Map: DataTemplate is not applied correctly. On second click /zoom in/zoom out the items appear. The issue is not reproducible with Visualization Layer.
InformationLayer.GetBestView(...)) method produces incorrect results when working on MapPinPoint items that are part of the information layer. Please note that this issue is not reproducible with Visualization Layer.
In the KML file , Locations are separated witch commas instead of whitespaces , for example: 34.84161774,32.11002378,0,34.8416625,32.10999705,0 The RadMap produces "Input string is in icorrect format" exception. However, other tools read the kml file successfully.
MapPath shape doesn't support data binding on the level of the MapPathFigure and MapPathSegment in WPF. This feature is implemented in the new visualization engine -Visualization layer and the bindable wrappers - PathView, PathVigureView, PathSegementView , etc.
Clusters may not be updated if users expand or collapse them while zooming animation is not finished.
Concurreny issue - exception in PathGeometryData.GetScreeenGeometry() when the geometry is updated runtime. Custom MapGeometryView which updates its GeometryData runtime. This leads to cocncurrency issue in VisualizationLayer and its shape processcing code. This leads to Exception in GetScreenGemetry() method of PathGeometryData.
Map has 2 providers initially - BingMapProvider and Custom Provider A. Runtime we remove A and add B - other custom provider. As a result - the image from bingmapprovider (world continents) is not displayed. As a workaround, users need to clear all providers and then Add BingMapProvider then add provider B.
Polyline object in VisualizationLayer is not updated if you clear its Points collection. The expected behavior is that the Polyline is not visible on the Map. As a workaround, you can remove the PolylineData directly from the Layer. this.layer.Items.Remove(polylineData);
When the custom map provider supports levels range other than 1 to 20 then it could affect to tiles downloading performance.
Width / Height of the MapEllipseView are bound to doubles from ViewModel. Runtime change to 0 does not hide / remove the Ellipse from the Map. This is a bug in the MapShapeBindableWrapper's Geometry update code. The workaround is to use the Visibility of the MapEllipseView in order to hide it. Other workaround could be using FrameworkElements (Ellipse, Polyline, Rectangle) instead of BindableWrappers (MapEllipseView, MapPolylinerView, MapRectangleView).
BirdsEye view doesn't work after trying to look at an area which does not contain birds eye imagery data Steps for reproducing: 1. Zoom into area with no birds eye view imagery data. Enable Birds eye view. Verify that no tiles are loaded. 2. Change back to Road view, navigate to an area where you know there is bird's eye view imagery. 3. Zoom into the area. Enable Bird's Eye view a second time: The tiles are not loaded.
System.InvalidOperationException is thrown in a scenario with big number of clustered items. The exception message states that "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it". It is reproducible if you zoom in and out.
The Opacity of the provider is not respected by any new map sources added at runtime To work this around you can set the Opacity of the source manually. provider.MapSources.Add(new CustomTiledSource() { Opacity = 0.5 });
InformationLayer.GetBestView(...)) method produces incorrect results when working on MapPinPoint items that are part of the information layer. Deleting this item because there is a copy of it here => Also please have in mind tha this bug is not reproducible with VisualizationLayer.
Add public GetCoercedLocationRect method to support the existing GetCoercedLocation. This is crucial in WrapAround + Virtualization scenarios because 180 longitude location is generally considered in the rande [-180;180] but Region with west-east Longitudes like [180-240] should be coerced to [-180; -120]. Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1114
When WrapAround is set to TRUE, the MapItemsRequest does not fire when you pan endlessly in one direction. Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1010
The Location.Parse() method throws FormatException when the source string is saved (using the Location's object ToString() method) and the culture of the application is set to de-DE. Note: The issue can appear with different cultures that use ',' as number decimal separator. To work this around you can save or parse the Location manually instead of using ToString() and Parse(). Available in LIB version: 2016.3.919
Add support for accessing the MapQuestTiles. via their new Static API : Since 11 July 2016, MapQuest Tiles cannot be directly accessed. To disable the MapQuest option in RadMap's OpenStreetMapProvider you can use the following code: <telerik:RadMap x:Name="radMap" > <telerik:RadMap.Provider> <telerik:OpenStreetMapProvider x:Name="provider" /> </telerik:RadMap.Provider> </telerik:RadMap> InitializeComponent(); string mapQuestCommandName = "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.OpenStreetMapQuestSource"; CommandDescription command = this.provider.Commands.Where(x => x.CommandParameter.ToString() == mapQuestCommandName).FirstOrDefault(); this.provider.Commands.Remove(command); In R3 2016 this option will be disabled by default.
Is there a way to get the map to continuously scroll without seeing the gray area? As an example, GoogleMaps, MapQuest, etc.. let you scroll left to right without getting to the "end of the world", it just continues to wrap around. I'm trying to avoid seeing the gray when I scroll too far left or right. The feature for WPF will be available with R3 2016 in September.
MapPath with RotateTransform is added in InformationLayer runtime. Map produces NullReferenceException. As a workaround you can use Visualizationlayer and PathData.