I would like to know if Progress Telerik has some plan to port their WPF controls to Avalonia (avaloniaui.net).
Currently PropertyDefinitions have only one Property for DataBinding, which is very strange solution.
All these instances are DependencyObject, but at the same time they are not in the visual tree and we could not bind to a visibility or to readonly or to any other property without some starnge sorkarounds (why this was designed in this way?).
This makes these objects almost useless. becuae we cannot fully use them in an MVVM way (bindings, multiibindings, etc.)
Possible solutions:
Using RadTabbedWindow I noticed difficulty dragging maximized windows between monitors. It seems to happen in multi-monitor environments and only when dragging Left of the PrimaryScreen.
In the video I've included , the blue window is a standard window and can be maximized in one drag across any display.
The white window is RadTabbedWindow and the drag will default to the PrimaryScreen when dragged to the left-most display.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
After using Direct2D in ChartView, zoom in/zoom out/pan , finally shrink back to the original size. After many iterations, it is possible that the Scatter spline will be shifted, if don't use Direct2D or use the Net Framework,Such problems do not arise.
Please check the attachment.
Since we want to boost up the performance of the ScheduleView , we've applied the 2023_2_718 UI for WPF to enable the virtualization of the group headers with setting the property IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled="True". However we've experienced issues also with rendering for the appointments and group headers(resources) when scrolling.
In one of the screens where the schedule view is used, the group headers don't have equal sizes, for example:
The height may vary depending on the overlapping appointments for the resource which is allowed for our system.
There is a note that there might be issues and unexpected behavior when the headers have different sizes claimed here:
WPF ScheduleView - UI Virtualization - Telerik UI for WPF
In this scenario we experience multiple issues, like for example when scrolled at the bottom, and the schedule view is fully refreshed, the resources and appointments are not rendered :
until it's scrolled.
Also when scrolling, we experience a "blinking" rendering, the group headers change sizes on scrolling :
Can you please let us know if/when this is planned to be fixed.
Another issue not related to the header size differences is that some of the appointments are lost (not rendered) when the height of the schedule view is changed resulting in some of the appointments to not be visible anymore .The selection is kept on the group headers, but the appointments are not rendered.
Thank you!
I want to report a bug with text color in textbox and presumably in some other controls. When the textbox is edited, then the color is correctly black:
Telerik: Windows 11 settings textBox:
But when the textbox loses focus, it changes the color to gray, which is hard to read and looks like disabled:
Telerik: Windows 11 settings textBox:
I download the source code 'Telerik_UI_for_WPF_Source_2022_1_117' and then I want to run 'Build_WPF60.bat' [\Telerik_UI_for_WPF_Source_2022_1_117\Build\BatFiles]. An error occurs, see the attachment: 'Could not locate the assembly "Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core".' I tried it on Win 10 and Win 11 with installed VS202
Best regards
Huráb Radek
Develop a new control - Fisheye Panel.
New control request: FishEye menu.
A new Tag Cloud control similar to the WinForms and ASP.NET Ajax counterparts (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/tagcloud/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx)
i hope add char controls
like :
I have a Pie chart like this:
<telerik:RadPieChart Palette="Arctic">
<telerik:DoughnutSeries ItemsSource="{Binding GraphedStatistics, Mode=OneTime}" ValueBinding="Previous" ShowLabels="True">
<StackPanel Opacity="{Binding Value, Mode=OneWay>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DataItem.Name}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Foreground="{StaticResource textBlockForeground}"/>
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Foreground="{StaticResource textBlockForeground}">
<Run Text="{Binding Value, Mode=OneWay, StringFormat=' {0:#}'}"/>
<Run Text="{Binding Percent, Mode=OneWay, StringFormat=' ({0:#}%)'}"/>
If I generate a pie or doughnut chart the Percent is not updated when I update a value in the bound data source (GraphedStatistics). Note: I am updating the observable collection not replacing it. The graph is redrawn correctly and Value updates correctly.
The version is (not in the options below)
Updated (See that 'Monaco' is the same percentage as before the update, Value is correct and the UI Graph is correct but the segment is clearly not 26%)
When I do the following:
and I assign this style to my dynamically created columns from a behavior attached to the RadGridView, the style of the tooltip is the same as the style of the header.
They seem to share the same style, so that when I change one property on the header, the tooltip gets the same, and vice-versa.
Do you repro? I'm on version 2020.3.1020.45.
Add a new Captcha control
Right now, it is not easy to disable styles for standard controls like Button.
Especially when using NoXaml.
You have to create an Empty style on Application level for the control to "rewind" its style.
I do believe this kind of style drags down performance of controls when unloading, since it causes StyleChanged events.
Some explanation about performance (how things work to my understanding). Might be BS, but I spend a few hours debugging through .net code to get this idea:
Issue is, that when control is unloaded, its not part of the logical / visual tree of the application anymore, so it falls back to styles defined on assembly level.
e.g. Themes/Generic.xaml. So the empty styles defined on Application level do not count anymore, but the ones you defined in your theme.
This can be observed on RadTabbedWindow. When unloading pages (like switching between them), controls fall back to the styles defined in the theme from Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation, because they are still children of that page.
You can observe this behaviour if you set a Breakpoint in FrameworkElement.OnStyleChanged before unloading a control tree.
If you'd remove the System.Windows.xaml from your theme-dictionaries so that one can decide to merge those styles or not, that would be great.
I've just updated Telerik and are now getting this compile time error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0047 The specified value cannot be assigned. The following type was expected: "IFilteringControl". Modelkatalog.Client C:\develop\data-tool-modelkatalog\Modelkatalog.Client\Controls\List\CarVariantsList.xaml 1
I'm getting this error from 2 XAML documents that both implement a custom Fitler for the RadGridView
I didn't get this error before, and I'm still able to compile and run the project - which kind of defeat the purpose of [Severity: Error]