There should be a TextAlign property at RadMaskedEditBox contorl level
It will be nice if there is a TextAlign property at control level for RadMaskedEditBox.
The RadDateTimePicker editor does not allow to edit milliseconds if appropriate format string is applied.
The TextChanged event of RadDateTimePicker is not fired
Place a RadTextBox on a form and set its anchor to Left, Top, Right. Show the form in a maximized mode. You will notice that the RadTextBox is longer than it should be. The workaround concerns setting the AutoSize property of RadTextBox to false.
One should be able to pick and type only the time portion of a datetime value.
Extend the functionality of the RadMaskedEditBox to support continuous user input, i.e. no navigation keys are required to move the cursor between the separate editable parts of the current mask.
TabStop property cannot be changed and saved in design time - it is not serialized.
RadMaskedEditBox should be able to handle dynamic masks. The core of this feature is the ability to have a value for the number of allowed characters on one hand and a value for the number of maximum characters on the other hand.
RadTextBox does not serialize its Size if it has been added into FlowLayoutPanel, and in run time it has incorrect size.
One should be able to change the color of the RadTextBox text when it is disabled.
You can't cancel the TextChanging event of RadTextBoxElement by setting e.Cancel to true.
You can't set the focus to the hosted textbox control in RadTextBox by calling Select or Focus on the control.
Wrong formatted date time when the Custom format is set to ddMMyyyy.
If the null date of RadDateTimePicker is current date, you cannot set its value to the same date.
Hide or disable the dates that are not pick-able (for example greater than max date) in drop-down calendar.
KeyPress, KeyDown etc. events are not firing.
A possibility to specify the default time (to be different from 00:00) when choosing date value from the drop-down calendar.
When the Anchor of RadTextBox is set to (Left, Top, Right) and Multiline is true, the Height of RadTextBox becomes equal to 0. This is valid only for Windows XP.
RadDateTimePicker should be able to parse custom predefined strings coverting them to a valid datetime value. The feature should be similar to the feature of the Telerik Extentions for ASP.NET MVC: