The issue appears when the ViewDefinition of the control is ColumnGroupsViewDefinition, summary rows are added and grouping is performed.
The issue appears when you perform the following steps in TableElement's Begin/EndUpdate batch operation: 1. Set RadGridView DataSource. 2. Execute the BestFitColumns() method of the control. 3. Set AutoSizeColumnsMode of RadGridView to GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill.
Sorting of RadGridView slows down its performance when the control is used in self-reference hierarchy mode.
The issue appears when the RadGridView control has several columns, some of the have fixed size (equal MinWidth and MaxWidth) and AutoSizeColumnsMode is Fill. The size of the not-fixed columns is calculated differently with each rebinding of the control.
The GroupSummaryEvaluate event is used to format the HeaderText and accessing this property in the event leads to application hanging.
The issue appears when the form with the control inherits from a base form with added controls in it. The base form is a RadForm.
Add the hyperlink cell's row and column to the HyperlinkOpening event arguments.
Add option for alphabetical order of the columns in the "Rule applies on:" drop down list.
GridSpinEditor should round its value on end edit considering the number of decimal places.
You should be able to bind GridViewColorColumn to a text column.
Provide calculation of the 'Ceiling' function in a column expression: column.Expression = "Ceiling(ColumnName)";
Replacing the RadTextBoxItem with RadTextBoxElement in the RadGridView editor will provide richer theming capabilities.
The HeaderText of the RadGridView column should be set to the caption of the DataTable column Caption when it is provided.
The property will have higher priority than the theme and will be more convenient for using than the ViewCellFormatting event.
Provide options for customization of the columns RadComboBox items. Added new event in the RadGridView control ConditionalFormattingFormShown fired when the conditionalformattingform is shown. Added new customization options to ConditionalFormattingForm dialog: property: SelectFromVisibleColumnsOnly - filter the column selector to display only visible columns in RadGridView property: ColumnDisplayStyle - display Name or HeaderText or both in column selector Example: using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Telerik.WinControls.UI; namespace Lab.Grid { public partial class GridConditionalFormattingForm : Form { private RadGridView gridView = new RadGridView(); public GridConditionalFormattingForm() { InitializeComponent(); gridView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; gridView.Parent = this; gridView.MultiSelect = true; gridView.ConditionalFormattingFormShown += gridView_ConditionalFormattingFormShown; } void gridView_ConditionalFormattingFormShown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ConditionalFormattingForm form = sender as ConditionalFormattingForm; form.ColumnDisplayStyle = ColumnDisplayStyle.Name | ColumnDisplayStyle.HeaderText; form.SelectFromVisibleColumnsOnly = true; } protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Columns.Add("ID"); data.Columns.Add("Name"); data.Columns.Add("Test3"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name1", "Test1"); data.Rows.Add(2, "Name2", "Test2"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name3", "Test3"); data.Rows.Add(4, "Name4", "Test4"); data.Rows.Add(1, "Name5", "Test5"); gridView.DataSource = data; gridView.Columns[2].IsVisible = false; gridView.Columns[2].HeaderText = "AlaBala"; ConditionalFormattingObject format = new ConditionalFormattingObject("MyCondition", ConditionTypes.Equal, "1", "", true); format.CellBackColor = Color.Red; format.ApplyOnSelectedRows = false; gridView.Columns[0].HeaderText = "FirstName"; gridView.Columns[0].ConditionalFormattingObjectList.Add(format); } } }
The vertical scrollbar of RadGridView is not correctly calculated in a scenario with AutoSizeRows and added rows to the control using the Rows.NewRow() method.
The issue appears when the current column of the control is changed programmatically in a way that the RadGridView's horizontal scrollbar value needs to be positioned between its minimum and maximum value.
If two conditional formatting objects apply to the same cell and the cell meets both conditions, the settings from both of them should apply to the cell (if they do not apply to the same property).
The group summary rows are not updated correctly when a data row is moved from one group to another.
The RadGridView scrollbars do not behave correctly when the Clear method of the Rows collection is called and new rows are added immediately after that.