To reproduce: 1. Open DemoApplication => Dock => Tabbed Document example 2. Click Launch Example button 3. Pop up with script error is shown
The screentip is not position correctly when the item is on the left part of the screen.
1. Run the Demo Application 2. Click the "Dock" item on the left list 3. Click "Programming" tile then lunch the example 4. Drag and drop the Tool Window 1 and/or Tool Window 2 to the document window 1 area to set Tool Window 1 and/or Tool Window 2 as tabbed document 5. Then you can only click and select Tool Window 1 and/or Tool Window 2, but you can't click and select document window 1 Resolution: In the Dock => Programming example is added code which prevent selection: private void radDock1_ActiveWindowChanging(object sender, DockWindowCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = e.NewWindow is DocumentWindow; } We modified the example to log information when select different windows.
To reproduce: Add a RadGridView with some data and group it. Start the application Create a CodedUI project and a new test. The CodedUI Test Builder will apper. Click the arrow button and try to select a child row in the group rows. You will see that the group row can be selected, but not a child.
To reproduce: Add a RadShortcut to a RadMenuItem which is in a context menu: RadContextMenu m = new RadContextMenu(); RadGridView grid = new RadGridView { Parent = this, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; RadContextMenuManager mm = new RadContextMenuManager(); mm.SetRadContextMenu(grid, m); RadMenuItem rtsmNew = new RadMenuItem("New"); rtsmNew.Click += rtsmNew_Click; RadShortcut rs = new RadShortcut(Keys.None, Keys.F2); rtsmNew.Shortcuts.Add(rs); rtsmNew.HintText = rs.GetDisplayText(); m.Items.Add(rtsmNew); .. private void rtsmNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new Form().ShowDialog(); } Workaround: Check whether the context menu is visible before showing the form: private void rtsmNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadMenuItem item = sender as RadMenuItem; if (item.ElementTree.Control.Visible) { (item.ElementTree.Control as RadContextMenuDropDown).ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.CloseCalled); new Form().ShowDialog(); } }
To reproduce: Set your theme to Windows8: ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName = new Windows8Theme().ThemeName; Add a RadTextBox and RadMaskedEditBox: RadTextBox textBox = new RadTextBox { Parent = this, Dock = DockStyle.Top, Text = "TextBox" }; RadMaskedEditBox maskedEditBox = new RadMaskedEditBox { Parent = this, Dock = DockStyle.Top, Text = "MaskedEditBox" }; RadDateTimePicker dateTimePicker = new RadDateTimePicker { Parent = this, Dock = DockStyle.Top, Text = "DateTimePicker" }; You can also set their Enabled property to false prior running the form. Run the form and you will see that their background is black. Workaround: For the RadTextBox, set the BackColor of the RootElement to white: textBox.RootElement.BackColor = Color.White; For the RadMaskedEditBox, set the BackColor of the TextBoxItem to white: maskedEditBox.MaskedEditBoxElement.TextBoxItem.BackColor = Color.White; For the RadDateTimePicker, set the BackColor of the TextBoxItem to white as follows: dateTimePicker.DateTimePickerElement.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.BackColor = Color.White;
To reproduce: On RadGridView's ToolTipTextNeeded event use the following code: void Grid_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { e.ToolTipText = "Sample ToolTip Text"; e.ToolTip.IsBalloon = true; } You will see that the Tooltip will be displayed too much below the mouse cursor Workaround: Add offset to the position of the ToolTip so that it is displayed at the cursor's position: void Grid_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { e.ToolTipText = "Sample ToolTip Text"; e.ToolTip.IsBalloon = true; e.Offset = new Size(e.Offset.Width, e.Offset.Height -30); }
To reproduce: Add a Panel to a Form. Add a RadCheckBox to the same panel and set the Anchor to Top and Right. You will see that the RadCheckBox will move to the left. Continue adding controls and watch the RadCheckBox move. This is also reproducible with RadRadionButton Workaround: Set the AutoSize Property to false.
To reproduce: Add a RadListView with some items. Set the theme to Office2013Dark/Light, select one item, hold shift and select another item. You will notice that only the current item appears selected. Workaround: Use the attached theme files. Load them as follows: ThemeResolutionService.LoadPackageFile(@"PathToTheme"); ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName = "Office2013Light";
To reproduce: Set an image to the ImagePrimitive of the RadButtonElement of RadButton. Also set the ImageLayout property to Stretch, Zoom or anything else. You will see that this property has no effect. Workaround: Use LightVisualElement. This is how it can be used as control: [ToolboxItem(true)] public class RadLightVisualButton : RadControl { private RadLightVisualButtonElement buttonElement; public RadLightVisualButtonElement ButtonElement { get { return buttonElement; } } protected override void CreateChildItems(RadElement parent) { base.CreateChildItems(parent); this.buttonElement = new RadLightVisualButtonElement(); parent.Children.Add(this.buttonElement); } } public class RadLightVisualButtonElement : LightVisualElement { protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(LightVisualElement); } } }
ColumnChooserItems are transparent and the ColumnChooserControl.ColumnChooserElement.Text overlaps with them
To reproduce: 1. Add two RadButton controls and use the following code: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radButton1.Font = new Font("Verdana",8.25f, GraphicsUnit.Point); this.radButton1.Enabled = false; this.radButton1.ButtonElement.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; this.radButton2.Font = new Font("Segoe UI",8.25f, GraphicsUnit.Point); this.radButton2.ButtonElement.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; this.radButton2.Enabled = false; } 2. If you zoom enough to investigate the exact text rendering, you will notice that the first button does not take into consideration the TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias. Resolution: Add the DisabledTextRenderingHint property which allow users to specify a text rendering hint that will be used in disabled states
To reproduce: Add a RadTreeView (or any other control with tooltips) and enable the tooltips. Set the ToolTipText to be long and move the form to the end of the screen. Hover over an element to show a tooltip, you will see that the Tooltip is cut off. Workaround: Move the ToolTip manually: void TreeView_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { e.ToolTipText = "SOMEEEEE LOOOOONNGGGG TOOOOLLTIIIPPP TTTEEEXXXTTT"; Size screenSize = new Size(Screen.AllScreens[Screen.AllScreens.Length - 1].Bounds.Width * Screen.AllScreens.Length, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); Size textSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(e.ToolTipText, new Font("Courier New", 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold)); Point mousePoint = MousePosition; Point toBeDisplayedTooltipLocation = new Point(mousePoint.X + textSize.Width, mousePoint.Y); if (toBeDisplayedTooltipLocation.X >= screenSize.Width) { e.Offset = new Size(screenSize.Width - toBeDisplayedTooltipLocation.X, 0); } }
To reproduce: Add an mdi child to a form: this.IsMdiContainer = true; new Form { MdiParent = this }.Show(); ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName = new VisualStudio2012DarkTheme().ThemeName; Start the application and maximize the child form. You will see that there is no status bar for the child form. The same behavior occurs with the VisualStudio2012LightTheme. Workaround: You need to set images to the buttons in the title bar: this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.MinimizeButton.Image = this.FormElement.TitleBar.MinimizeButton.Image; this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.MaximizeButton.Image = this.FormElement.TitleBar.MaximizeButton.Image; this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.CloseButton.Image = this.FormElement.TitleBar.CloseButton.Image; this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.MinimizeButton.ShowBorder = this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.MaximizeButton.ShowBorder = this.FormElement.MdiControlStrip.CloseButton.ShowBorder = false;
As the world of data visualization changes and the demands for features to the end-users allowing them to use visualisation methods such as dashboards and pivots allowing them to slice and dice runtime. Are there anything in the telerik roadmap which allows for this kind of product component? I see that competitors such as ComponentOne has Active analytics and Devexpress has dashboraddesigner and dashboardviwer as components in their toolbox. If anyone else are seeking the same oppertunity in the Telerik toolbox please feel free to comment. Thanks for providing great tools for the developers of the world.
To reproduce: - Add RadListView with some columns to a blank form. - Set the theme to Office2013Light. Workaround: - Open the theme in VSB. - Change the RadListView display mode to DetailsView (right click it and select DetailsView mode) - Expand up to DetailListViewHeaderCellElement - Add all sort states and set the arrow primitive element Visible property to visible for them.
VisualStudio2012Light - the Icon of RadForm and RadRibbonForm has incorrect alignment.