I have a diagram with about 45 custom image objects contained within it. When I export the diagram to a png using RadDiagram.Export("PNG") there are 3 images that are not rendered in the image.
When new product features are released it would be useful to show a short introduction for users. View introjs.com to see a similar solution for web development
Hi support, I've mixed RibbonWindow Sample and Prism with ReagionManager and RadDocking in this sample. When I try to dock a derived RadPane (e.g. OutputView or others) in center of the compass menu the derived RadPane Header is not shown as a tab in the split container. Only pure RadPane instances (c.f. "_regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("DockingRegion", typeof(RadPane)); " in FileServicesModule class will dock in correct manner.
Should be simple, but it just doesn't show I have the latest version of telerik
CartesianCustomLineAnnotation should allow for rendering options (2D, Bitmap, default) to allow for a consistent visual appearance.
When using Two-way binding and the RadListBoxSelectedItemsBehavior for RadListBox's SelectedItems, the items are not re-added to the Visual Tree after the theme is changed at runtime.
when only one data ,the Chart3D Bar drawing will exceed the floor,looking the attachments pls.
I know the Transitioncontrol have the MotionBlurredZoomTransition, the effect is better for image ,but not UI content,especially when the UI use the simple color,the MotionBlurredZoomTransition effect is weak,I find the RadCalendar control with the cool zoom animation,How to realize? the other question:How to realize the book turning animation with the Transitioncontrol ?
with windows10/2k DPI/14 inch screen ,when show the gridview gridline,the line is different. the other things,when the tabitem is selected,the dropdownmenu can't mark the selected item. look the attach files!
Basing on the "{StaticResource FilterControlStyle}" would cause an InvalidArgumentException, if the types would mismatch. If you are to base on a custom style on the default style of either of those controls, you can do it by type reference - e.g. BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type telerik:FilteringControl}}"
I want to have opportunity to disable RadExpander header because I want to programmatically expand or collapse RadExpander control.
You have, for example rectangle which is in ContentControl in XAML, next to FluidC.C. FluidContentControl is in small state. Ona button click SmallContent is assigned to the Rectangle. This leads to the exception stated that rectangle is already a logical child of another element.
User can set AutoCalculateBounds to True by the following way: public class CustomClusterGenerator : DefaultClusterGenerator { public override ClusterData CreateCluster(Location center, object item) { var clusterData = base.CreateCluster(center, item); clusterData.AutoCalculateBounds = true; return clusterData; } } this.VisualizationLayer1.ClusterGenerator = new CustomClusterGenerator(); When clustering 4 points: ObservableCollection<DataItem> items = new ObservableCollection<DataItem>() { new DataItem() {MapLocation = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.Location(20, 30) }, new DataItem() {MapLocation = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.Location(20, 34) }, new DataItem() {MapLocation = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.Location(22, 32) }, new DataItem() {MapLocation = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.Location(18, 32) }, }; this.VisualizationLayer1.ItemsSource = items; EXPECTED: ClusterData's Bounds must be: WEST: 30 and EAST: 34. Actual Values are 30 and 30 (29.9999 and 30).
looking the attach file,when resize the second gridview's column moving back and forth when at first run the sample,the after columns flicker and the width grow and lessen.and when resize the third column,the 'unit price' column will become the min width. but when test the microsoft's datagrid,it is good,the any other column width's change is gentle.
Hello, I am using DateTimePicker with JAWS. Here are the issue I ran into: 1. JAWS reads out watermark 3 times 2. JAWS reads out date and time where there is only date populate and dateformat is set for shortdate. For example, date is "04/12/2018". JAWS reads "04/12/2018 00:00:00" 3. Once the date is populated and date field got focus, it will read out date and time at least 2 times. I work on project that required it to compliance with government section 508. This issue will not allow me to use Telerik's datepicker. Please fix this.
look the attach file.
When both horizontal and vertical ScrollBars are visible in Fluent theme, the "BottomHandle" RepeatButton cannot be pressed as it is overlapped by the horizontal ScrollBar on MouseOver. Default behavior will be changed and the scrollbars will be reordered in the ScrollViewer ControlTemplate so on MouseOver the current ScrollBar will have higher Canvas.ZIndex.