SetToNullValue() does not show NullText when ShowUpDown is true
It seems that there are differences between Windows XP Korean and the English distributions which cause the OK and Cancel buttons of RadColorDialog to become hidden from view. RadColorDialog should be optimized to support both Windows distributions.
RadColorDialog does not work when assemblies has been merged, because RadColorEditor's CreateColorSelectorInstance method has hardcoded search for Telerik.WinControls.UI.dll assembly.
ADD. RadDateTimePicker - add support for nullable types
RadMaskEditBox - When MaskType is Numeric and Mask is currency ("C") pasting a value (9.99) results in 09.99.00
When MaskType is Numeric and Mask is currency ("C") selecting the last two digits and trying to enter value for them results in moving the caret at the end of the last digit right after entering the first number.
RadMaskEditBox does not apply the mask when the value is pasted from context menu. Same works when the value is pasted with Ctrl+V.
RadMarkupDialog should provide the possibility to be localized by a localization providers.
FIX. RadDateTimePicker - when the NullDate is set for example to DateTime.Now and you clear the value with SetToNullText, then you can not type the value for the current month.
RadDateTimePicker - allow entering date, month and year without using space key to navigate between the date, month and the year, just like in RadMaskedEditBox
RadDateTimePicker memory leak, when calendar popup is opened more than once.
This behavior appears when the MaskType property if set to Numeric.
Add a functionality that allows the user to disable the spin editor like behavior when the MaskType is setting to Numeric.
If you try to set MaskedEditBoxElement.BackColor to Control, the BackColor of the TextBoxItem will not be changed. However, if you set the BackColor of the MaskedEditBoxElement to Red, the color of the TextBoxItem will be changed as expected.
Click the scroll bar in the Color Dialog web page closes the dialog.
When: RadDateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom RadDateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = "hh:mm tt" and you delete the value (with delete key), then you can not set the time back to 12:00 AM by using arrow keys.
Currently, you cannot enter the date in RadDateTimePicker by typing it in the textbox area.
When RadDateTimePicker value is set to null then you are not able to enter in the control, a date which is less than the NullValue date.
A nice addition to our RadTextBox will be the ability to add an autocomplete mode supporting multiple choinces, just like in the "To" textbox in Outlook.
A nice add-on to the control would be having Get/SetTextField methods, allowing for complete customization of each masked field.