ST=425043&SM=0
Whens scrolling a group that is Freezed to remain always in View.
When double click on the right of the ViewDefinition buttons new Appointment dialog is shown
New ViewDefinition which shows an overview of a complete year. There should be a separate Calendar for each month and the days which have appointments should appear in Bold style.
Currently it is possible to set only fixed width to the GroupHeaders.
When creating an recurrent appointment on the 31st of the month Outlook gives the user a warning: "Some months have fewer than 31 days. For these months, the occurrence will fall on the last day of the month." And as the message indicates, the event occurrences would start on the last day of the month when the 31st does not exist. This will set the occurrences at the end of each month regardless of the length of the month.
I know that there is few properties which can be stored into database (start time, end time, subject). My main goal is to store priority and timemarker data also but it seems there is no way to get them. I've noticed that if time marker is added into appo
Implement a way to hide weekends from MonthView
Add ability to display arrows to the scheduleview when there are appointments outside the visible area http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/wpf/scheduleview/mark-to-see-items-out-of-visible-range.aspx
Ability to have a reverse flow of dates in TimelineView - start visible days from a later date and end up with an earlier date.
Like the EnableSmallAppointmentRendering property of the DayViewDefinition/WeekViewDefinition.
In current implementation if the Appointment starts before the DayStartTime its not possible to scroll to it using ScrollIntoView method.
Implement automatic scroll when selecting timeSlots with mouse, maybe also when dragging/resizing app.
"I need to have three edit appointment templates and according with the option selected by the user, I have to select one o the three templates. Each template has different fields and also I need to have some read fields an read/write fields."