var layer = ((NormalWorksheetEditorPresenter)radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor.ActivePresenter).UILayers.GetByName(WorksheetPredefinedUILayers.CellInput);
CellInputUILayer cellInputUILayer = (CellInputUILayer)layer;
Customers are reporting an issue when trying to copy content in an application hosted on a remote machine (there are reports using TigerVNC and Citrix). The exception is thrown from the Clipboard class with a message: OpenClipboard failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN)) It seems like such a behavior could be reproduced when the clipboard is already opened by another application. Here is a discussion on the matter:
Add support for formats which can present numbers with non-arabic numerals, for example: - Bengali - [$-bn-IN,500]0 - Devanagari - [$-hi-IN,400]0 - East Arabic - [$-ar-SA,200]0 - Persian - [$-ar-SA,300]0 - Gujarati - [$-gu-IN,700]0 - Kannada - [$-kn-IN,B00]0 - Khmer - [$-et-EE,1200]0 - Lao - [$-lo-LA,E00]0 - Malayalam - [$-ml-IN,C00]0 - Mongolian - [$-mn-MN,1300]0 - Burmese - [$-my-MM,1000]0 - Oriya - [$-or-IN,800]0 - Tamil - [$-ta-IN,900]0 - Telugu - [$-te-IN,A00]0 - Thai - [$-th-TH,D00]0 - Tibetan - [$-bo-CN,F00]0
Add support for visualizing and editing charts.
Xlsx documents with a global filter defined cannot be imported. Message box "The name that you entered is not valid." is shown and internally SpreadsheetNameException is thrown. MS Excel can import such document and even preserve the filter, but do not respect it and doesn't have UI to clear it. Workaround 1 (includes processing the document with MS Excel): - Open the document in MS Excel - Choose Formulas -> Defined names -> Named Manager - Choose Filter -> Names with errors - Find all Filter defined names and delete them - Save the document
RadSpreadsheet should respect negative time values as MS Excel does it.