Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 09:16 by ADMIN
Allow selecting and unselecting items on right click when the SelectionMode is Multiple/Extended.

Reason for decline: This can easily be implemented as application logc using th MouseRightButtonDown event of the RadTreeView.
Last Updated: 28 Oct 2014 14:41 by Jon
When using binding to CheckState property and TriStateMode is enabled the checking of parent (its business object) does not affect unrealized childrens' CheckState, because the bindings have greater priority than the TriState logic. Same in the other direction - checking the child has no effect over the parent.

Marking this as Declined.
TriState Mode is supported in XAML-defined or code behind defined trees with direct creation of 3Viewitems. 
In DataBound scenarios, 3-State should be created by the user with ViewModels as described in this help article.
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2014 16:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request
Programmatically reorder items with animation.

Declined. This could be implemented as application logic. The requirement is too specific to be included in the publi API of the RadTreeView.
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2014 09:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request
Expand bottom up.

Reason for deletion: 0 votes for more than 4 years. 
Users can invoke in a loop ExpandItemByPath in order to achieve expanding from bottom to top.
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2014 12:22 by ADMIN
Sometimes when using the treeview in TriStateMode I wish I could have the ability to uncheck all the children of an indeterminate parent with one click. Currently when a parent is in indeterminate mode and you click on it, it will activate it and all it's 
Reason for Decline:
This is a custom requriement and could be implemented as application logic based on this example:
Last Updated: 29 Dec 2016 14:20 by BHAGWATI
We have a RadTreeView. There is no horizontal scrollbar.
We edit a node's header to a longer string and a horizontal scrollbar appears.
If we edit again the node's header to a shorter string, the horizontal scrollbar remains even it isn't needed anymore.

There is a similar problem with the height of a RadTreeViewItem.
If we edit the RadTreeViewItem's content to become at least of two lines - the height of the item is increased, which is expected.
But if we re-edit this item's content to be on one line only - the height of the item remains larger, which is incorrect.
Please note, that this issue is observed ONLY on sub-items not on the parent nodes.

This seems not reproducible  with R3 2016 version of RadTreeView.
Please open a new support ticket with details regarding this issue if you encounter it.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 09:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
It should be possible to collapse certain items to filter them out. This should not affect the look or functionality of the 

This is already implemented => you can use the ItemVisibility property of the RadTreeView.
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2014 12:37 by GiWorking
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
When a copy of the Control Template of the RadTreeView is edited in Blend, the followin error is thrown: TargetName property cannot be set on a Style Setter.

Reason for closing: The bug is not reprodible with VS 2012, WPF 4.5 and latest official version of telerik UI for wpf.
Last Updated: 06 Apr 2016 06:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
If an item that has multiple parents is about to be edited, the PreviewEditStarted event handler is fired so many times as the number of the item's parents. In this case setting the e.Handled property to True doesn't work as expected. 

Will be available in R2 2016 Release.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 12:18 by Martin
We have a RadTreeView with "Visibility" property set to "Hidden".
We add dynamically RadTreeViewItems to the RadTreeView.
If we change the "Visibility" to "Visible" - the RadTreeView is NOT displayed.

Originally this item is logged for scenario with XBAP. Currently we are unable to reproduce such issue with WPF 4.0 and latest version of our controls.
Please open a new support thread if you encounter similar issues at your side.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:28 by Miroslav Paskov
There should be a way to exclude the partially checked items from the CheckedItems collection. 
A a property can be added to specify whether they will be included.

Edit: Please avoid using this collection because it ihas never been implemented completely in the RadTreeView. In DataBinding scenarios, you can use CheckBox in the ItemTemplate of the RadTreeView. Approach can be found here => 
CheckedItems colelction can be implemented in the ViewModels, instead of using the built-in property.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:33 by ADMIN
When a checked item is programatically removed from the RadTreeView.Items collection, it isn't removed from the CheckedItems collection.

Edit: Please avoid using this collection because it has never been implemented completely in RadTreeView. In DataBinding scenarios, you can use CheckBox in the ItemTemplate of the RadTreeView. Approach can be found here => 
CheckedItems colelction can be implemented in the ViewModels, instead of using the built-in property.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 10:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
RadTreeViewItem.RootItem returns an incorrect value (reference to itself).

The bug is logged incorrectly. The Root Item will return correct value once the containers are generated after load or dragdrop operation.

The scenario for which the bug was logged checks the root item immediately after insert operation but the containers are not yet generated.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 13:32 by ADMIN
We select a RadTreeViewItem by setting its property IsSelected to "True".
As a result, first "SelectionChanged" event is fired and second  - "Selected" event is fired.
If the selection is made "normally", by selecting an Item (with the keyboard or the mouse), the above events are fired in reversed order - first the "Selected" event and second the "SelectionChanged" evnet.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

Last Updated: 23 Jul 2015 15:18 by Miroslav Paskov
Currently the CheckedItems collection contains items with CheckState "Indeterminate". The change can be controlled somehow since the modifying the behavior now will be a breaking change.

Please avoid using this collection, it is has never been implemented completely.
In DataBound scenarios, add CheckBox in ItemTemplate like it is shown in this help article. 
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
TreeView: PreviewUnchecked doesn't stop unchecking of parent node when handled

If we have a TreeView with its "IsTriStateMode" property set to "True" and handle PreviewUnchecked event it is still possible to "uncheck" a root node.
The root node should have at least 2 successors and only one of them is checked. And the parent node is in "intermediate" (not checked/not unchecked) state. If we handle PreviewUncheck event, clicking of the parent node result in clearing (unchecking) of this node and all successors. This should not happen.
There is a sample project attached.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

In DataBound trees you can use the following approach => 
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2016 16:28 by Miroslav Paskov
Created by: Miroslav Paskov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
When BringIntoView is called while an item is expanding the BringIntoView target item may appear on the screen but be animated away from it. The TreeView will not retry to bring it into view again.

Ideally the TreeVeiw should re-focus on the last BringIntoView target if possible once the animation is complete.

Currently there are two workarounds:
- Turn off the animations while expanding if BringIntoView will be called
- Call BringIntoView for the given item once the animations has completed.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2014 11:19 by ADMIN
The TreeView should be able to figure out the Old / NewValue for its event args during editing.

Reason for deletion. In databound scenarios e.OldValue and e.NewValue refer to the same instance of the ViewModel which is expected. 

Saving the state of the ViewModels means creating an entire deep copy of the ViewModel. We believe there is no such control in the framework to save the states of its ViewModels during editing.

We have to admin, introducing public properties OldValue and NewValue of type objects for these event args is a bad design. This is a bug since these are public but we won't fix it due to the complexity (described above).
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2018 17:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 3
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
System.Windows.Media.Animation Warning is apparent during DragDrop in the TreeView in WPF. 
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2014 13:17 by ADMIN
When the IsVirtualizing property is switched on runtime (for example as a result of applied binding) the generatedContainers are not updated and potentially will not return null when a container exists.
Marking this Declined: There is no such public collection. Too old item with only a single vote (like).