Provide out of box text wrapping in predefined dialogs. All Windows messageboxes from Win95 have this possibility. Telerik in 2018 does not have this possibility, except through additional templates and additional code. Why to buy
To resolve this remove the MinWidth setting. You can set it back when the window is restored. private double myMinWidth; private void Window_WindowStateChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var window = (RadWindow)sender; if (window.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { this.myMinWidth = window.MinWidth; window.MinWidth = 0; } else { window.MinWidth = this.myMinWidth; } }
As an example Windows 10 OS Window gets different Opacity for its Title and Buttons when Inactive (open two Window-s and make them appear one behind the other -- the one in the background of the active window is inactive). Our Office2016 and Office2016 Touch themes are inspired by Windows 10 OS as we officially stated so we might mind adding this visual appearance on our side for RadWindow.
When EventBinding is used in XAML to bind commands to events of Window or RadRibbonWindow (as it inherits Window), InvalidOperationException is thrown in design-time. Workarounds: 1. Attach an event handler directly to the events of the Window (RadRibbonWindow) 2. (more MVVM-friendly) use Behavior to attach the appropriate event handler.
The issue is reproducible when the DPI is changed at runtime(new feature introduced with Windows 10) and therefore the application is not notified for the change. In order the application to be aware of the change the user have to logout and sign in (or the application should be DPI aware).
This can be observed only when AllowTransparance is set to false.
When creating a Word plug-in project for example, after showing a RadWindow instance moving that window by dragging it causes NullReferenceException. Available in LIB version 2016.1.222, it will be also available in the 2016 Q2 Release.
The default Window control exposes an TaskbarItemInfo ( which is useful for manipulating the taskbar item of the Window instance.
Available in the 2016 Q1 SP1 Release.
If RadWindow has its Width set to a value greater that 50% of the screen and that window is snapped to the left or right, performing minimize and then restore leads to incorrect normal size . Available in LIB version 2015.3.1123, it will be also available in the 2016 Q1 release.
Available in LIB version 2015.3.1012, it will be also available in the 2015 Q3 SP.