Add vertical scroll bar to the month cell
Scheduler's DayViewElement is shifted down when dragging appointment. This only happens when DayCount = 1.
Add CellFormatting event for the scheduler cells. (Similar to the CellFormatting event of the RadGridView)
When the resources per view are more then 14 then the header row in the timeline view is overlapped by the cells.
Add half hour time scale in the timeline view
Add functionality to scroll grouped view to given resource
Add an event which notifies the user when the data loading pocess is finished
Allow customizations of the height of RadSchedulers header in timeline view.
Add functionality to customize timeline view header height
Settings properties in Appointments/Resource Mapping dialogs to None, does not affect design time
Wrong calculated scroll bar in the timeline view.
AppointmentMouseDown is not raised in Timeline view
Wrong layout behavior when the datasource is changed
Functionality to add an exception to the first date of an appointment
Add functionality for localization of the error provider in EditAppointmentDialog
Wrong layout behavior when you create neighborhood appointments.
Add functionality to customize statuses and backgrounds.
AppointmentFormatting event is not fired when RadScheduler is in TimelineView.
Possibility to group all appointments by their assigned resources in TimelineView